
Leaving Home

I stayed in it for seven years and got a reduced sentence for good behavior. On the first day I came out, I received several calls. The bosses tried their best to persuade me to work with them. Calling from two places. Panjia$ in Beijing and Shenyang Road in Tianjin. After thinking about it, I still refused. It was a mistake for me to enter this industry at the beginning. Even though I got rich overnight, I also paid the price. In seven years, I have changed from a white and clean guy to a belly uncle in his thirties. The girl I met at the beginning, now the child knows how to make love..... I have no relatives and no reason, and I finally chose to go to Dali. I bought a small store by the Erhai Lake and opened a small supermarket. Every day when I was not doing business, I went to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze, and my life was quite leisurely. The address of the small supermarket is on Cangshan East Road, next to La Mart.

If any friends want to come and play, I will treat them with tea. Didn't I discover the ancient Shu civilization some time ago, and also produced a golden mask that caused a sensation all over the country. In fact, my way of getting rich has something to do with these things, and I can't do without two words.

Antiques, tomb robbers. A few years ago, Blowing the Lamp, Notes on Tomb Raiders, Golden Eyes, and popular movies and TV shows. Now that I am free, I also write about those things in this industry. I have never seen Yunding Tiangong, Qinling Sacred Tree, and I don't have golden eyes, but I entered the antique business at the age of sixteen, and I have indeed seen many things that ordinary people cannot understand.

Let's start from the beginning. I was born in a small mountain village in the northeast of my motherland, close to Mohe River, where the winter is so cold that people can freeze to death. My grandma raised me, and I have never met my parents, let alone ask their names. My father told me that I was very naughty when I was a child, I didn't listen to the teacher's discipline, my academic performance was poor, and I was at the bottom of the class all the year round. At that time, the village provided subsistence allowances, which seemed to be more than 80 $ per month. There was also a subsidy for orphans and extremely poor households, which was more than 100 $ per month.

My family said it was difficult to make ends meet. When I was in junior high school, there was CCTV's treasure hunting show on TV every day. I was fascinated by it. Those bottles and jars that people didn't take seriously before, but experts said they could sell for tens of thousands. They are antiques and can be exchanged for houses. , change the car! At that time, I kept lying to my grandmother, saying that the school let me buy study materials, and my grandmother gave me money, so I ran to the bookstore and bought all the books on antiques. The first book I remember reading was "Fifty Treasures from Ancient Springs", published by Mr. Dai, a very thick book. Ancient springs are copper coins, which are called purple coins in our country. This book opened my eyes, and I became crazy about antiques.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets in our house, fooling my classmates again and again, not reading the

words, and unified the price of five cents a piece, letting them steal copper coins from their own home, steal them and sell them to me, and I bought them. I was frugal, I never ordered food in the dining room, and later I sold a bunch of textbooks for seven $. I was too poor at studying, and the teacher just kept sighing, saying that the child is finished, so it's not good Learning can only be a cancer of society in the future. At that time, I dismissed what my teacher said, and I had a dream of getting rich in my heart. Even if I became a cancer, I would become a rich cancer. In the third year of junior high school, when the senior high school entrance examination was approaching, I was 16. Grandma accidentally broke her leg because she was sweeping snow in the yard, and the medical and surgical expenses added up to more than 3,000 $. The situation in our family was that we couldn't even get out 600 $ at that time. I was deeply impressed. At that time, my grandmother was lying on the kang, covered with a thick quilt, and cried at night. My uncle opened several farmhouses in Mohe, a snow town, and his business was doing well, so I went to my uncle's house to borrow money to buy medicine for my grandma. Although I didn't say anything on the surface, I overheard one time behind my back. My uncle said that I was a broom star, and that our family was poor, and that the borrowed money was pawned, and my uncle said My aunt seldom interacts with us.

That winter night, Mohe was more than 30 degrees below zero, and I sat on a piece of rock for more than three hours. Young and frivolous, the words of the eldest aunt severely smashed a young man's self-esteem to pieces. Holding on to the borrowed money, I swore in my heart: "I! Xiang Xiang! I must stand out!" I dropped out of school by myself. Strictly speaking, I didn't even have a junior high school diploma. graduates. In addition to the 3,000 $ for grandma's surgery and medicine, there is still 753 $ left, which I secretly kept.

