
Author's Notes and Greetings (Subject to Updates)

Hello, Webnovel community, I am Lokordome, I prefer Lokorda because it's shorter but you will no doubt end up calling me something extremely derogatory when I fail to update regularly.

Now about the novel, this is a fanfiction and while I know it doesn't actually do anything legally, proclaiming that I do not, in fact, own any of the world or content that is HunterxHunter is just something we Fanfic authors do.

Now, the title of this fanfiction is subject to change. I don't particularly like the current one because I don't feel that it captures what I want correctly, but, we can address that during later chapters when all of us have a better idea of what it is I'm writing.

I will try to read reviews and comments but sometimes I don't have the time to do anything except write and upload so replies to anything will be sporadic. I hope you guys know that I appreciate you regardless of if I show it, however.

This is mostly a comedy story, but I plan to become more serious later on. Chapter lengths will vary but I like shorter chapters I can pump out quicker. I agree that when it comes to chapters, bigger is better but I have to take it slow to warm you guys up first.

Now, there will be vulgar parts in this story, but most of that is distasteful jokes and subtler things like what I did above. I don't plan to describe anything super gory or dark so you can relax and enjoy the story.

Finally, the most important thing, thank you. I know you guys haven't done anything yet, this is the start after all, but, thank you for trying a new author out, it really is what keeps us alive as a community.

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