
" She is with me."


I don't know what should I wear?? I have to wear something like that, Peter doesn't recognize me, but I don't have any dress. Wait! a minute!! I should ask Andy!!, she might be having.


" Hi! come inside ."

"Sorry! to disturb you. Do you have any Cool dresses for the party? "

Wait ! a minute. I will show you the dresses, and we are friends, so no sorry ."

She started showing me, Dresses they were all beautiful, but I was waiting for the right dress. I got it!!! This one is perfect. It was a white color knee-length dress with a mask attached to it.

" This one is perfect. "

"Are You Sure?? you want this one, don't you think it's...I cut her off by saying- No!! It's perfect!!! I loved it."

She just nodded her head.

I took the dress and went to my room to change. I quickly order the cab and started dressing.

I was sitting in a cab and thinking about what will I do there. I will make the video and make sure this time it is not deleted.

After an hour!! I reached there. The club was looking fine, but no sound was coming outside. I saw the guards outside. I didn't think about this stupid mind.

I have to do this For Tessy Oh! God, please stay with me today!! I move toward the club with confidence, hoping they won't stop me. They didn't say anything. I exhale a large air in relief.

I slowly open the door. Music was busting loud. Are these people deaf?? Can't they hear it in a normal voice? It was crowded people were dancing, drinking and, were even kissing.

I start feeling a lot of nervous seeing all this. I feel like running away, never coming again. No! I have to do this. I can't let her marry that brute. I started searching for Peter.

It has been an hour, and I haven't found him. I think! I should go. Then I saw him in the corner kissing a girl. I took my phone and started making a video. I think this much enough.

I put the phone in my purse suddenly a hand came around my waist. I turned around to see a boy around my age. He was completely drunk, not at all in his senses. I can tell by the awful smell coming out of his mouth.

" Let's dance!!!"

" Excuse me! I needed to go ."-I responded, removing his hand.

I started walking toward the door.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, and pushed me on the wall before I could walk out. My back hit the wall harshly.

"Not so soon ."-He said, walking near me with a grin on his face.

Oh! God, please save me. Please! Please! Save me!!

I put my hand on his chest to stop him, but he was Strong. he grabs both my hands with his hands. I was trying to free my hands, but his hold was tight. Then, I try to hit him with my leg, but he blocked it by putting it on his leg. Now I was not able to move.

He leans forward to kiss me.

I was shaking badly due to fear and trying hard to free myself.

He was an inch far from me, suddenly a hand came on his shoulder and dragged him back.

I tilted my head to look. Who saved me, but I was not able to see the face. I am thankful for whosoever that person is.

The man who saved me came toward me. He was none other than Adrain.

" What's your problem, man?"-The drunk Guy asked in disappointment.

" She is with me ."-He said, gritting his teeth.

Then without a second, he grabbed my arm tightly and was dragging me toward the door.


I was climbing Andy's window to meet her. I jumped inside her room. It was a mess then she came out of the washroom.

"What are you doing ?"-She asked shockingly.

"What were you doing ?"

" Your room is a mess !!!"

" Oh! Eira needed a dress for a party ."-She said, smiling while sitting on her bed.

I was lying on her bed. Wait ! she needed a dress, and she was asking about the club.

No! No! this can't be possible. I quickly stand in front of Andy.

"Did she tell you, Where is she going ?"

"No! Is there any problem?"-She asked with a worried look.

"Adrain!!! Adrain!! What happened?"-without replying, I jumped out of the window and ran toward the forest and started running at vampire speed.

Oh! God!! This Girl. I don't understand her. I hope till the time I reached, there she is safe.


He was dragging me toward parking. He pushed me toward his car and, stand in front of me. He was vibrating due to anger. I think I am in big problem!!!

" Who are...Who are you, Sir??."-I asked, changing my voice.

"I think there is so...some misunderstanding."- I said, trying not to get scared, but he was starring at me with fierce eyes.

" Now, you will recognize me ."-He said sarcastically and took my mask off.

" What were you doing here? "

" I can ask you the same question ."

" Really! I just saved you right now ."-He said, leaning toward me.

-" I am thankful for that ."

" I don't need your thanks ."

"Just tell me, What are you doing here ??"-He asked, clenching his teeth.

" It's is no..none of your business ."

He leans forward more closer. His eyes were burning with anger.

"Don't test my patience Eira ."-He said with a laugh.

His eyes were cold, filled with fury making my throat dry in fear.

" I came to collect proof against Peter ."-I said, looking down, not able to look into his eyes.

"Are you insane .???.. You came to this type of place to collect a proof again, Peter."-He asked groaned in frustration.

Before I could reply, the car door open, pushed me inside, and starts the car. When I turn my head to the other side, I saw Peter looking at me with confusion.

Then we drive off .....

Next chapter