

When Ra saw the shamelessness of this group of friends he had already made up his mind to teach them a lesson, he made a move to approach them but then, suddenly, the cafeteria shook, at the same time a loud bestial growl resonated in their ears.

The alarm went up, ringing incessantly in their ears, they rushed out of the cafeteria to escape the noise and were stunned, hovering above the island was a large chromatic Dragon, furthermore, its scales were red like blood, its eyes a hazy crimson, the tail hung straight down as it seemed to bob up and down on the air, its wings beating steadily, capturing the attention of everyone on the island, it began to project its thoughts into their minds.

"Humans, too long have you hunted my kind, showering the land with noble Dragons blood, my brethren cry out for vengeance and the land retaliates, even then you merely absorb its power and resume the slaughter, but Apophis has risen, the blood of a thousand Dragon Kings have given birth to our Dragon Emperor, and the fires of his belly shall raze the world, you...have been warned."

Turning into a dazzling white flame, the Red Dragon disappeared.

The recruits were in an uproar

"What in the hell was that!"

"Instructor Shizune as well as several other Instructors, including those of the upper classes suddenly appeared in the sky, donned in magnificent armours they emitted a noble aura, they scanned the empty skies searching for signs of Dragons, they were still there long after the crowd had dispersed, finally returning to the ground and decreasing their vigilance slightly but still on high alert.

The reason the Instructors were so astonished was severalfold, for one, Dragons are categorized by strength, powerful Dragons would have issues breaching the magical barriers surrounding Slayer Academy, after all, Dragons innately have a high resistance to magic, furthermore the barrier erected around the Slayer Academy was laid by a Legendary Hero, not some average Slayer, a Red Dragon shouldn't be able to come within a thousand yards of such a barrier, which is why the current Instructors were on edge.

Instructor Shizune began to quickly gather Class 2, gathering them up she brought them to the island assigned to Class 2, Instructor Shizunes speed was quite fast and in minutes she had them all inside of a classroom, she looked exhausted but she knew she had to quickly dispense some information to prepare her new recruits for the coming bullshit. sighing lightly she began,

"In our world there are four known classifications of Dragons, The weakest of them are the Chromatic Dragons, from weakest to strongest are the Green, Blue, and Red, Dragons.

Next are the Black, and White Dragons, these Dragons are very rare, stronger than chromatic dragons, but weaker than the Metal Dragons, they are the Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold, and Molten Metal Dragons. Next we have the Royal Dragons, The King and Queen Dragons, The King Green Dragon, King Blue Dragon, King Copper Dragon, King Bronze, etcetera, etcetera.

Finally, we have the Imperial Dragons, currently there has been only one, Dragon Emperor, Apophis." Instructor Shizune looked exhausted, but her students were hanging onto every word with rapt attention, with the bridge of her nose held firmly in her hand, she continued. "Both Chromatic and Rare Dragons cannot breathe fire, but they have a connection to the land which makes them powerful adversaries, their magic affinity is equal to that of High Humans, High Elves, and Fairies, they have no magical aptitude, Fallen or Reborn Dragons are Dragons which have been slain, these Dragons lose their connection to the land in exchange for vengeance, they gain the ability to breathe fire, and their intellect is replaced with an endless rage, Metal Dragons are a result of the Dragon Kings attempt to fight back against our weapons, They undergo a transformation merging with the land, Their magic resistance is further increased, they also gain the ability to use magic, these dragons cannot be reborn, they have already fused with their connection to the land, Molten Metal Dragons are Dragons which intentionally fall, sacrificing their connection to the land to be reborn, no one yet understands how Molten Metal Dragons are born, Royal Dragons have high magic affinity and magic aptitude, they have the ability to cast spells as such their magic resistance is low, I'll have to ask you all to excuse my pitiful explanation of Dragons and their capabilities, in the Grand Library on the main island, there is a book written by a Dragonslayer Hero titled: Dragons, The Advent. I recommend that all aspiring slayers familiarise themselves with the information within it's pages, that said, We Instructors are under immense pressure to quickly guide you new slayers through your soul forming, today could have been a great disaster and we were caught unprepared, for that, I apologize." Instructor Shizune stood and bowed to each of her students, adopting a humble stance. "Instructor!" the recruits all hurriedly left their seats bidding their instructor to lift her head, they were surprised to find tears in her eyes. Shaking her head she smiled at them before wiping her eyes and continuing. "I'm fine, I'm fine." she said, waving them off. "Return, and lets begin, no one is allowed to leave this room until each of you successfully soul forms."

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