
Who Was She

Once upon a time in those old-old days there lived a small little girl named bliss.

She was as pretty as an angel and her eyes would glow like sapphire, her soft cold hands were like water, her hair would sparkle like the sun and she was as shy and scared as a butterfly.

She entered the door with with her shaking knees and somehow went to her seat and sat down. The teacher came into the class.

Miss : meet the new student of our high school.....Bliss.

Miss asked bliss to introduce herself. But who knew that shy Bliss could be so scared that broke down and started crying as embarrassed as a person could be in their whole life. Bliss was crying with all her might trying to weep as silently as she could but the whole class could hear her and was shocked. The teacher tried to console her but she failed and ordered her to go wash her face off and then come back.

Bliss came back to the class highly embarrassed trying not cry again she went and sat on her seat looking at the smiling faces of other students.

Everyone in the class was more interested in her to know who was she...❔



with love