
A Dragon Saint?

"Well done." Instructor Shizune nodded.

Signalling the next team to come forward as the dragon tamer brought out another one.

The other recruits were discussing their battle with the Dragon and forming their own strategy in an animated fashion.

The next group had come forward and were preparing to begin as the dragon tamer was about to let go when someone from within the crowd asked a startling question that immediately sparked another debate.

"Instructor, Something strange has just occured to me..."

After adjusting the balance of her glasses on her nose she asked...

"Oh? Tell us about it?"

"These Dragons have supposedly died and should be classified as fallen, right? why then aren't they reborn breathing fire?" the recruit asked skeptically.

Instructor Shizune seemed to have expected this question as likely it wasn't the first time she's heard it.

"Does anyone know the answer to Young Master Wallis' question?"

Jace raised his hand.

"Young Master Freeman?"

"Is it because we're on an Island?" he replied in a bored tone.

"That is exactly correct. Does everyone understand?"

A murmur went through the crowd, it was obvious many of them were still confused."

"I apologize, Instructor, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Jace sighed in exasperation.

Annoyed, he said:

"Honestly, could you be more dense? What connection can they possibly have to the land above water?"

The kid's name was Palladin Wallis, Prideful? Yes. Smart? not so much, Jace disdained those with limited intellect attempting to appear wise.

Being embarrased in this manner did not sit well with Palladin Wallis, his face burning in rage he pointed a finger at Jace as his body shook with obvious anger, he opened his mouth but no words came out.

His skin began to turn an unflattering shade of purple but Jace no longer paid him any mind, returning his attention to the front, which caused spit to fly from his lips uncontrollably.

Luckily Instructor Shizune decided to supress the situation before it got bad.

For the first time Instructor Ilyra Shizune emanated her aura of a peak Legendary Heroic soul, the pressure she radiated silenced the discussions of Class 2, even Ra perked up, she was clearly at the same rank as him but the gap was still this huge?

The pressure didn't linger for long, disappearing as soon as calm was restored, as if nothing had happened, Instructor Shizune directed the team to begin their fight with the Dragon, and the dragon tamer immediately released the spell subduing the dragon and scurried off.

This situation repeated itself as the dragon tamer brought fresh dragons and teams of 3, sometimes 2 went up to challenge each dragon.

This scene continued without incident but by the end of it Ra looked at their instructor with a new measure of respect.

"There's a lot more to stage and ranks than i previously thought..." and even then his thinking was still too shallow.

Ra's ranking was a mere level of one, and he believed he was on par with their instructor? what a joke.

But a flash of determination shined in his golden eyes, he would grow stronger, and he would shock the world with his strength, and one day he would avenge his father and lay waste to Dragon Valley.

"Even the Dragon Emperor himself will not be safe." he thought.

Soon, each recruit had successfully brought down a Dragon, As Instructor Shizune was dismissing the class, Headmaster Gram approached the clearing silently, seemingly appearing out of thin air even as he walked towards them casually.

"Greetings, Headmaster!"

The recruits all shouted in unison.

"Headmaster, What brings you here?

"Instructor, I was wondering if I might have a word or two with your class? Not to worry, this shall not take long." he said, smiling amiably.

Instructor Shizune inclined her head, showing that she had no issue with it.

"Greetings, Recruits, I'm sure you are all wondering what this is about so I won't keep you in suspense.

Every 50 years our humble Academy and The Great Elven Academy of Slayers join together to tackle Dragon Tombs."

He announced, pausing for effect.

And as expected a large amount of chatter began to spread throughout the crowd.

"Allow me to finish and then you all may discuss to your hearts content." he said, his eyes sparkling.

"I do so love the enthusiasm of youth, Now then, Dragon Tombs are the resting places of various Dragon Kings and sometimes even Dragon Emperors, That have died of natural causes, this year, The Dragon Tomb that we have located is quite special, and as such only the strongest of our young generations will be allowed to enter this Tomb, for it belongs to a Primal Blue Dragon Saint."

Another great clamour spread among the recruits as their excitement grew.

"Now you all are aware of Infant, Young, Adult, Evolved, Legendary, and Primal rank Dragons, however Dragon Saints are a different breed, in fact, they have long been considered extinct, Saint level Dragons were thought to be one step away from becoming Gods, in our world there has never been an incarnation of a Dragon God, but the treasures and energies to be found in a Saint level Dragons Tomb is not to be underestimated, as such we will be imposing heavy restrictions on the qualifications to enter this tomb, furthermore, only 15 young slayers will be chosen from each Academy." He finished.

"What! Only fifteen? How is this fair?"

"That means most of us won't even be chosen."

"Fret not, what our chosen representatives manage to retrieve from the Tomb will naturally benefit us all." He continued.

"What about what they decide to keep for themselves?"

"What about the inheritance!"

"Naturally, Anything the individuals find that they feel is beneficial to themselves they will keep." He answered.

"Now that's enough, I must go prepare, the Tomb will be opened in 12 days, I suggest those of you who are interested visit the Arena, Those unable to defeat even a Primal Red Dragon should not even consider applying."

"Primal Red Dragon?!"

"He must be insane!"

"Does he think Primal Dragons are pushovers?!"

The crowd continued to mock but Headmaster Gram had already left.

It wasnt that he hadn't heard them, High Humans had incredible hearing after all, But if they couldn't even do this much they'd just be asking for death inside that Tomb.

I've decided to release this chapter early.

Asaiyllcreators' thoughts
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