
Chapter 1

Ouch! My head! It feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my head. I need to get out of here. I felt a hand on me and jumped out of my skin. "It's ok. you are ok. you are in Grace Memorial. I am doctor Thornton. I would like to ask you some questions. Do you know who the president is?" the president! why would I know who that is? He smiled, "Do you know your birthday? Your name?" I croaked, "My name is....." What the fudge? I don't remember my name. he smiled at me. "It is ok! We removed a bullet from your chest, you fell and hit your head. It may have caused amnesia. You will recover over time. Trust me." I gave him a weak smile. I tried to get up fast but I felt like I was lightheaded, so I lay down perfectly still until they remove the bandages. It took them three days to do that. I woke up with determination to find out my identity. I turned to get a glass of water when I felt something cold and metallic on my wrist. I was cuffed! I screamed. Another man came running, he quickly removed the cuffs with a stupid smile. The doctor requested the creep to leave. Dr. Thornton managed to pacify me. I waited till he walked out of the room. I stuck my head of the door to see there was a group huddled together talking about god knows what. I took this moment to give them the slip. I slowly walked towards the nearest stairs. I walked carefully left and right till I found myself in a locker room. Each one had a label depicting that they belonged to a doctor. So I check locker after locker until I found a hoodie, pants, socks, and shoes that fit me. I took a few bucks and head straight towards the door hoping to find daylight.

Finally, I can hear cars and bikes. Quickly! Find an unlocked car and get in. Stay hidden because I can't stay here. Is that guy going to drive a truck? Quickly get in before it leaves. This maybe your only chance to get out. I waited for an opportunity and I bolted towards it. I felt my leg muscles protest at the speed at which I ran. Phew! Made it, now all I have to do is get under the covers and stay perfectly still. When this hunk of metal stops I will sneak out. Where is this thing going? I am still in the city. If I walk out now in traffic I would end up in cuffs again. My head hurts and I have no meds either. I want to get out of this city if possible. It was as if the owner had heard my wish. The mystery man took the first turn out of the city and straight towards the woods. I was pleased to see such lush greenery. I wished he would stop soon but he didn't. He kept driving until he felt like it was time to stop. I remained as still as the dead till he got out to open a gate. It was old and slightly rusted. I slowly snuck out unnoticed. I recalled a dirty road, I could take it and go in a different direction. I just hope I am not wandering out at night. I am scared of the dark. One quick look at the man who facilitated my escape and I waited till I saw the truck disappear. I slowly walked towards the direction from memory. I am lost. I can't believe it. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. I need to find shelter and food. I was walking in circles when I saw a light and I fainted.

I felt something cold and wet on my forehead. my eyes opened to see an old woman dipping a rag in a basin of water before she reached out to wipe my face. She saw that I was awake so she cried out. "Master! She is awake." I heard someone sprinting towards the door. An old man walked in, he looked visibly pleased that I was awake, "Miss! What were you doing out there in the forest? Are you in trouble? Should I call the police? Do you need me to call your parents? What is your name?" My name is a mystery even to myself but for now, let's give them a name. I pinched the bridge of my nose with my eyes closed. "My name is Flora Daisy Rosenberg." The woman chuckled, "Seriously! That is your name? Impossible." I opened my eyes to give her the 'I am serious look', "I was named after my aunt. She died of cancer a few months before I was born." Their expression sobered immediately. They apologized for the joke. He had a kind fatherly expression. "Tell me why were you out in the forest?" I looked him in the eye. "I decided to leave the city life for a quiet life in the town. A friend promised me she would help me get a job as a farmhand or a waitress at the local diner. I hitchhiked a ride, the guy tried to hurt me so I got out of the car and ran away. I lost my belongings and here I am." He smiled, "Welcome to the quiet. There are no cell phones, no TVs, no cable or dishwashers. I am looking for a helping hand, I hope this won't be a shock moving from the city." I smiled at him, "I never fit well in the city. I prefer the slow pace that farms and other places have. People in the city go to therapist and drugs for peace. If they knew what places held, they would go to war." I heard men laughing downstairs. He smiled and addressed the woman to take good care of me. Her name was Cheryl, she was the housekeeper and house cook. He winked a good night at me before he left.

I woke up the next morning at four am in the morning. I walked into the dining room as men and women of the farm were feasting on their meal. I cleared my throat and they delightfully introduced me to the rest of the household. The men introduced themselves as well. The old man was Phillip, he fifteen sons, I met the octuplets at breakfast, the triplets and the twins out on errands, I will meet them later. The big bearded one with a shaved head was Miles. The fatherly one was Caesar. The Greek statue with a ponytail was Anthony. The one with the Tom Cruise hairstyle was Arthur. The Greek statue with tattoos was Sam. The quiet one was Michael. The one in a leather jacket was Alexander and the last guy was in a skin-tight white t-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots were Steven. These were the Harmon brothers. The next to be introduced was was Bethany, who is Caesar's daughter. The rest present were farmhands, like me they were there to eat before chores. I was introduced to all of them. I smiled at all of them as I filled my plate with eggs, toast, steak, mashed potatoes. They were so sweet, it broke my heart that I lied to them. I promised myself that the moment I remember everything I will be honest with them.

