

Hellebores, a cash-strapped college student is drawn into the dark and dangerous world of the criminal underworld after getting involved with one of the cold and calculating criminals in the business who soon makes her one of his hired hands. She is drawn into his orbit and finds herself unable to resist his alluring promises of wealth and easy money. She'll face death and danger. She must walk a tightrope between danger and success, testing her nerves and her skills to the utmost just to make it through.

yannydelutrulu · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 9


"Warmth against the winter cold is a true gift, a precious and much-needed commodity. When the icy fingers of the chilliest winter grasp at your heart, only the gentle embrace of warmth can provide respite and comfort."

I always forget where I heard most of the quotes that just pop up in my mind. I must have read a lot of books. Makes me dramatic.

After the intense ordeal of fighting for my life, I feel hot and flushed from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I take a moment to catch my breath and wipe the sweat off my forehead, trying to settle my nerves and regain my composure.

After a short breather, I started to move away from the scene of the fight and toward the elevator. I can feel my senses are still heightened from the fighting. I step into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, remaining calm and composed on the outside despite the pounding of my heart and the adrenaline still rushing through my veins.

I keep my body language neutral and unobstructive, trying to act like I'm going about my usual business while waiting impatiently for the doors to open.


I am thinking about my next objective - finding that damn boss.

My mind is flooded with questions. Who is the boss? What does he look like? Where is he located? How can I find him?

Ah, fuck.

I should have asked those assholes before smacking the shit out of them. This is my everyday problem. I act before I think.

The elevator comes to a graceful stop at the destination floor, and the doors open. I step out into the unfamiliar area.

Feeling on edge and anxious.

I'm keeping my senses sharp and my eyes peeled, looking closely at everything around me. I'm trying to take in as much detail as possible, trying to find any potential leads or clues.

I observed the interior, which seemed like a traditional Japanese place. The floors are tatami mats, with wooden furniture and decor, a few chairs and tables arranged around the room, with a few potted plants here and there. The atmosphere is peaceful and calming with traditional Japanese music playing softly in the background.

The overall atmosphere is relaxing and inviting, a far cry from the violent, chaotic environment outside. I am taking in the calm and serenity of the interior, trying to settle my nerves and regain my composure.

I keep walking and what catches my attention the most are the paintings. There are several paintings of Japanese landscapes, depicting mountains, waterfalls, cherry blossoms, and other iconic imagery of Japan.

The paintings are done in a traditional ukiyo-e style, featuring vivid colors and intricate details, perfectly capturing the essence of Japanese beauty. The paintings are both aesthetically pleasing and peacefully tranquil.

Hm... They're so pretty.

I feel drawn to them, admiring the sheer artistry of the works and the way the artist captured the essence of the subjects.

Despite the dangerous situation, I hum a little tune to myself and walk around like a tourist in the place under the dim lights. I admire the paintings and taking in the atmosphere, but deep down, I am also on high alert, being hyper-vigilant for anything out of the ordinary.

It's fucking crazy, but getting overwhelmed by fear does nothing better.

While exploring the place, I find myself wanting to try my hand at imitating the calming and serene poses that the subjects of the paintings are in. I'm trying to match their poses and expressions, imagining what kind of stories they might have to tell.

This momentary diversion also allows me to take my mind off the danger that I'm in, and just enjoy the art and appreciate its beauty.

So I start to pose like the people in the paintings, like a lunatic escapee fresh out of a mental hospital. I see one of the characters in the painting sitting on a couch, and I pretend to sit on it too, striking a pose and trying to match the character's expression and pose there and there.

I keep exploring the upper floors, wandering through the spacious corridors and observing the traditional Japanese decor and architecture.

Along the way, I came across a floor filled with sculpted statues. The statues are highly detailed and well-made, each one displaying a serene and tranquil expression. Their expressions reflect the peaceful atmosphere of the place, and I find that they are truly breathtaking and exquisite.

I wanted to take a closer look, but they're all so tall, and I couldn't get a closer look at their expressions. So I grabbed a stool nearby and stepped on it to get a good look at the small details on their faces and what emotions they show. Despite their stoicism, the statues have a breathtaking beauty to them.

Their forms are elegant and graceful, their details precise and finely crafted. In every line, every curve, and every feature, the beauty of the statues shines through the dim lights in vivid clarity.

Each one has been flawlessly carved from white marble, the details and lines precisely cut with such care and precision. The textures of the marble are subtly varied, with some areas having a smoother surface, while others have a more subtle grain. The statues are also coated in an elegant and lustrous sheen, bringing out all the details and making the marble glisten and reflect the dim lights.

They are so meticulously crafted and lifelike, capturing such powerful emotions and dramatic expressions.

Inspired by their striking and dramatic forms, swirling and turning my body around the stool, making graceful and poised movements like the statues I'm mimicking. I become immersed in the swirling motion, losing myself in the art and letting my imagination run loose, moving like a dancer and creating graceful, fluid, and elegant poses.

I feel a sense of freedom and ease as I let my body flow like statues, becoming more immersed in the experience.

It's fun, and they are all so pretty...

After taking my time messing around, I continue exploring the other floors until I reach a floor where the place is gathered by men in black suits.

I get a sudden chill of fear when I notice the surrounding atmosphere has changed drastically. There is a different sense of danger and foreboding in the air, and the people who seem to flock to the area have more of a menacing vibe. Their faces are covered in scars and tattoos, their body language and stance full of menace and violence.

They are standing around, some smoking and talking casually, others looking serious and alert. I pause and study the layout and the men before deciding on my next course of action.

I sighed.

Breath in...

Breath out...

Fuck it. I'm winging this shit.

I take slow, deliberate steps closer, my feet hitting the floor just loud enough to be heard approaching. As I kept walking forward, my heart was beating fast in my chest. But I had it covered by keeping my composure and maintaining a calm and neutral expression, taking in everything around me as I was approaching closer to the center.

The men clad in black suits noticed me. Their facial expressions change and their attitudes turn aggressive. There is an instant shift in the atmosphere, the air thick with tension and impending danger. The men stare at me with cold, malevolent eyes, their gazes full of threat and menace, like they are sizing me up.

"My apologies if I have disturbed your gathering, gentlemen," I said in a mock polite and innocent tone, feigning politeness and sweetness.

I take steps closer toward the center, where a table is set. I take a seat at the table across from the man who exudes a superior air and has his face shrouded in darkness. The dim lights of the room are only shining on his torso, concealing his facial features.

I sit up straight and face him with my mocking tone and innocent expression, but my eyes are focused and alert as I assess his body language and manner.

"Am I late for the tea party?" I ask, my words dripping with the essence of a mocking challenge, though my expression and tone carry a false innocence and sweetness.

My mocking tone catches the men off guard and their egos are pricked. They shift uncomfortably and exchange glances, their attitudes slightly dampened by the sudden turn in my demeanor, but they quickly rally back to their superior and menacing auras, their facial expressions hardening and their stares intense.

They stare me down, challenging me with their gazes to say more.

I say...

Expensive assholes.

"You are late," The man exuding a superior aura speaks in a cold tone. "Business requires punctuality, no excuses. So, to business..."

"I want you silenced... permanently."