
Chapter1:The Invitation

It was a normal day at school,and my last lesson is history,well if you ask me, I'm not that much of a fan,We were all just studying when suddenly I feel like something is whispering in my ear,l,like trying to warned me abaut something,and and so I lose focus... but then my teacher call me" Lucas?LUCAS!"I was finally out of my thoughts and some of my friends laugh at me which is not funny,but,I said sorry to the teacher.

After that happened my teacher started talking about a trip,everyone was shocked because our class has never went to any type of trip whatsoever.The teacher said that the trip will be a 5 hours drive from school and if can all of us have to join.You thought that having a trip was a shocked?well what's more shocking is that our parents agreed for us to go!like what?some of my classmate said that the teacher are lying,and some said that their parent won't let them go and well I agreed with that one.

At this point everyone is yelling and shouting,until.

SILENTS!the headmaster came in and everyone stop what they were doing.The headmaster came in and explained to us why and what's going to be in this trip and why it's so important that all of us has to go.

He said that this trip has to be top secret because it's our mission to find out what had hapoened to miss Nathalie.Flashback Come through all of our mind,the truth behind why our class,and why we never been to any trip is because the Incident that envolve my class and miss Nathalie..our homeroom and history teacher.I ask the headmaster "how is that possible sir?"the headmaster said that the school got an invitation to go to a place by someone that we do not know.

"This could potentially be the person that possibly kidnapped miss Nathalie"how are you sure abaout that miss Taylor?"the interaction with both of them make the class a bit more serious,the headmaster(Sir Alan)then told us the truth behind what happened to miss Nathalie....

"Back when you all first went to this class,everything was normal but the promblem is no one was there to be you guys homeroom teacher because of your grades,and other things we were about to shut you guys class but then,this one teacher,willing to take you guys,that is miss Nathalie,she teaches and change you guys until... she suddenly dissappear and the incidents..witch is when you guys are 15 years old..

The news told to you guys that she went overseas..but the truth is she has been dealing with a lot of struggling and trying to cover her family backround,then one day she got kidnapped,no one knows what happened but the person that behind all of this left only a letter,the letter said that someone will tell you more Info,I thought that this person are just trolling around,until today when we got a mail that shows the coordinates and things that you all need to do...

And the thing is us teacher cannot came,which is not a really good sign,however,the letter shows that all of you just have to do a few quest and challenges and may know more about miss Nathalie.So,if you would like to go please come tomorrow morning before 9a.m.at my office,you all are dismissed."

The bell rang and we all stayed at our class and thinking what we just heard and wither we should go or not.Some of my classmate doesn't want to be bothered and left.So after a bit of discussion we all left and went back home...

chapter 2 coming soon