
This is The Ancient Stage?

Ra and the Mysterious Stranger entered the formation, Appearing at opposite ends.

A large, clear, holographic countdown appeared at the center visible to both of them, and those outside the formation was watching this countdown in anticipation as well.

The energy in the Arena lobby was intense, Spectators were calling their friends to witness this epic showdown, this was truly the first Slayer Duel in Academy history, this event was momentous, in fact, before today, no one had even known it was possible!












Both combatants soul formed instantly, the motion so smooth it seemed as if they'd been holding their weapons all along.

Ra held a glowing ethereal blade and the Mysterious Stranger, He held...

"What the fuck is that?!"

Exclamations quickly arose at the sight of the strangers weapon.

It had a solid form, it was 4 meters long, A large ruby spear as red as blood was aimed at Ra's chest, The Stranger stood there unmoving pointing his spear at Ra, in response Ra deflected the stab to his chest.

"Oh ho, you're able to keep up even at this speed?" The Stranger materialised as his afterimage disappeared.

"How do you like my weapon?" He asked as he stroked it lovingly.

Ra ignored him, immediately casting a mana spell he sped along the ground rapidly picking up speed, his sword held in a backhanded grip, another mana spell conjured a mana wall which he, using his increased speed, Immediately ran up to stand on the top, activating his tier 1 vanish, he stepped backward off the mana wall and at the same moment dispersed it, building up mana energy in the soles of his feet he reformed the wall behind him, allowing it to grow quickly to propel himself in the opposite direction, Ra seemed to be flying around the battlefield at an incredible speed. through all of this though the stranger seemed unfazed, merely following Ra's movements with his eyes as he waited to see what he would do next.

Growing impatient, Ra suddenly accelerated, slashing his sword towards the Strangers neck, but the man simply spun his spear, easily deflecting it, seeing this, Ra ceased his attack and chose to retreat temporarily.

"Who are you?"

"Oh? Curious about my name now?"

Ra nodded slowly

"Well it's not like I can't tell you, Tell you what, win this battle and I'll tell you my name, how's that?" he asked, a smug grin plastered all over his face.

Ra stayed silent.

"Ah? finally serious I s-"

Ra's sword came dangerously close to severing his neck.

The man seemed to be experiencing a phantom pain as he clutched his hand to his throat as if it was suddenly very sore.

"Good, very good, that's the spirit I wish to see!"

A flash of ruthlessness went through his eyes as he went on the offensive.

His attainments in spear techniques were no laughing matter.

His spear flickered leaving behind red streaks as he stabbed, swung, and slashed at Ra's form, forcing Ra to retreat as he turned his body to avoid the attacks, The Stranger's speed began to steadily increase, the attacks seemingly coming from behind Ra even as the man attacked from the front, He steadily pushed Ra to deflect faster, dodge sooner, amd evade often. As they fought sweat began to trickle into Ra's eyes but the Stranger seemed unaffected.

Ra was forced to shut his eyes even as he continued to block and defend himself from the endless onslaught of attacks.

Ra's perception had suddenly undergone a massive change, He was suddenly viewing the fight as if from above, speeding up his reactions, His eyes were tightly shut as he gradually went on the offensive, pushing the Stranger back.

"Oh? Whats this?

The strangers face was grim, Increasing the intensity of his attacks.

Ra fought like a cornered beast, unleashing devastating attacks of his owns, a hint of soul energy began releasing from his blade, a trickle at first, then a continuous flow, and then as if a dam had burst, a powerful surge of soul energy covered Ra from head to toe and his eyes fluttered open in shock!

Power. Unimaginable Power coursed through his veins.

"So this is the Ancient Stage?"

Ra's soul had upgraded to the Ancient Heroic standard, His sword also underwent a qualitative change, solidifying and adopting a dazzling Yellow-White color scheme, it radiated a dense magical energy in addition to the sudden influx of soul power, This battle was no longer in question, Ra quickly and easily surpressed the Mysterious Stranger to the point of tears, battering him into the ground.

"I-I...I concede!" the pitiful voice sounded and a great cheer erupted inside the Arena alongside thunderous applause as they were ejected from the formation, The mans draconite amulet instantly entering Ra's hands.

An announcement spread throughout the Islands. [Champion]Slayer Duelist: Ra Usfur.

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