I was first assigned to help to carry buckets to and from the barn. They milked goats and cows. When that was done, I went inside to make lemonade. I carried it to everyone to make sure I made myself useful. They smiled at my effort to fit in. They thanked me for the cool drink with the sweetest smile. I was given five rules. If I break them, the Harmon men would shout at me till I am in tears. The first rule, don't talk to Bethany about her mother. Second is the special freezer where they keep the cheese, the lock is busted so if it opens don't close it. Someone is most likely inside and you might have killed them. The third is simple, don't wander in the forest past eight pm. Fourth if I go to the pen where the animals are kept, I must lock it when I get in or when I get out. Fifth was easiest, the men's room was off-limits. I walked towards the tractor and saw all fifteen gorgeous men trying to figure out how to fix it. Each had their own opinion about what needs to be replaced. I saw one was wearing a Sheriff's uniform. I cleared my throat to announce my presence and they stopped their bickering to reach for a glass. The sheriff smiled, "Do you have a nickname?" I blushed, "My friends call me Petal" They smiled at my answer. I saw Bethany drawing rainbows and ponies. I sat next to her and asked if she would like to make a crown of flowers. Her eye lights up with delight. There was a bouquet not far from her, which was labeled to one of the men. But since it was tossed I assumed he had no interest so after some effort I made her a crown of peonies. I declared smiling, "All hail Bethany Queen of the Eastern Woods, kneel before her majesty." as I placed the crown on her head. She giggled as she watched her father and uncles kneeled with respect. I kissed her on the forehead before I left for the next leg of my chores. The men looked at me with great interest.

I walked in to help the women with the cooking when I saw Miles on the phone, he looked at me and made a promise to help as much as he can. He smiles, "Hey Petal. I hope you are ready to help these ladies. They need you more than we do." They were the wives of the men. Arthur's wife was Maria, she was a short and slim brunette. Alexander's wife was Carolina, she is a tall blonde with a southern accent. Anthony's wife was Jane, she was chubby with curly light brown hair. Sam's wife was Angelina, she was the chatty one wearing a shirt and jeans with her long dark hair braided. Michael's wife was Michelle, she was African American with a southern accent too. Steven's wife was Alison, she had pixie hair wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts. She was born mute, she was pregnant with their first baby. They greeted me with open arms. I help peel potatoes, shelled peas and help stir the pots of whatever delicious mouthwatering dishes they were preparing. My stomach was already screaming feed me. It was a beautiful day so we moved the meal outside instead. I carried plates, cutlery, and cups. The men carried the heavy pots laden with food. I was introduced to the other as well. The twins were called Sheriff John and his deputy Max. The triplets were Henry, Charles, and Edward, they run the store in town where they sell cheese and jams that the farm produces. Bethany insisted on sitting next to me. We talked about how to decorate her room next and she seems all for it. Her father watched us with great interest. He kept his eyes fixed on us. When it was time to clear the plates he joined us. He asked me what I was going to her room. I explained that I was going to make a false canopy for her bed so it looks like she is on a ship traveling to her dreams. The walls will get a fresh coat of paint, this time the walls will have scenery that would delight her. It was still under discussion what she wants to paint. We would do it together, so she can look at it with delight. She contributed to her dream room. His brothers laughed and goofed around behind us. They seem like high school boys than fully grown men. I mean seriously. I came out to hang the clothes on the line. I met Mr. Phillip Harmon Senior and his six brothers. I should have figured as much. Clones every single one of them. They all lived together on the farm and they each have between twelve to eighteen sons and no daughters. They all look like they came straight out of a romance novel, tall and handsome. They had the same light brown hair. They either had brilliant blue, dazzling green, and alluring gray eyes. I am surprised that someone hasn't already called the fire department or no one is running around with a fire extinguisher. These guys are so hot it should be illegal. Even the girls who work on the farm swoon when they smile. I pretend like I was not affected by them. They didn't like that I was immune. A few of them declared that one day I would marry one of them, the friends I made became enemies. These girls grew up with these guys and have on many days thrown themselves at them but they just brushed them off.

