1 Facts about why people cheat

The gene coding for the dopamine receptor plays a key role in cheating for men and women. It also called the happy hormone which releases after a pleasurable activity like an orgasm, sex, exercise, eating food, etc. In one study found that 50% of people who possess long allele variants of this gene had cheated on their partner compared to only 22% of people who possess short allele variants of this gene. The long allele participant also has the tendency to be risk takers and have addictive behavior such as a drug, alcoholism. Perhaps the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater" is true in real life. Money may also be factor males who earn significantly more than their female counterpart are more likely to cheat. But they are also more likely to cheat on their wives if they are staying at home dads. Only when both partners have similar earning potential to the chances either cheating decrease significantly. Many other factors can lead to fidelity like the emotional issue, past relationship excess of alcohol and intoxication. Cheating is entirely based on biological and genetic. Lack of communication is another reason that women cheat. In this survey, non-cheater said that they spend 30 to 60 minutes a day talking with their partner. While cheaters said that they spend less than 5 minutes a day talking with their partner. 48% of men said that the main reason they cheated because of emotional dissatisfaction. Men are more sensitive than many people might think. If they don't think they are getting up praise and admiration form their partner, they seek out for a new partner. It turns out that the men found a lot of praise and admiration in their workplace. 40% of men met the woman in the work where female colleagues are more likely to look up to them and compliment them on their accomplishment.
