

( Year-:2030, Country-:I , CITY-: V , TIME -:9:00pm, night ).

place-: jiang villa.

In a Starry night she is like a flower smooth beautiful you can say that nothing in this world can compare to her smile. she is going to her room but before that someone hold her and take her to his room . "Senior jiang wh...what are you doing?"she said her voice trembled with fear. "what am I doing you will see" he said with anger. His face show everything. he know that what he is doing will make her hate him but he can't control his emotions how can he control himself when he see the person whom he love for 10 years is going to dating someone ? he can't control himself .Then he push her towards wall and leaned on her shoulder he said -: "Tell me why can't you love me ? why can't you be with me ? 10 years for 10 ye...years I am waiting for you that you will realise my love but why can't you see my love for you? what i did wrong tell me ?" then he suddenly grabbed her waist and tried to forcibly kiss her but before that she shouted "Senior jiang what ar.....are you doing ? stop it ,please you are drunk see i am reaper i am not shiny " . he said with smile " i know". And started to kiss her. she can't free herself and her tears started falling , he frowned and then she push him and go towards door then again he suddenly grabbed her and push her to his bed. " you don't love me then I will make you hate me . you don't remember me but I will make you can't forget me . if you can't be with me then I will be with you " and then he started to tear her clothes and forcibly kiss her . she cried and shouted " please senior Jiang don't do this please you are no in your sense please s.....stop".he feel pain in his heart when he saw her crying but he can't control himself . he love her that much how can he bear that his love be with someone .He said with pain in his heart " I will make you remember me forever , i will make you taste how painful I felt in my heart . if you can't love me then just hate me okay".


"senior jiang please l....let me go please"

"let you go never .look like i am not harsh enough"

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... .

she remember when its started.

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