
Feeling Rested

Ra awakened in a slow exaggerated manner, His eyes tightly shut and a long drawn out yawn escaped him, he stretched his arms above his head and craned his neck at an awkward angle, three resonating cracks sounded as he bent his joints into satisfying positions; Releasing copious amounts of endorphins into his bloodstream.

Feeling content, he collapsed backwards into the softness of the quilts and pillows.

Ra's eyes snapped open and he shot up with a start, glancing around the room he surveyed his surroundings, after realizing where he was he relaxed, a small smile spread slowly across his lips.

"Strange, Even exhausted, muddled, and on the brink of collapse, I still find my way back to her." He thought, as he stared at the ceiling in silence.

A flash of memory flickered through his mind, he quickly raised the quilts to find himself absolutely naked beneath them, he groaned miserably.

"Why!" Ra lamented loudly, and a head peered out from the bathroom, a dark mane hung loosely, half covering a beautiful creamy caramel face, and with one eye, looked him up and down even as the toothbrush inside her mouth continued to scrape her teeth, a half grin exposed itself as she seemed to rake her eyes over his covered form, pulling her hair back she leaned back into the bathroom, and after spitting a few times she called out: "Your 'thing' was out, I put it away for you."

Ra groaned loudly and began smothering himself with a pillow even as Bast walked out of the bathroom, when she saw this sight she giggled.

Gently pulling the pillow away from his face, she stared at him with a loving gaze.

"And what is it exactly, Mister, that you feel you need to be ashamed about?" Her lustful eyes bore into him.

Flipping her hair she said:

"If anyone should feel embarrassed it should be me, You're already taller than me Ra, just carrying you to the bed alone it must have slapped my thigh at least a dozen times." She laughed.

Ra once again brought the pillow to his face, determined to cut off his supply of air and escape this torment.

However, Bast was having none of it, intending to relay every gruesome detail of the previous night.

When Ra had arrived, Bast was already in her room, slowly consolidating her power, she had been close to reaching a breakthrough when a hulking form drenched in sweat suddenly barged into her room, startling her, but this figure seemingly had no interest in her, walking past her small petite frame stripping as it went, it walked into her shower as she looked on in horror, turned on the water and collapsed as if it had fulfilled its intended purpose and would do no more, this figure was naturally Ra.

Ra's body seemed to be attempting to withdraw into itself as he listened, he begged and prayed for some holy divine intervention to spirit him away from this place or at least erase all memory of the previous night, but none came.

So he could only apologize profusely to Bast, explaining that he hadn't been drunk.

And indeed he wasn't; One of the side effects of the Arena is the ramifications incurred by death, not to mention repeated deaths, and Ra had died perhaps a dozen times over the course of 12 hours, combined with the exertion of his efforts during those 12 hours and the degree of his mana reserves he had expended, it can only be expected for Ra to have fallen into such a state.

Bast kissed him lightly on the lips showing him she understood, running her fingers over his hair, she giggled again.

"What now?" he asked slightly exasperated not wanting any new revelations.

In answer Bast leaned away from him towards a bedside table and came back with a mirror she held in front of him.

Ra took the mirror and gazed at his changed appearance.

His long brown curls had been braided in an intricate pattern, slightly resembling a magic array, a long thick ponytail braid laid on the pillow above his head, apparently Bast had spent half the night braiding his hair after washing his body, as she dried his hair she couldn't resist twisting it around her fingers and inevitably ended up braiding it.

"I-It looks great Bast, Thank you." he praised, grabbing her up and kissing her full on the lips.

"Oh, before I forget!" he said pausing suddenly.

"Instructor Shizune wants me to write 2 five page essays, one on dragonslaying theory and one on practical magic-"

"No wait, let me guess, and you were hoping I would write them for you." It wasn't a question.


Ra felt no shame at all.

"Of course I will."

Ra beamed at her.

Normally Ra would dictate to whoever agreed to help him, however, with Bast, there was no need, the girl was far cleverer than he would ever be.

"Alright, Go. Go train, let me work, you'll only be a distraction if you stay here." she said while licking her lips as she stared at his handsome face.

Ra scrambled up as she started throwing pillows at him, quickly grabbing the clean, neatly folded uniform on the chair beside the bed.

"This girl..." he sighed happily.

Dressing quickly, he rushed out of the room and began sprinting towards the Arena.

"And don't overdo it this time!" came the yell from behind him.

Ra was full of energy and vigor, he didn't plan to challenge high grade dragons today, he merely wished to watch his previous battles.

Upon entering the Arena though Ra realized his battle videos were already playing, and the Arena was currently packed, people were having heated discussions which left Ra in confusion.

"People are this interested in watching me die?"

"There he is!"

Ra was spotted by an onlooker, immediately a crowd surged around him.

"Young Master! Tell us, How did you kill that Evolved Green Dragon?!"

Who cares about that! Tell us how you forced the Saint White to the ground by cutting off its wing!"

"You all are still not asking the right questions! How did you soul form two weapons!!"

The questions flew at Ra endlessly, Ra was squeezed between one wall of people and another.

"These people are relentless!" he thought to himself as he searched for a way to extricate himself from this situation.

"Ra! I challenge you to a Slayer Duel!"

"A Slayer Duel!"

Excitement spread through the crowd as they made way for the person who made such a bold challenge to the current God of the Arena, Ra Usfur.

"Ra! Do you accept?"

Ra shrugged nonchalantly having no idea who this guy was or why he wanted to challenge him, but Ra wouldn't back down.

"What do I get if I win?"

"Kid, you're quite cocky." the newcomer sneered.

Ra just shrugged again not willing to waste energy on superfluous words.

" 'IF'- you win..." The newcomer put great emphasis on the word if, "...I will give you this Draconite Amulet." he finished.

And the surrounding crowds eyes began to shine as the man pulled out a large chunk of raw draconite hanging from the end of a silver chain, The draconite was housed in a beautiful crystal casing that amplified the glow of the draconite which was steadily emitting a dense flow of mana.

"I accept." Ra agreed immediately.

"And what will I get should I win?" The man asked.

Ra shrugged. "Who says you get anything? you challenged me, remember?"

The mans mouth was agape at the degree of Ra's shamelessness.

"Fine, fine, it's not like ill lose anyway, I shall set up the formation."


Ra stopped him and the man turned to look at him again.

"What?" he asked, annoyed.

Ra smiled.

"Perhaps, It would be prudent to allow an outside party to set up the formation, to ensure fair play."

"That's true." the crowd agreed.

"Makes sense, there's a valuable piece of draconite on the table after all."

The crowd gave their assent.


The man backed away from the console.

Seeing this, Ra randomly chose someone to randomly choose a person to set up the Duel formation for them in live-stream mode.

It didn't take long and soon Ra and the man entered the formation.

Next chapter