
The Nights

The Jiro family walked into the room with a translator, I guess they didn't speak English. I didn't mind it though, I didn't speak Japanese, at least not to the level of holding a conversation with someone. Himiko had been teaching me during my breaks from music, so during recess and lunch at school.

(For any translated dialogue I am going to have it in -- instead of "", ++ is going to be untranslated dialogue, so still in Japanese that MC can't understand.)

-Your song was very impressive Mr. Mendes; I don't think there is anyone who will deny you becoming big in the future.- Mr. Jiro spoke first, giving me a compliment before holding out his hand. -My name is Kyotoku Jiro, I'm a drummer from Japan.-

"I've heard of you, your bands work is quite impressive." I shook his hand in greeting. "This is my caretaker, Natalie Portman." Ms. Portman came forward and gave each of the group a handshake of her own. "What can I help you with today?"

Kyoka shuffled her feet in the background, seemingly embarrassed about something, though I didn't call it out. Mr. Jiro put a smile on his face and rubbed the back of his head as he explained the impromptu meeting.

-Me and my daughter wanted to meet you.- He wrapped his arm around his daughter and pulled her forward. -This is Kyoka, my world. After she showed me your song, I knew I just had to meet you in person.-

+Dad, not in front of him.+ Kyoka tried to shuffle her way out of her dad's hug while she spoke with red cheeks. The translator didn't translate so I assumed that it wasn't important.

I glimpsed at what Kyoka was wearing, a white blouse under a jean jacket with a black skirt. She looked cute right now, definitely better than her in her hero costume.

"I'm flattered that you came all this way just to see me. I know that people are saying I'm famous around the world, but to have an experienced professional come and see me means a lot." Now it was my turn to rub the back of my head.

-There's also another reason we wanted to see you.- There was a pause as Mr. Jiro breathed in and breathed out. -We were wondering if you would want to join our family?-

I was startled by this request, definitely not expecting anything like this to happen right after I had finished an interview. I took my own breath in before replying.

"Sorry, but I'll have to decline. You seem like a terrific bunch of people, but my family is the orphanage. Also, you live in Japan, my recording studio is in America, there just wouldn't be a way to make that commute."

Ms. Portman had a smile on her face when I spoke about the orphanage being my family, while the Jiro's previous bubbly personality took a plummet. I didn't want them to feel bad so I decided to offer them something in return.

"I'm sorry, but how about I offer you guys a quick preview of the next song I'm going to be performing at my next interview. If you wanted I could even get you tickets to the next show if you're willing to stay the extra week."

This lifted their spirits a bit, but there was still a little less positivity in the air after I declined.

-You don't need to show us a preview, though we wouldn't mind getting tickets for the next interview. We're on holiday right now and are staying here for a couple more weeks before we need to leave.- Kyotoku accepted my offer for the tickets before we talked a bit more.

I offered to hang around with them for a bit, but they refused saying I needed to practice my next song and they would just be a distraction. I asked them where they were staying and they gave me the name of the hotel.

"If I get time I'll drop by, here's my number." I handed them a card that had my phone number on it. "I'll text you if I have time to hang and maybe we can organize something."

They all nodded their heads and finally left after saying their goodbyes. I would see if they wanted to hang out after the interview, I didn't have any major deadlines for anything besides the album and I would probably still be done before the deadline if I took a day or two off.

I left the studio, arriving home like I had done the last time I had an interview and immediately headed into the music studio. I needed to practice this song a bit more, there were some electronic parts that I wanted to get right.

I once again spent the week practicing, focusing more on the electronic parts with some of my clones while others worked on getting the instrumentals correct. I knew the lyrics, it was such a popular song that there was no way I couldn't know the lyrics to the song.

It felt like no time at all before it was time for the interview, and just like before I looked out at the crowd wondering if I'll see anyone from the previous shows. I could see the Jiro's in the front row, excited to see me perform once again.

I was called up just like last time and the interview began. It honestly felt like the shows were running out of questions to ask, repeating some questions that had already been asked in an older interview. I still answered, but it was like the writer was bored and just decided to recycle old material.

But finally it was time to perform.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Mendes presents to you 'The Nights'!"

(For more immersion listen to 'The Nights' by Avicii)

The drummer made a big entrance then me and the guitarist came in.

♪Once upon a younger year

When all our shadows disappeared

The animals inside came out to play

Went face to face with all our fears

Learned our lessons through the tears

Made memories we knew would never fade♪

♪One day, my father, he told me, "Son, don't let it slip away"

He took me in his arms, I heard him say

"When you get older your wild heart will live for younger days

Think of me if ever you're afraid"♪

I had my clones sing in the background of the chorus.

♪He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind

So live a life you will remember"

My father told me when I was just a child

"These are the nights that never die"

My father told me♪

Besides my clone doing the electric piece and the drummer, the rest of me and my clones started clapping in time with the beat.

♪"When thunderclouds start pouring down

Light a fire they can't put out

Carve your name into those shining stars"

He said, "Go venture far beyond the shores

Don't forsake this life of yours

I'll guide you home no matter where you are"♪

♪One day, my father, he told me, "Son, don't let it slip away"

When I was just a kid, I heard him say

"When you get older your wild heart will live for younger days

Think of me if ever you're afraid"♪

Again, my clones stopped except the piano and electronic player.

♪He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind

So live a life you will remember"

My father told me when I was just a child

"These are the nights that never die"

My father told me♪

♪"These are the nights that never die"

My father told me♪

♪My father told me♪

The crowd cheered and applauded once again, the host joining them in applauding the song. I looked over to the Jiro's who were standing there, cheering their heads off at my performance. I bowed to them, though people thought I was just bowing in that direction.

"That was incredible!" The host walked up to me, instead of me having to go back to my seat to finish the show. "Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Mendes and his new song 'The Nights'!" Another wave of cheers started from the hosts hype.

"If you want more from Shawn Mendes then watch out for his new album, dropping by the end of next month. Keep an eye out for tickets to his new concert as well, taking place a week after the album is dropped!"

I walked off stage, waving to the crowd before I walked out of the studio, shadowed by security. I pulled out my phone and texted the Jiro's telling them I'm free for the next couple of days. If they wanted to hang out then this would be the best time for me.

They responded that they would be happy to hang out, even offering to take me along with them to an amusement park. I decided why not, I think I deserve a break after doing all these interviews.

I called Danny and explained to him that I wouldn't be available for the next couple of days, he sighed in relief for some reason. I guess he was really concerned that I would burn myself out. But with that sorted I just needed to tell Ms. Portman that I would be going out.

I also decided to bring Himiko along. She was fluent in both English and Japanese, a skill that her bastard of a father had her learn. Probably the one good thing he did for her, but definitely for the wrong reason.

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