Not only did I collect copper coins, but I also went to other people's homes in neighboring villages to collect porcelain and silver dollars. Rural people only think that silver dollars are valuable, and most of them don't know much about bottles, dishes, and porcelain, and they don't care too much. Reading books and appreciating treasures every day, I gradually gained some basic vision. I paid 100 $ for a pair of late-Qing blue chicken breast duster bottles, and for less than 200 $, I bought a few small salt shakers with Chinese pastels and patterns, and I bought three for 108 $. It is a pity that these three bowls have chicken head patterns, which were not well preserved, and all of them have big punching lines. I also saved a small bag of copper coins before, about 200 or so. Most of the copper coins are Song coins and Qing coins. Among them, Daoguang, Guangxu, Qianlong, Huangsong, and $feng have the most. These copper coins have a large amount in the world. I know They are not very valuable, and what I am most satisfied with are the three Yongzheng Tongbao in good condition. I knew that Yongzheng Tongbao could be worth a little money, but I didn't know how much it was worth at the time.

After buying these things, I spent a total of more than 500 $, and I had 240 $ left, and the average monthly salary at that time was just over 300 $. I had a good relationship with a female classmate at the time, and she helped me out by lending me two 30-inch trolley suitcases. There are a total of 11 pieces of porcelain and a small bag of copper coins. I carefully wrapped them with quilts, so as not to break them, and stuffed a lot of foam. In the end, it was full of two large trolley cases and a backpack. My grandma didn't understand what I did. She said that I was not doing my job properly, and that she was raising me for nothing. My aunt also knew about it, and most of the villagers also knew about it. Many people pointed at me behind my back.

Suffering supercilious glances and carrying the incomprehension of others, I left Mohe with my things on the morning of the 17th day of the twelfth lunar month. At that time, I thought in my mind that the people in Beijing were the richest, and the antiques I collected would of course be sold to Beijing people, not to mention that I had long been yearning for the legendary place of Panjia$. There is no direct train from Mohe to Beijing. You can only take a train to Siping first, and then from Siping to the west of Beijing. The whole journey is more than 2,000 kilometers and takes more than 50 hours. In order to save money, I chose the cheapest hard seat. I was carrying two large trolley suitcases and a large backpack on my back. My hair was oily and I was wearing very dirty clothes. Passengers at the station pointed and whispered to me from time to time. Never having traveled far before, this was my first time on a train, and it was by myself. After buying the train ticket, I have less than 100 $ left. If I can't sell the things, I can't even afford the return train ticket, let alone eat. The food on the train was very expensive, so I didn't dare to spend money, so I just drank hot water from the cup I brought. I was really hungry, so I went to buy a bag of 4 $ of flowers. It's the first time for a rural child to come to Beijing, and everything I see is new, and it's the first time I've seen the security inspection equipment at the train station. I was young at the time, but I was not afraid of strangers and dared to talk to people, so I asked them how to get to the Panjia$ Antique Market. The ticket seller was very enthusiastic.

He let me take the subway and told me how to transfer. Take Line 9 from Bei|Jingxi Railway Station, then get off at Liuli Bridge and change to Line 10, and get off at Panjia$ Station. Fortunately, my memory is not bad, and I didn't make many wrong trips. At that time, it was only two $ to ride the subway. As long as you didn't get out of the station, no one would care about you. When I got off the subway station, there were anti-skid pits on the sidewalk. I was carrying a bag and dragging two large boxes was very difficult.

Walking across the Warwick Bridge, I finally saw the golden stele standing outside the north gate. "Panjia$ Flea Market." "It's finally here...

