
The Being

"Hi, My name is Kai I'm 18 I graduated with an IQ of 430 don't know why but I did I live alone as my parents died a long time ago, in a car crash I was was left their inheritance and that is what I've been living off of since but to me  I'm pretty average in my opinion, most people just ignore me I work as a cashier for a bank." But what most people don't know is I'm a pretty hard Otaku but I'm also really into cartoons, you know like Batman the animated adventures, Batman beyond, Ben 10, Teen Titans, and last but not least my favorite cartoon Danny fucking phantom. When I say I love this show I mean it but there are some things I would change like his love interest from Sam to Valerie or maybe Paulina or maybe even Star. I would also change it so he would practice more of his powers before, going ghost hunting and make Danny somewhat popular in school.

Though this is just my opinion, of course I mean vald offers to teach him how to use his ghost powers. I Snapped out of my thoughts as I hear the people around me gasp as I was walking home while thinking this as I see them starring at a little girl who was in the middle of the street as a truck was speeding down the road the driver was drunk asleep I was in shock and anger I almost couldn't move my body in time to save the girls life, but I push every ounce of will power I had to move my body to say running up to her and pushing her out the way. There I laid bloodied and disfigured in the street slowly dying from my injuries but I was happy that she got live I died with a smile on my face.

                         .....Endless void.....

We watch as a young soul drifts in the endless void for millions to trillions of years asleep unaware of his Surroundings. Until he wakes up by a bright light and is engulfed in it, and his surroundings change to be in a waiting room like an office he's in shock as to what happened to him.

"Hello, There son of man in which I created I'm the creator of the universe and all thing but your people call me God once again hello" the man who claimed to be God spoke.

"Uh-uh hello I'm kai I suppose I died didn't I was the girl alright". Said Kai. As kai was able to keep his memories even after death and his time in the void.

"Ah yes, the little girl you save yes she sure is she was very thankful for you saving her life as well as her family as she went on to achieve many great things and save lives due to you saving her life". Spoke to God once again

"That's great I'm so happy for her I'm glad my death wasn't in vain" kai spoke.

"Yes yes she is a great one isn't she well moving on to why you are here due to all the karma you got from saving her and her saving other people you get to reincarnate and get 5 wishes choose wisely"  God spoke once again

"Can I have a minute to think and also why can't I see your Appearance?" Kai asked in a curious tone.

"Well, I thought you'll never ask anyways you can not see my appearance because you can't comprehend it in your mind to see me". said, god

"Oh ok anyways I would like to be reincarnated in Danny phantom as him wish the bloodlines of Sparda and angel bloodline from the reboot instead of human but with all the weapon of Dante, Vergil, and Nero along with their abilities. An six sense like spider-mans spider-sense or haki and intuition and the knowledge Batman and renewal taekwondo and niko style also the first of the north star lastly I would like to have my appearance and body change to my liking" said Kai

"Oh ok your wishes have been granted just know you would not get your powers until the accident and you would also have to start off as a baby," God said to kai who mouth was gaping open in shock as gid just chuckled and with a wave of his hand kai's soul was gone off to his new adventure

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