I sat down near the fireplace with Bethany to decide how her room should be designed. I recommended an extra rocking chair so I can listen to her dad tell her bedtime stories. She agreed immediately, the lone seat is reserved for Caesar, his wife, and Beth herself. Beth has issues about others sitting on it. This saves us a hassle. I looked up to grab a hot chocolate Cheryl was offering and saw the entire family listening closely to our plan. Their expression tells me she hasn't smiled in a while so they want to remember this moment before the storm hits. I winked at them to say come and join us. They shook their heads, they rather sit and enjoy. We decided to paint a meadow with flowers of different colors. There should be a swan lake, rainbows, and white puffy clouds. She was hopping with delight. When it was time for bed her dad scooped her up and she requested another five minutes to which he obliged happily. But I smiled, "We will take another look at the drawing in the morning. Maybe we will find better improvements on the design after a good night's sleep." She squealed good night and ran towards her room. The men smiled at her gleeful attitude. They agreed to let me stay here. The girls were fuming as I got a room close to Bethany. Which meant I would walk out of my bedroom and had to cross an ocean of chiseled gorgeous men before I even see my breakfast. I explained that my clothes are missing, I was hoping to go to lost and found or maybe some hand me downs. Wyatt chuckled at my desire not to wear expensive outfits like the girls he is used to seeing. His wife was the same size as me so she gave me her old clothes. I thought I looked better in them than her. She even brought some lingerie as well. I kept them at the bottom of the drawer. I was sure that I would never need them. I picked up the towel and walked out towards the bathroom. I heard stomping in my directions, so I ran towards the bathroom. Darn! there is someone inside. I felt my face turn beet red. Just walk towards your room and whatever happens pretend you are not interested in them. I heard a wolf whistle and turned to see eleven men staring at me. I mumbled the bathroom is occupied. They explained that there is another bathroom across the hall next to my bedroom. I mumbled thanks and walked towards it. Mercifully it was empty and it had a working lock too. I took a quick shower. I didn't need to shave my legs or anywhere else because it looks like I had permanently remove them. I dried myself and walked out to see the ocean of Harmon's sons waiting to see me. I blushed as I walked towards my room which was a relatively short walk. I squeaked a goodnight to which they answered back in a sing-song manner. I quickly shut the door, they laughed at my embarrassment. This is not going to be easy, but I have nowhere to go. "This too shall pass" I repeated to console myself. I heard a knock on the door and Bethany calling me. I quickly dress in a t-shirt and shorts before I dashed to open the door. She was holding her pajamas and her teddy. "Do you want to join me and Angus in the tub?" I was shocked, "Sure I would be delighted." By the time bath was over I was soaked to the bone. I dressed her and braided her hair. We walked out to bump into Charles. He looked at me and coughed. He wished me pleasant dreams and took Bethany to her room.

I woke up and as I mentioned there was a group of shirtless men in work pants and towels walking around. Their devilish expression told me why I was put through this. My pretense had grated their egos. So to see when I would cave in and become like those giggle geese. I smiled a don't hold your breath and walked to use the bathroom. I took the coldest shower of my life. One of many if this is where I would call my home. I dressed inside the bathroom and walked out to see Alex and Max leaning against an old painting of a pristine lake with a view of a mountain. They just kept staring at me and I thought they were practicing telepathy on me.

I jogged down to breakfast to meet someone who looked nothing like the boys. He combed his hair back and asked me "What's your number?" I replied with sarcasm as I combed my hair with my fingers, "You will find it in the phonebook." The audience cleared their throat or coughed. He didn't give up. "What's your name?" I repeated the answer as I tied my hair into a messy knot and sat down, "You will find it in the phonebook." This made the audience roar with laughter. They like that I was cheeky, I would make an excellent wife. I asked them when I could get a day off, I want a trip to the library. I enjoy reading a good book before I sleep. Bethany came delightfully towards me with fresh ideas to redecorate but her dad reminded her, she has to get ready for school. We can play after. She left on the school bus and I went for a walk. I made a wrong turn and slipped thankfully one the men decided to follow me. He threw a rope to catch me but I stepped on something that gave a creepy snapping sound. I looked down to see it was a dead body. I screamed and he saw what the commotion was. He picked up his walkie-talkie and called his brother. I was taken to the hospital where they gave me a sedative. I woke up after a few hours and the nurse cleared me to leave. I walked out of the door to see an old woman and all my memories came flooding back.

"GM! What happened? Did Edge get in an accident? Does he need a blood transfusion. We have the same blood type" GM hugged me and said my sister is dead. Her body was just recovered. I felt the floor get yanked from under my feet. I asked to see her and she took me to the morgue where I saw the skeleton I recovered. My world came crashing down, I ran towards her and the doctor tried to stop me but the foreman got in his way. I pressed my face against her skull and cried. Meanwhile the Harmons were updated on who I was, including my amnesia. I was reintroduced as the oldest of Rice twins. My twin is Alison she is living in Chicago with her husband and daughter. My baby sister Jessica is twins with Edge. These guys would now know me as Bethany's aunt and Caesar's sister-in-law.