Dragging the box into the market from the north door, the first thing I saw was the shed area, good guy, that day It just happened to be Saturday, so it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many mountains and seas. Vajrayana, beeswax pine, miscellaneous porcelain, stone jewelry, bronze weapons, stone carving rubbings, embroidery calligraphy

and painting, there is really everything, My eyes were wide open and my eyes were dazzled. Of course, most of them are fake, and there are very few real ones on the stalls in the shed. I was so happy that I thought: "This is all fake, my things are all fake. The ones I collected by myself are real old things, and they should be sold out soon." Seeing an empty stall in shed, I prepared to take out my stuff and set up a stall. "Hey, what are you doing? "The one next to me. A bald stall owner stopped me. "Set up a stall," I said. "Set up a stall? This is you

Do you just set up the booth? Xiang, get out of here, little brat. I bit my teeth and said, "I want to set up a stall. Is this your stall? I'll give you money. How much do you want?" The bald man rolled his eyes, smiled and said, "One hundred $, if you give it a hundred $, you can do it." " "What! One hundred dollars! ", "Why so expensive!" He squinted and said, "Just at this price, if you don't want to sell it, hurry up and don't stop me from doing business." "I have less than one hundred left in my pocket, and after a bit of bargaining, I gave him ninety. Now, now I only have three $ left in my body. The bald man took the money and kept smiling. Unexpectedly, I had just rolled out the

stall, and the things were just halfway there, when the loudspeaker in the antique market began to sound. "Every traveler and merchant, the Panjia$ Flea Market has reached its closing time.

Passengers, please take your belongings and leave the market in an orderly manner. I wish you a happy shopping and a prosperous business. When the horn sounded, the stall owners around started to close their stalls. I was so stupid at the time, I hadn't set up yet... I angrily said to the bald man: "You give me back the money, The market is closing now, and I haven't started to place it yet. " "Bah! "The bald man spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and scolded me with a cold face: "You are paralyzed, why didn't you show it off! You are all up! That's it! It is impossible to refund the money! "My eyes were red and I was impatient. I grabbed his arm and yelled for him to return the money to me. "Go to your mother's bastard!" "He kicked me hard in the stomach.

One foot. I was only 16 at the time, and I couldn't even stand up because of the pain. There were fewer and fewer people around me, and everyone put away their three-wheeled vehicles for pulling, and the bald man who kicked me also left. In the twelfth lunar month of winter, although Beijing is not as good as Mohe, it is also very cold at night. The security guard of the market led a big dog and saw that I was slow to close the stall, and kept urging me, saying that if I was late, I would be fined. The days were short and the nights were long, and by the time I dragged my suitcase out of the market, it was already dark, I was cold and hungry, and I only had three dollars on me. After sitting on a bench by the side of the road for half an hour, I found out that there is an Internet cafe on the west side of Warwick Bridge, about two kilometers away. I dragged my suitcase to the other side, but when I asked at the Internet cafe, the cheapest machine cost 10 $, and I didn't have enough money. The idea of living in an Internet cafe was also shattered. It was so cold outside that I couldn't take it anymore, so I took my suitcase and hid in an ATM self-service bank. From time to time, people came in to withdraw money, and they all looked at me strangely. It was very cold on the ground, and I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep, so I put on a cotton jacket and a hat, and curled up against the wall. After two or three hours, in a daze, someone patted me. When I looked up, it turned out to be a aunt in her fifties with a small white dog in her hand. She was probably a resident of a community near Jinsong. "Young man, why do you sleep here in such a cold day?" "I just bought two biscuits, and they are still warm. If you don't like it, eat them, I put them here for you," the aunt shook Shaking his head, he put the plastic bag on the red iron box containing the fire extinguisher. My aunt left her things and left. I was growling with hunger, and finally went to get the plastic bag. The sesame seed cake is a baked sesame seed cake with sesame, which is crispy and delicious. Eating and eating, I cried. "Don't you just give up like this?" "Won't others look down on our family even more when we go back?" People

with money." At eight o'clock in the morning, I came to Panjia$ for the second time, because I had no money to pay for the stall, so I could only pull the box around and see someone looking at the porcelain, so I would go up and ask: " Brother, would you like to take a look at my porcelain, they are all old and can be sold if the price is right." At this time, the loudspeaker in the market rang again. "Everyone, please be careful of unscrupulous traders stalking you. Please take good care of your belongings, so as not to be deceived." As soon as the loudspeaker was played like this, the way the man looked at me changed, and he ran away quickly. After questioning several people in a row, they all thought that I was a lawbreaker and a fraudulent dealer. Then I went into an antique shop with the mentality of giving it a try, and I asked the shop owner if he accepted porcelain. shop boss Said flatly: "What is it, take it out and have a look." I was overjoyed, so I put the trolley case flat and opened it. "Well, these things are not very good. The elders are all old. How much do you plan to sell this pair of bile bottles?" The boss pointed to a pair of late Qing Dynasty blue bile bottles in the box. Swallowing my saliva, I cautiously said: "Late Qing Dynasty, can you give...eight hundred for a

