
Grandmaster Flores

Bast stopped in front of the entrance of Grand Sorcére, it was quite unlike her to feel embarrassed, particularly when Ra had done nothing to embarrass her, she decided to just treat him like normal when he arrived.

"No sense in making it awkward" she thought

"It'll only make it worse"

Ra soon caught up, and Bast linked her arm with his burying her head slightly behind his arm as they walked inside.

They entered a huge Library, filled with books and tomes, and a wall of scrolls, the ambient mana in the air was so thick it was visible, swirling above their heads.

There weren't many recruits there, but Ra did notice Instructor Shizune high up on a balcony and waved at her, she smiled back at him with a nod before resuming her vigil.

Grandmaster Flores was already speaking where he stood surrounded by a mountain of books.

"...and magic is indeed a path fraught with trials and danger, it is one you might say is endless, because no matter how good you are or how good you may become there is always- more to learn

You could form, possibly, a thousand interpretations inside your mind concerning a single instance, and none would be completely right- nor wrong, it is not the end goal to escape limitations but instead to open up your mind to embrace and surpass your limits, if i stand in a hall and face 100 doors, this is not a choice that is difficult or impossible, it is 100 possibilities and my responsibility is to choose..one. I've placed an immense amount of importance upon understanding each spell I encounter, be it the ones I've heard, read, or uttered, their significance has only ever increased and never- regressed. I find it quite painful and at times nigh unbearable to continue to hone my craft in a world that saps my strength with each and every- breath, but I've found it within me to keep going, keep trying, and keep failing--- nevertheless.

Magic will open many doors to you young slayers, but as many as it will open others will remain forever- closed, but let this not deter you from pursuing the wonderful path that is magic, instead allow it to fill you with a sense to help you determine whether this is truly your intended- path." He finished.

Applause spread quickly throughout the room, even the instructors clapped, having listened to this Orator give his magnificent speech.

Grandmaster Flores stepped out from behind his books and gave a little bow.

He was wearing stark white robes covered im a black and gold surplice beneath a white gold vestment, he looked like a ying-yang priest from the holy wars, a long black beard was flung over his shoulder and his eyes seemed to radiate an intense heat containing wisdom and intellect that could rival even this grand library.

"And now, a demonstration, I will be laying a magic array that will draw out your potential, and after seeing it you all may decide if magic is truly the path you wish to take, what form your potential takes..." his eyes twinkled "...will vary" he finished with a smile.


Thunder cracked as the mana swirling in the library suddenly went berserk, a few girls screamed, the shocking display caused havoc as Grandmaster Flores laid the first magic array, the surrounding space seemed to expand and contract, shattering the void itself as he overlaid the second, a high pitched wail pierced their ears, threatening to shatter the sound barrier as he combined it with the third, a threefold magic array was pulsating violently and then a huge portal materialized, but the surrounding atmosphere did not calm down. "Quickly, those of you who wish to test your potential step through the gate! I cannot maintain this portal for long!" he exclaimed.

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