
How we met.

We first met in my home town. Manila, Philippines.

One year ago.

Best friends? In one year? How is that possible? Right. Exactly. How was it possible?

He was born and raised in Tokyo. Half Spanish and half Japanese. Good looking, tall and muscular but pretty much people like him existed everywhere in the international community of Japan.

How would I know this?

I lived in Tokyo. The first four in university and the last two just playing around. Partied all of the six years I was there.

He was on vacation and had booked a room in one of my family's many hotels. They had left me in charge of the one he was staying at since it was usually people of my age who occupied the hot. One of the staff had asked if I knew him as guests who were confirmed had been pre approved by our concierge or had direct access to someone in my family line. I glanced at his profile.


I didn't think much of him when I first met him, the only thing striking about him was that he hailed from Japan and was also working for a really big real estate company.

Out of pure boredom I searched him online. 54 mutual friends. Why so many?

Of course.

All my partying friends knew him. Curiosity got the best of me and I hit up one of my friends about him.

"Total player, but fun".

Hah. Of course

"Take him out though he likes to party".

I had toned down my partying quite a lot since my university days. I was already 23 going on 24 and I didn't feel like making new friends. I decided not to do anything.


"Hey there"

I looked up.

"My name is Samuel. I'm staying here for a couple of days"

I laughed. This is way too much of a coincidence.

The girl who was working the information center booth I was in had gone to the bathroom while I was picking up a package. I looked around. All the other staff were already with clients.

"Hi how can I help you".

I hate dealing with customers.

"I was just wondering what was there to do here for the night life. I'm from Tokyo and the night scene there is pretty crazy. So I wanted to see how it was here in Manila"

I blinked.

"To be honest I don't really go out so I wouldn't know. I used to live in Tokyo so I do remember it being crazy. I'd be happy to look up places for you though".

I lied. 100% Manila could match Tokyo's caliber on partying. Maybe even better.

He smiled as if seeing through my lie.

"Funny I go out a lot in Tokyo I've never seen you out".

I stared at him. Is this guy serious?

"Yeah well I moved out of Tokyo about a year ago so my partying days are over"

He stared back.

"I mean I've been out since I was 16 so if anything I'm sure I'd remember someone if they were important".


As if reading my mind he smirked.

"I guess you weren't that important".

Very annoying.

Calm down Bella he's still a guest.

"Well Samuel" pulling out my phone. "Why don't we connect and maybe I can show you around".

With no hesitancy at all he added himself to my contacts. He took out his phone and his eyes widened.


"Bella has 54 mutual friends with you. Amazing".


"Oh wow! What? Oh look at that all partying friends. Guess they knew who was important enough to remember"

He chuckled.

"Touché. So Bella. What are we doing tonight"

"Tonight?" I looked up at the calendar. Friday.

"I'll pick you up at 10 pm Samuel".

"Great, see you then".

I rolled my eyes as he walked away.

I messaged up my friend who co-owned one of the biggest nightclubs in Manila.

"Hey babe can you grab a table for me and 4 other people. I'll pop some bottles"


"Whatttt the party princess is back in the scene?"

I smirked.

Damn right she is.

"New boy in town for a couple of days. Have to show off just a little"

Ding. Ding. Ding.


"Is he hot"


I laughed.

"You'll see. See you tonight love"

Now. What to wear?

Next chapter