World is full of sufferings. Look around you, everything pretty much messed up. And all of this is happening because of human nature. Human tends to do anything for himself, he can even harm others , atleast for surviving, So whats the best way for ending sufferings. In my view the only thing except meditation is being lonely. Sun shines so brightly only because it is alone. We sometimes make bad decisions for our loved ones which inturn harms us. Let me give here an example from my life. I learned there are no good friends or bad friends, there are just friends. And they undoubtly cheat you no matter how close they are to you. Atleast for surviving your closest person can betray you. Seems little harsh.Right? Believe me I learned to be lonely and it proved to be the best thing in the world.
Hey this is me Ash and I have been deeply betrayed by someone who I would trust blindly. After all, he once helped me pick up my books when I was walking and I fell down after I stumped upon a stone. This was when I met him.
Let's start from the beginning. The summer holidays had just ended and everyone was back to school. Entering school was like hell for me. After all I was an introvert kinda guy. Entering the school, everyone was gazing me weirdly. Anyway I ignored them like I usually do. There was this one guy named as "Josh". A guy with attitude, captain of school football team and a kid of a rich father. Anyway I was walking in the school hall where he pushed me and I fell down. Everyone doing there own business except a guy who was staring at me from the door of principals office. I looked at him and wondered who he was as I had never seen him around.
The next day I went to school as usual but I didn't know I would find a so-called "bestie". I was on my way to school where a saw two people arguing with each other. It got me distracted. I wish I had ignored them. While I was looking at them a stone came in my way and I stumped upon it and fell down and I was badly injured as my face hit the ground as hard as a baseball player hits a ball for homerun. I was unconscious. The next thing I remember is that I was in a hospital and laying on the bed. Next to me was my father and the same guy who I saw at the principals office.
I woke up shockingly and asked them about what had happened. My father told me that the guy had bought me to hospital after I fell down and I quickly looked at him. I didn't know what to say. I thought I should thank him and I was about to thank him after looking at him continuously for about 15 seconds. Before I could say anything, he said "how are you feeling buddy?". "I'm good" I replied smiling. This was the first time in years I had smiled. And believe me it felt really good. I asked him about his name and he was about to answer but the doctor came in and asked me how I was feeling. I replied that I was feeling good. The doctor discussed something with my father. I could only hear whispers. The doctor said that I could go home now. We came out of hospital and my father invited the guy to dinner.
We all were sitting together at the dinner. There I asked him again about his name and he replied "George". I nodded and asked "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around". "I came with my mother recently to this place from a nearby town" he replied nervously. Something was bothering me. I didn't know what. I thought maybe I was feeling uncomfortable because of injuries. I asked him about his father. " I think I should go now. My mom would be worried." He replied with food in his mouth. He got up and went away. He said "bye". Then I went to my room for sleep. I couldn't sleep as something was worrying me.
Next day I went to school despite feeling very tired. The first person I could see was George. He asked "how are you buddy ?". I said "I'm good" in a weird way. He put his hand on my shoulder as if we were friends. I didn't know what to do and kept walking. I thought he was new in the town without any friends, so I should perhaps be friends with him. I was still thinking Josh came in front of me and was about to push me but George stopped him and gave him a hard punch. I was shocked. I looked at George and this time quickly said "thank you but it was a harsh puch". He replied "Guys like these deserve harder than this". This was first time someone had done something good for me.
Days passed and we became very good friends and then gradually "besties". The only problem was that he never mentioned anything about where from he was or about his parents. Whenever I used to ask him, he just made an excuse to divert me from the question. 3 months had passed and I just was happy with my life. My grades were good, I had a caring father and of course an awesome friend. It was "calm before the storm". The things were about to turn ugly for me and I didn't realize it. George and I went to the supermarket one day for buying some snacks. We were about to enter the shop, he asked me "Have you ever stole something?". I instantly and truthfully replied "nope,never". "You dump, I challenge you to steal a chocolate from the store"
He said to me. At first I refused but eventually I agreed. Don't judge me as I was blinded by his friendship. Anyway, I did it as he told me to do.