The official report was declared that Jessica was murdered. I asked GM to bring Diana and Helena over and we will solve this murder within the hour. The sheriff politely asked me to let him handle it. I turned towards the coroner with one question. "Did my sister suffer?" He bowed his head with respect. "She suffered to her last breath. The trees near by were sprayed with her last two heartbeats." I turned in anger "I will not sit around while my sister's murderer go free. Foreman call my cousins and my brother. I want this monster behind bars by tonight." GM shook her head. "Sabrina, this isn't the movies where you will find the killer just like that." I turned to her with kind regard "I am Sabrina Winifred Rice. I swear by my sister's corpse that I will find the murderer by dinner or I am not your granddaughter." My cousins gave me their pledge of allegiance and we walked out of the door. We played tricks and caught the creep. He gave me his full confession and showed me my sister's jewelry to prove he did it. He was behind bars before sunset. GM was impressed. I collapsed into her arms and wept.

"Hey Winnie, come over here. I have something for you." I turned to see Edward in suit and he looked official. He maybe my younger brother but he is the owner of the estate that I manage so I had to be respectful. I curtsied and gave him a hug. The Harmon men watched the whole thing unfold. I recognized that while I was mourning they were hit by the same tsunami as me. I walked up to them and they gave me a nod. They thought my sister ran away with another man but it turns out she was killed. They were ashamed to have held such bad feeling for her for the past few months. They promised to tell Caesar about the murder and I looked at them with surprise, "Isn't he Caesar?" He smiled, "My name is Howard. Caesar left after your sister disappeared. I will try to contact him and bring him back." Edge tapped me on the shoulder and I left with him. I didn't have the courage to look back at them.

GM decided to visit the farm to bury the hatchet of hatred away for good. I didn't say anything else and everything just snowballed. My cousins Helena and Diana came with us for moral support. Their husbands followed slowly. They were pleased to see me as well. GM reintroduced us to the Harmons. The Harmons and GM became quick friends. Jessica had told Caesar and his family were told about us. I was kind of famous to them. They have never met us. They were pleased to meet 'Our Sabrina', which Jessica, her friends and the neighbors talked about all the time. The groundskeeper Jimbo and his assistant Roger brought my horse whose name is Arman. I missed him so much. The girls and I gave Roger a walkie-talkie and gave him what felt like a two-hour lecture on GM's health. We warned him to holler the second anything happens to GM. The reason can be anything like stupid or real, small or big. We each mounted our horses. Diana got on Angus, Helena got on Andy and I hopped on Arman. We rode off to catch up with what was new in our lives.

We came back at six just before sunset and GM started complaining that we take her health too seriously. We moved the coffee table and got on our knees and explained how her next breath meant more to us than the pleasures and the riches of this world. She smiled and agreed to go home with us. When she got up her pillbox fell and her meds rolled to our feet. "ROGER!" We were furious. "You had one job and you messed it up. You are fired." GM replied that since she hired him she is the only one who can fire him so we demoted him to manure duty. GM didn't object that. We walked towards the car and discussed tomorrow's plan. "Helena! will you be going to the airport to receive your parents? Diana, what is your itinerary?" Diana smiled, "Alvin and I will be going to Bank to clear the cheque Mr. Walters gave us. I think we are close to reaching the goal on the open hearts foundation. Did you check the balance? How much do we have?" Helena glowed, "I think we have three million and eight hundred thousand. I can imagine how many families with financial difficulties we will be helping, mileage on the soul. Also Daniel and I will go to the airport and get mom and dad." My turn I guess, "I will take GM to her all day doctor's appointment. When will you guys drop in?" Diana smiled, "We will clear the cheque and meet you around lunch and I think Helena will catch up with you at five in the evening. I can't believe we are finally going to be fulfil Pop's dream." I stopped short of the car. "How much did he pay you?" Di winked at me, "He paid me nine hundred eighty-five thousand. Not to mention we are getting the income from the businesses we invested in and the shares we have bought. So, all in all, we are in the green. The only problem we have is Sabrina's stalker."

I laughed, "He is yesterday's news." Helena frowned, "He made bail this morning and is looking for you. You need to be careful. The last time he found you I thought we had to arrange your funeral. You were unconscious for three weeks. GM had an asthma attack seeing you with all those tubes poking all over you. It was the most horrific scene we had ever seen. I can watch a horror movie without flinching but seeing you like that was the worst. So David will accompany you to the hospital to make sure that creep doesn't touch you. If he tries anything David will shoot him, we can say it was self-defense." I agreed with their idea, GM said she can relax knowing that I was safe. There is no one she would trust more than David. I touched her forehead I declared that GM has a fever and we rushed her home. We called the doctor and did everything he asked. Finally, GM was asleep, we sat down for Juice pops and hush puppies. I walked upstairs and fell face-first into my bed and passed out thinking how tomorrow will be a long day.

Next chapter