
Chapter 1

"Hey Han, I'm gonna be late today...yeah, something came up... Actually, I can't come today, sorry. I'll be there tomorrow though. Thanks for filling in."

Han is my female co-worker. She covers for me when I can't make it to work, and I do the same for her. I work at an Idol agency called LiCo. Right now I'm a model, but I'm training to become an actor. I hung up the phone and sat on the edge of my bed. I sighed and cupped my hands to rest my face in.

I relaxed and let my body fall into my bed, arms outstretched. I looked to my left, outside my window. "...I need some air.." I tossed on a quick outfit, some black ripped skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. "I'm only going out to go get some snacks...nothing else. Don't go overspending like you usually do." Make a mental note.

It's a shame that I have to keep reminding myself not to spend too much every time I go out to the store...It's also a shame that I talk to myself...a lot. I mostly spend all my time alone. What else does a lonely one do?

I put my hood on my head and walked to the front door. I grabbed my backpack and keys off my table. I checked to see if I had everything, then locked my door before I left.

I walked outside and placed my keys in my pocket. I walked down my steps and onto the sidewalk. I checked the time, then started walking. I walked for about 10 minutes before I made it to the nearest coffee shop. Once I went inside I placed my book bag down at a table. After that, I ordered a Java Chip Frappuccino and a few cakes. "Well, I spent more than expected...but I didn't overspend, I think..." I thought to myself. I took my things back to my table and sat down. I grabbed my phone from my book bag and scrolled through social media.

I looked at the feedback on my page and scrolled through the comments under my posts. Then, I went to the demographics to see the majority of my audience's age and gender. It's an even distribution of males and females viewing my page. It seems like it's mostly teenage females though. Well, almost. Females from 18-21, and males ranging from 15-23. I have to be careful with what I post, there's some impressionable people following me. I wouldn't want to have a scandal this early in my career.

As I was going through the comments on my recent post I was reminded of my ex. She had commented under my post, it read "You're looking nice out there, but all this game isn't going to do much for ya without me with you. Much love, luv."

I stared at the comment for a while before I sighed and scrolled down to the other comments. My followers were commenting back at her. The backlash was pretty harsh. I don't want to start a war because of her. It's not that important. I also don't want her to have to deal with all of those hate comments and constant tormenting by thousands of random people. As much as I don't exactly like her, I still don't wish any harm to her. I made a promise that I wouldn't hurt her, and I intend to keep that no matter what promises she broke.

What more does she want from me? What a pain in the ass.


I looked around the coffee shop, my eyes stopped underneath the sign "Sarutahiko Coffee". It was where I had first met Sarattha, my ex... If I can recall correctly, it was back in Valentine's day, two years ago. She was a fan of mine, and it was Valentine's day, obviously... in Japan, females give chocolates to the males. As I was in line, she had called my name and handed me a box of chocolate. In the box, she had written her phone number, and from then on, we just started texting. I took a liking to her and we became friends.

The next month, on White day, Males return the favor for the gifts exchanged on Valentine's day. I gave her some white chocolate and white roses. After that we started hanging out more. Within months we had started dating. We started dating at the end of March. We had recently broken up...last week...it's still a kinda hard topic to discuss since it had just happened recently... After so long too... It still kinda hurts, but I'll get over it. I'm not sad or anything about it. (Maybe a little) It's mostly...well...a bit of anger. There was no reason to lie, if she found somebody else she could've told me I wouldn't have understood her, but I would've let her go... It's so infuriating. I'm usually not one to hold grudges but I guess it can't be helped in this situation... Anyways, let's not dwell in the past, there's nothing for me there.

It can't be changed now.