Now next day we went to school everything was normal until he told me "let's mess up the school". I thought that would be a great idea but I asked him in what way. He replied that "We would go to spray in principals office". He had bought a spray in his bag and asked me to wear a mask. He had bought it too. It seemed he had been planning it for years. He asked me to ring the emergency bell. I quietly went to the emergency bell and I rang it. The whole school panicked and everybody was screaming as they thought there was a fire. Principal also came out of his office a and meanwhile everyone was getting out of school George got inside the principals office and sprayed with white colour on the window " SCHOOL IS HELL". He got out of the principals office quickly and went to the washroom where I was staying after ringing the emergency bell. We got rid of our masks and put the spray behind the toilet. We went out as normal. The principal realized that it was a false alarm. He seemed quite angry and warned of detention for rest of the term. He saw the sprayed letters on window and checked the camera footage of the office and thankfully Nobody could recognize George.
Again time passed and we kept doing some bad things but it was fun anyway. Even if I didn't want to, I had to do it as if I was his servant. But I still ignored it. Once he asked to me to come with him at around 1 am in the night. He called me and told me to look outside window. I saw him in the car. I secretly went outside my house and quiet sat in the car. He started the car and before I could ask him anything he said "let's have fun today". I asked him about the car and he told me not to worry as it was his friend's car. I was shocked. How could I not know about any of his friends. At that moment I realized that I didn't know George well but it was too late. He stopped the car. I didn't know where were we as it was dark. He asked me to get out of car. We both got out of the car and I was walking with him. As I told you it was like I was his servant. We had been walking for 15 minutes and I asked him "Where are we going?". He replied "Just keep walking". Finally he stopped at a house.
I had a lot of questions in my mind about what exactly was happening. He took a knife from his pocket and told me to murder the guy inside the house. I was extremely shocked. I instantly refused like anyone would do. It was a cold night and nothing less than a nightmare for me. He told me to get in the car. We were both in the car and he told me something that I couldn't believe. He told me his parents were murdered by the person living in the house. I asked him "what?why?" He answered " My parents were cops and they were very honest at their jobs. Once they got an report that some guy was dealing drugs. They both went to arrest him. But they were only two and the guy was with his whole gang and they were having guns. They killed my parents". I could clearly see the tears in his eyes. I felt sorry for him. But still was murder a good choice? I tried to motivate him that it was not a good choice but he screamed " It is the only choice". He told me no one helped them when they were being encountered. Not even police and the man got away with that. I didn't know what to do so I took the knife and I tried to throw it outside the window of the car.
He looked very angry and opened the car dash. There was a gun in it. I was scared and terrified. He screamed "pick up the knife and kill him" pointing the gun towards my head. It was obvious he didn't want himself in the jail and he choose me but the question still was "why me?". I agreed to him but I needed some answers first. He was shewring and agreed to answer my questions. Here were the questions:-
Q no.1) Why did you choose me?
Ans) You were an easy target. I saw people bullying you and you could do anything for help. And most importantly you had no friend.
Q no.2) Where will you go after I kill him?
Ans) You shouldn't be worried about that.
Q no. 3) Was our friendship real?
Ans) Do you still think it was real. You are a really boring person. I had a hard time pretending to be your friend
I was thinking that once in my life I made a friend and he betrayed me and that too in a shocking way. It was like he hugged me and stabed in my back.
I went to pick up the knife while a gun was pointed at me. I got an idea. While picking up knife, I also picked up some sand with my other hand. It was dark he couldn't see me clearly. I asked him to get down the car and follow me to the house. It would take another 15 minutes to reach the house. I thought I would throw sand at his eyes in the mean time. Well, I was waiting for perfect opportunity. He was still pointing at me. His arm got tired as he was pointing his gun at me for about 10 minutes. He put his arm down and I immediately threw sand in his and he screamed. I kicked him on the leg he fell down with his hands on eyes and the gun was on the ground. I had a knife. With that I stabbed him in his leg and took the gun and threw it in the trees on the roadside. I ran and he tried to get up but he couldn't. I luckily found a telephone booth after running for 5 minutes. I called police and told them about everything and they arrive. I was waiting at the booth. And I showed them the way. We reached the place where I stabbed George but to my surprise George was not there. I looked around but there was no one. We kept moving and the car was there but no George. I remembered about the gun but it was also missing.
Finally after giving details to police, I went home. My dad was also in the police station as I had called him. We both entered house and I promised not make a friend again.