
What happened?!


Nash's phone rang repeatedly, someone was calling him.

He groaned, his thoughts rushing as he recalled how late he was out last night. If only his coworkers hadn't convinced him to go drinking! Of course he wasn't blaming them, with how things were going in the company....he really couldn't say anything.

A night out was what they all had needed. The phone continued to ring until Nash reaches over to the bed stand and pressed answer,

" Hello?.."

As he sat up the ceiling blurred and a fairy throbbing came from his temple.

He answered in a sharp low tone, upset with how his morning had started. First this annoying phone call and now a pounding headache, it seemed like last nights drinking had started to kick in.

A panicked voice sounded through the phone, the speaker was odiously nervous,

"Brother Nash!!! Hurry! You must hurry! Where are you?! The boss will be announcing the results for the tops call! The meeting starts in 20!"

Immediately Nash was wide awake,

" Im coming! hold on!"

Was all he could say before hanging up the phone and rushing to closet.

-20 minutes later-

Nash sat on the edge of his seat, he had just hardly made it out of his house and had just barely caught the bus and now his stop was right around the conner. If he ran he just might make it.

"...All passengers the bus will now come to a stop..please exit slowly and cautiously..."

the bus radio crackled over the speakers as Nash rose from his seat and walked to the front of the bus. When the doors opened He sprinted away from the bus running into one of the nearby buildings, his tie flapping in the wind.

"Huff..huff...I made it..."

he wheezed as he entered the office space. A crowd had gathered at one end of the cramped room and a person was talking in a loud voice obviously annoyed with his surroundings.

"..And that is all, you heard me! Now get to work! the dead line is tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp!"

With that the annoyed man left, leaving behind a suffocating silence. Nash speed walked towards the group only catching the last of the mans words. 'Dead line?? what was he talking about??'

He shouldered his was through the crowd setting his sights on a tall man with a green tie.


He called out and the tall figure turned to him, a somber expression on his face. Jade and Nash has been freinds ever since they started working together at the company

" Hey, i got your call and ran here as fast as i could. What going on?"

Wasting no time at all Jade began to explain. Apparently just after finishing their last project their had been a mishap in the company's plans thus they had discarded the whole plan and demanded that it be re-written, immediately.

Nash froze, 'DAMMIT! What the hells wrong with our plan?!? Are they blind?!?' If their was a god out their he/she clearly wasn't looking at Nash with good will. But in the end he couldn't say anything, after all this wasn't the first time that this had happened, he chuckled dryly to himself, 'Ha... what had i been expecting?...of course the top wasn't satisfied with all our work...wasn't it always this way? We are all corporate slaves anyway. To the top we don't matter at all.'

Jade only sighed, and then continued,

" Well i think you heard the rest Nash, the deadline for the paper is 8:00 tomorrow morning, we need to finish our part, let's get to work."

The sky had darkened visibly and lights around the city had gone up the next time Nash looked away from his screen. Still people sat at their desks. It had long since passed closing time and all that could be heard were the typing of keys and the shuffling of paper. Nash sighed, his headache had gotten progressively worse as the day had continued and he was seriously regretting going out drinking with his coworkers.

Sighing again, he thought to him self, ' If i'm given another life i want to live with lots of money! A place at the top of the food chain! Somewhere where i can relax! Somewhere i can drink all i want without getting hangovers!ARgghgGgGgg!! Dammit! Hangovers suck!' After calming himself down he forced his attention to the glowing screen in front of him and returned to furiously typing.

As the computers clock hit 1:00am Nash realized something was wrong, he couldn't move his hands. It felt like he had been struck with a bolt of lightning. His body numb and tingling all over. Sharp needles poked at his spine and down his legs and arms. The next thing he knew his vision had begin to blurr, blackness swallowing his eyesight. The last thing he remembered was the pounding in his head which in that moment had grown to a thundering roar, drowning out all noise and making him incapable of thinking.

Then, their was silence, blessed, blessed, silence.

He rolled over and stretched his hands over his head, his stiff muscles finally catching a break from being hunched over at his desk all day and night. ' God this bed feels so nice! It's soft and fluffy and nothing like my own be-' Immediately he opened his eyes seized by panic, his thoughts racing. ' Even my own bed isn't this soft?! Where am i?! What's happing?' Blinking it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings. That was when his eyes were presented with an undeniable truth. This.... This most definitely was not his room.


ilove_friedckakecreators' thoughts