pair?" "What? Eight hundred!" You are one hundred and fifty, will you sell it?" "...one Only one hundred and fifty? "My heart was cold. I took it from the mountain area and sat on a hard-seat train for more than 2,000 kilometers with cold and hunger. It cost a hundred to take it back! Only earned fifty $?

My face was flushed with anger at the time, and I packed the box immediately. When the boss saw that I wanted to leave, he said immediately, "Hey, don't panic, if it doesn't work, I will add 20, 100 to you. How about seven?" I tried my best not to attack, I thought my offer was reasonable, but I didn't expect to be so insulted. "Your twenty $, keep it for yourself!" People don't listen to words when they are angry, and young people are even more angry. I ignored it and pulled the box out of the store. I haven't given up yet, I'm going to go outside the market, but when I go out, the urban management is confiscating things, and several guerrilla sellers have their things confiscated. I was so scared that I immediately dismissed the idea. But there is no unparalleled road. Just when I was in despair, I ran into a boss who said: "Guys, there are a lot of people in Panjia$ on the 6th, and the stalls are very expensive. You can go to Baoguo Temple to try it. I heard that the stalls over there are not sold. money." When I heard the good news, I was overjoyed and rushed to Baoguo Temple in Guang'an with my suitcase. The free stall at Baoguo Temple is my last chance.

At that time, Baoguo Temple still had street stalls, and there were quite a few of them, selling mainly coins and porcelain chips. Home. One radish and one hole, I happened to bring porcelain and copper coins, and the route was just right. I instantly swept away my decadence and greatly increased my confidence. I really can't believe that no one wants old things! I was lucky enough to occupy an open space in front of the newsstand, and bought two chicken sausages with the remaining three $. I atechicken intestines and thought to myself: "Whether I starve to death or freeze to death in Beijing or eatspicy food, it depends on today." Unexpected.

As soon as my stall was opened, within ten minutes, a large crowd of people gathered in front of my stall. "Boss, how do you sell the Song money and Qing money?" "Boss, can you show me your small pastel salt jar?" For a while, I was very busy. "Boss, how much is the pair of cyan gall bottles? You just tell me the lowest price, and I will take it if it suits you." I.. looked at the stall in a panic, and I said casually, "A pair of cyan gall bottles , at least eight hundred." "Okay, pack it, I want it,How can I give you money? "The man nodded directly and asked me to pack it.

"Wait a minute, don't panic, I'll offer this pair of bottles at 800." Suddenly, someone raised the price for me again. "Mosan, you do this... ..Is it against the rules? "The man said coldly. "Oh, rules? Haven't you paid yet? The small boss can sell whoever he wants! " "You tell me the rules?" Mr. Song, there are fewer and fewer old things now, not to mention that this kind of dowry bottle doesn't have to worry about sales. If you put it in a box and put it in your shop, how much can it sell for? Boss Song, don't you have any points in your heart? " Boss Song slapped his thigh. "Fuck! Sixth, you don't care how much you sell! How much your father sells is none of your business! Seeing that these two people were about to fight, I tried to persuade them to fight. "Don't fight, isn't there something else here?" Take a look, this small pastel salt shaker is pretty good.

Although it is not covered, it is well painted. " Boss Song looked at the salt shaker in my hand and asked me loudly: "Little brother, just now you said you sold it to me for 800 $, who do you want to sell it to now?" "I thought to myself: "Why are things that no one wants in Panjia$ are being snatched up here? After thinking about it, I looked at him and said, "Brother, this pair of bottles Zi said earlier that it was 800, then 800 will sell you, I can't say anything. " "Ha ha. " "good! The man laughed and patted his beer belly.

