

~ Noun, To reminisce something set in an earlier time line

His love was an endless pool of serenity, kindness and peace that I did not deserve. The endless waves of attention and love in times that even I believe I did not deserve love. He loved me in situations that even I could not love myself. He was well and truly mine... and I betrayed that love. I wanted him to feel what many others had made me feel how I had been treated. My life was his and his was mine and yet I could not love him in the way that he deserved. He deserved more and yet the sirens never stop ringing in my ears like an endless clock. Did he really deserve that?

*ring ring* I jolted up as my alarm rung with such intensity that my heart felt like it flew out of my chest. Bringing my hand up to my chest to steady myself I look at the clock 5:30am and I heaved out a relieved sigh. No matter what I did I could not remove myself from the constant agony, my mind was constantly on him. Stepping out of my bed I grimace at the iciness of the cold floor.. 'damn it, why is it winter.. I hate this weather' I shout-whispered to myself. I shook my head, plus I was getting up early of course it was going to be cold. I walk into the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror, my brown roots show through my red dyed hair and my blue eyes shine as my freckles sit on top of my imperfect skin. I bring myself to the sink and begin brushing my teeth as the sound of sirens fill my ears again. I shot my head up looking out the window and yet there was no one there, no one I wanted to see anyway. The strong taste of mint brings me back to reality as I spit out the tooth paste and rinse my mouth with water. I splash my face and look at myself again my rosy pink lips shone as I brought the towel up to my face to dry it. I always got compared to snow white when I had my brown hair, to be fair I was quite good with the animals in our local area. I wince at the sound of someone walking into my door, rushing to the door behind me I look in hope wishing he was the one coming in... however there was no one. Maybe I had gone insane after all of the police interrogations. When the mafia are involved it was as if no stone could be left unturned.

Once I got dressed into my cargo pants and sports bra I threw on my flower jacket. I was going for a walk. I swiftly walked out into the hallway from my room and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, maybe today I would actually feed myself properly. I made myself avocado on toast then threw on a black pair of trainers and headed out the door.