
1 The Genesis

"There was a King. My King. Our King. The King of all creation. He had the ultimate power. He ruled over the universe, he ruled over the world and most especially mankind. There was and is none above Him, none equal to Him and none who can dare Him, except the foolish ones."

" His Kingdom, which is where I reside, is called Paradise. Only those who obey Him, following His will could dwell here in His Kingdom. My name is Eden. Let me tell you a secrete story that is known but incomprehensible. "

There is a world that you know. It's your world; Earth. I'm sure you don't even know the details of her beginning or perhaps you have a shady conclusion about her. I can't tell you all but if you pay close attention, you discover the mystery yourself.

One thing you must note is that in my world, the time here is way different from yours. In simpler terms, we don't work with time because we are outside time.

Think of it like this. Imagine you have a small box with you. Now, picture a soldier ant in it. Of course, we all know that to the ant, it would need a reasonable amount of time to move from one end of the box to the other. But you on the other hand can use your finger to reach different places of the box almost at the same once. In summary, the difference between you and the ant is that you can see the ant's world and choose to visit any part of it when and how you want.

If you bring the information back to the beginning of what I said, you would be representing us in our world, the ant would be representing your kind,

and the box would be representing your time. We can go into the past, present and future because we are outside time.

Another thing you must know is that everything that happens in your world is not a surprise to us. It doesn't matter how grave or merry or lucky the situation is. Whether you won a big lottery or you failed in a game or you lost someone. You know why? It's because whatever happens in your world first happened in ours. Your world is almost an exact replica of ours. The difference is time, and we being something more than the ordinary.

Your world is colorful and rosy, full of the wonders and dangers of mother nature. But that's not what I'm here to talk about except the fact that your world is coming to an end because the evil ones have provoked my King. The timer is now counting down.

Many would not believe which is expected, and while some may ponder on the idea. Let me tell you a reason why I'm sounding the alarm.

Not too long ago, the wrath of my King was provoked. His anger wasn't towards us in Paradise but to all mankind because of one ancient reason.


In your world there are different categories or degrees of sin. Some don't even know what it is at all. While many don't even know it's true definition, trying to add and remove it's t's and i's to change it's meaning. But it doesn't change it's true name.


It's pleasurable and dangerous. Few who claim to care about their loved ones talk about the danger part.

Every category of it leads to the water fall whose end is with the spiky rocks at the bottom.

There's always time to turn the boat around, but not when your at the edge.

My King ordered for the legion to have your world Earth exterminated because the evil ones were shedding the blood of the innocent and it grieves Him.

But he held his wrath, for the end of time.

And the end is here.



A voice thundered in a hall like a sea of glass made of crystal. At it's end was a golden magnificent throne, adorned with priceless gems, glimmering with such a light that you couldn't see who was seated.

At the four corners of the throne were four elders. At the walls of the wide and narrow hall of glass each were ten elders.

A few meters before the thrown were two guarding creatures and before the creatures. A few steps before the creatures were seven lighted candles of an average human height, burning and not melting.

They were arranged like identifying the path to the throne. There were four on the left and three on the right.

Meters away from them all was the door to the throne room. It was the width of the building of a mansion and the height of a sky scraper. The door was a gate.

The doors creaked open slowly until a thundering bang was heard as they stopped on each side. Then, all the four elders and the other twenty in their spotless white garments, dropped their golden crowns on the crystal ground, and the two creatures and every other creature dwelling in the land of Paradise, including myself standing at the opened doors, chanted in unison as we bowed before the throne;






Thunder struck in the air so loudly that it echoed all through Paradise and we all rose and the gates to the throne room shut themselves.

"You may approach the throne."

In obedience, I did, not daring to look up until I fell on my knees a few meters away from the burning candles.

"My King!"

"Go to Earth. Take with you these three scrolls and deliver them to one of my own, my daughter; Isabelle. Teach her. Guide her. Sound the alarm to mankind. It's almost time for time to end."

The scrolls appeared before me, transforming into a necklace with the three scrolls bound together by a tiny wooden thread.

"You may go."






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