He looked at Ma Liu with a smug expression on his face. He roughly glanced at the other things on my booth. Have a good time. "" I want all your things. " "One shot!" " "ah? "I didn't realize it for a while, why is this Beijing boss so arrogant. "Okay, don't sell it, the stall is closed, and follow Boss Song to the shop to get money", envied the elder sister who set up a stall next to her Said to me. "Oh, oh, good," I quickly closed the stall. I followed the big belly boss Song into the store, and he asked me to leave the box, saying that I would count the money for the box .Finally. Porcelain, copper coins, plus The box, the big belly boss gave me four thousand and seven cash! This is equivalent to the savings of ordinary people who worked part-time for one year!

It's so hard, the big boss went straight to the shop, and even bought me a trolley case... I left Baoguo Temple empty-handed, and I touched the thick stack of hundreds of bags in my clothes. $ bills, my face is about to die from laughing. I stood on the Guang'anmen Bridge outside, holding a huge sum of money, and shouting loudly: "The emperor pays off, I, Xiang Xiang, can't study, but I am born to be a businessman! Auntie's Nongjiale is nothing! I want to be the most awesome antique dealer in the country in the future!" At this time, passers-by looked at me strangely. Fifteen or sixteen years have passed now, and every time I think of this scene and want to laugh every time, I feel like a fool. This time, I made a net profit of more than 4,000 $! Don't panic if you have surplus food in your pocket. If you have money, you must first fill your stomach. The children in the village eat a lot. I ate two bowls of noodles and a cold dish in one meal, and I was full. After eating enough, I picked up the meat with a stick, and I was planning in my heart, "Well, this way works, I have some money left after I have to pay back my uncle, this money should be enough for capital, next time I don't have to pay my uncle back once, I'll charge more, and I can earn 4,000 for one trip, so if I do ten trips?

Can't I earn 40,000$?" When I arrived at the West Railway Station at night, I was caught by a middle-aged man. The woman cheated and went to stay in a small hotel, the price was 60 $ a night. After moving in, the proprietress secretly said: "Boy, do you want to find a girl for you?"

After reacting, I hurriedly waved my hand and said, "No, no, I don't want a younger sister. "The lady boss was soft-spoken, and finally she was forced to do nothing. I gave her an extra 20 $, and told her not to bother me anymore. The boss said well, when you are away from home, you should not reveal your wealth. I am very impressed. At that time, the hostess of the hotel looked straight at my stack of red banknotes. I was very sleepy that night, and fell asleep in a daze. I was afraid that it would be unsafe, so I deliberately pressed the plastic bag containing the money on the pillow. Exit. I never thought that after I woke up, the money was gone... the more than 4,000 $ I had worked so hard to earn was gone. "The money! Where's my money? "At that time, my face turned pale from fright, and I frantically flipped through the sheets and pillows. But there was nothing left, only a shriveled black plastic bag. I was terrified, and hurried to find the boss, I asked She went to adjust the surveillance, and I said that I lost my money, and I wanted to call the police. The result is predictable. I didn't get any money back. To this day, I don't like this kind of small hotel near the train station. I don't like it. More than ten years have passed, and I guess that small hotel is long gone. I hate it, and I can't talk about it. If the money hadn't been lost, I might be a small antique shop owner now, and I might marry a wife and have children. Now, the trajectory of my life may change completely. However, no one has the chance to do it all over again. If the money had not been lost, I would not be in the circle, and there would be no "God's Eye Peak" on the road. "This nickname. The police simply made a record and told me that there was little hope of getting the money back. I was empty-handed and hopeless. I didn't dare to go back to Mohe, and I didn't dare to go home. I know, I will definitely die when I go back. Being laughed at, ridiculed by peers, and looked down upon by my aunt's family. I feel ashamed!

I said I earned 4,000 $, but the villagers would not believe it at all! Standing on the overpass outside the West

Station, there is such a For a moment, I really wanted to jump down, and I thought I would just die like this. I have no parents, no one to care about, I am just a wild child who is loved and loved by no one. If I had this kind of thought, it would be very scary. I was going to jump off the sky bridge. Even if I didn't fall to my death, I would probably be run over by passing trucks. My legs stretched out. At this moment, Someone slapped me from behind.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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