
Chapter 1: “young Ae-ri”

Ae-ri was adopted into the Jung family when she turned 5. Her parents died in a car crash, but as she grew up she began to wonder..was it really a accident..? When Ae-ri moves into the Jung families home she is greeted by her step sister Eun Jung. Ae-ri shares a room with Eun Jung, but she wasn't too happy about getting a younger sibling, let alone sharing a room with ae-ri. As time passed and ae-ri turned 12, the atmosphere of the household turned ugly. Everyday Eun Jung would do something bad and blamed it on Ae-ri. No matter how much ae-ri told them that she didn't do it', she still got blamed for it. She always got slapped and called a good for nothing. But

One day she had enough and ran away from home crying her eyes out. She runs to a near by play ground. As she sits on a swing, and lifts her head up.

"Mom...dad... I miss you guys so much, do you miss me..? Are things well in heaven.." she says as tears fall down her cheeks. Then suddenly a soft hand touches her cheek wiping away her tear.

"I knew I would find you here, (chuckles). Something told me you were up set." Said Sang-ook. Ae-ri and Sang-ook had been best friends since they were 7. He always took care of her, even when they were kids. He sits next to her and sighed.

"Why are you crying ae-ri."

"I'm crying because the sky is so beautiful... it has no worries..it just shines bright." Says Ae-ri

He stands up and rushes behind her, then he gives her a great big push on the swing and says

"No matter what happens Ae-ri.. I'll always be here to protect you, so don't keep things in!" He laughed. At that moment she felt like all her bad memories were non existent. She smiled, she smiled and laughed with him until the sun set, from then on the only thing that worried her was going back home.

/8:30 pm/

"Thank you for walking me back home, I feel better now." Says Ae-ri

"No worries, next time just think of me...I'm here for you." Says Sang-ook

(She laughed)

"Funny of you to say that" she said.

"you know me so welll." He chuckles.

He waved goodbye and she walked into her home.

"AE-RI IS BACK MOM." Yells Eun Jung.

Her step mom walks into the room. You can tell by her expression she is not very happy.

"So... where have you been you little brat." Says her step mom.

"Just needed some fresh air... I'm sorry." Says Ae-ri

Her step mom looks at her then drags her by her ear to her room. "Ow ow please stop", screamed Ae-ri. Her step mom then throws her into her room and locks the door.

"You can come out when you learned your lesson." Says her step mom.

Ae-ri mumbles under her breath. "But I didn't even do anything."

She sobbed the whole night, wondering why do they treat her so bad.

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