
I Don't Know About Other People But This is a Party I Could Have Missed Very Happily

This is not happening. This is not possible! How is this possible?! Nononononono... Wait. Of course. That makes sense. It's a dream! Phew! It's okay. It's just a damn dream. I just need to wake up & everything will be alright.




Why am I not waking up? Hngh. Hgnh. I neeeeeed to wake up right-freaking-now!!!




Goddess have mercy on me, it's real! I can't wake up because it's real... mind slipping... cannot take more... just let go... don't want to deal with this...




Huh? What's going on? Why am I so sweaty? I guess that dream was too real. At least it's over now. Blink. Blink. Blink. No matter how many times I blink it doesn't change. No! This was supposed to be a dream! Why am I still here? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa




Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Already lost my head once. Hurts more. Need to panic later when it hurts less. Let's try to understand what's going on first? What do we know so far? Unfamiliar place. Not home. Every inch of my body hurts. Inside out. Can't see a single person, let alone a familiar face but someone has been here. Puke's been cleaned. I'm lying down again. So they aren't trying to harm me? I think? At least not immediately I guess.

But that's not why I freaked. Lord God almighty above that's not why. Fuuuuu Fuuuu. Deep breaths. Need to face it. Need to stay alive long enough to panic about the weird stuff.

I see it but my eyes don't fully register what going on. My body is my own yet it is not. These hands are mine. I'm moving them yet they are not mine. Is my face still mine? Don't know. Who am I? This body doesn't fit my memories. Which one's wrong?

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