
Ch. 8 Mastered Broken Realm

(What does that mean?)

'Comprehending your first skill allowed your realm to increase one stage into Mastered stage of the Broken Realm. Experience bar has been added to ensure easy advancement into the next realm.'

(What will happen when I advance to the next realm and how do I gain experience?)

'Every realm advancement is different for the individual and species. Mutations occur that alter the body into optimal condition based off the experiences you've had prior. To earn experience one can do various things. For example, brewing potions successfully, killing enemies, taking near death damage, extreme meditation, are just a few ways to gain experience. You'll even gain experience towards your next realm just from mastering your skills.'

(Well that's straightforward, at least I can just do whatever I want and it will help me in some way. No matter how small it helps, it'll eventually add up. I'm trying to take it easy, it feels like my past life was super stressful. Let's just go with the flow.) Deciding not to stress about how he will increase his realm, Gabriel began visualizing another wind blade. After successfully launching 10 in a row, Gabriel decided to fly back to Emmie. As he had only flown out of earshot, it didn't take long for him to find them again. However, on his way over, he spotted a small black fox being chased some sort of wolf or dog. Taking pity on the helpless fox, he decided to see how his wind blade would work in a fight.

Gliding down gently Gabriel got right above the wolf and kept out of it's line of sight while it kept chasing down the fox. Getting close, Gabriel could hear the Fox's whimpers while it was running away. It looked like the wolf had already taken a bite out of the fox on it's hindquarters as it was slightly tinged red. (Patience is key here Gabriel, just be patient.)

Staying with the wolf, he realized the fox just ran into a dead end. It quickly tried to run around, but it was too late, the wolf had it cornered now. As the wolf slowed down to savor the fear of its prey, Gabriel circled back to lower his altitude to just above ground level and shot out a wind blade towards the wolf's legs. Thinking his wind blade wouldn't do any damage if he tried to cut it's head off, this was his next best course of action . As the wind blade hit the rear legs of the wolf a sickening crunch sound rang out while the wolf crumpled to the ground.

Both of it's rear legs had been severed, completely, mid way down. The wind blade immediately dissipated after severing the legs, but it had done far more damage than Gabriel would've thought possible for junior grade spell. Assuming at most it may cut a tendon or just buy the fox time to run away, Gabriel now made the decision he was going to kill this wolf. Now that he knew he was actually capable of dealing damage, he circled back in the air and began to shoot another wind blade, except this time he focused far more on the compression and stretched his image much thinner before pushing it on to the wolf.


The wolf cried out as it saw the new wind blade bearing down on it. Unable to walk, it tried to drag itself away, unfortunately it would never make it another inch. The wind blade pierced the back of its neck just enough to sever the spine, killing the wolf. Gabriel quickly flew down to the fox and landed on the ground.

He made eye contact with the little black fox and suddenly got an idea in his head. (System, is it possible for me to tame a creature?)

'Host may form a contract with anyone, as long as both parties are willing. Host is currently unable to force contracts on any living being.'

(So, if I convince this fox to form a contract, how do I create it?)

'Host is currently only able to use blood contracts as he doesn't have necessary access to other contracting methods.'

(So, just like Emmie offered her blood to me, I just offer some of my blood to him?)

'Host must give blood to his contract target, while taking blood from his contract target. Typically, humans prick a finger and use a needle to prick a spot on their contracted creature before pressing their wounds together and forming the seal.'

"Yiiff.. yif.. yif.." The Fox looked panicked after witnessing such a small bird kill a wolf without even attacking it.


The fox turned it's head sideways looking Gabriel up and down. It almost thought the weird bird was speaking Fox.

"Hello, can you understand me?"

The Fox was dumbfounded, how did this bird learn to speak Fox? She'd never heard of anything like it before in her life. A bird speaking Fox, that's like a Fox speaking human, it can't be done!

'I can understand you little bird.'

(Ah, telepathy, this makes things difficult. I may have just killed a wolf only to end up in the lion's den.)

"Wonderful. Are you okay now that wolf is dead?"

Thinking the Fox may need some help or protection while it was healing, Gabriel hinted at being able to be of assistance because of his magic. Although, after that last wind blade he felt really weak, he still felt he could protect the two of them while they recover.

'Thank you for killing the wolf. He already killed my sister's and mother. I was the only one to get away from the den and he still wouldn't let me leave. Without your help, I'd be dead. I couldn't ask for any more help.'

(What a polite little Fox, such a cruel world it is, but you've come across me now! I'll train you up as my hunting partner and we'll feast every night!) Having had such a short life Gabriel's main focus has been food, securing access to food, eating food, crying while waiting for more food, etc. If he can bring the Fox to his side, he'll have a secure bait and ambush hunting method for the near future. (I need this Fox.)

"I have a friend that can patch your wound, but I'm afraid they won't help unless you do something for me."

'How can I be of any help to you who saved me? I'll do anything I can.'

(Cha ching, jackpot, now I just gotta reel her in real gentle like.)

"My friend's would be scared of a wild animal, so you'd have to form a contract with me so I can be prevent you from attacking them."

'Do you not live in this forest as well? Are you not also a Wild Animal?'

(Shit, pushed a little hard time to dial it back and play it off.)

"My friend's have raised me since I was little. They always take care of me and would believe me if I show I had a contract so you won't hurt them. Also, this contract means you will follow me from now on as my companion." A little white lie, mixed ever so perfectly with some truth to throw then off base. Why do I know this stuff? Did I trick people in my past life?

'As I have no home, an injury, and you're willing to take me on as a companion, I am willing to form this contract with you. Please take care of me.' As she said this she did an elegant little bow with her front paws splayed out in front of her. (Adorable.)

"Okay, I must use your claw to cut myself, then I will use my beak to make a small cut where you've already been cut by the wolf. Since you've already began to heal it'll be easier for me to break the skin there."

Gabriel took the little fox's paw and pushed it into his upper leg until it drew blood. As the blood began to drip down his legs he limped over to the fox's injured leg. Pressing his beak in just enough to reopen the smallest tooth hole.

"Please lie down so I can reach your wound."

As the Fox laid down, the excitement began to rise in Gabriel's mind. (My first tamed anim... cough cough companion, if this works I could build a whole army of my fellow forest dwellers to rule this forest! Eh, that sounds like a lot of effort. Maybe just have this fox take care of things while I love a life of luxury and pampering with Emmie.)

"Alright, I'm unsure if there will be pain, please bear with me." Gabriel pressed his wound against the wound on the foxes leg. As they touched a notification popped up.

'Would you like to form Blood Contract with Unnamed Abyssal Fox?'

(What's an Abyssal Fox? Who cares? Yes!) As soon as Gabriel assented, an otherworldly feeling came over his body. It felt as if someone had grabbed his soul for just a moment, leaving a fingerprint in it forever. After opening his eyes he was met with more notifications.

'Contract agreed by target, no specifications, Contract Successful.'

'Contracted Tab unlocked.'

'Tiny dimension unlocked'

'First Contract package sent to Tiny Dimension.'

'Congratulations host on attaing your first contracted creature. A one time gift has been added to your tiny dimension.'

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