
The Old Man Sets Out

"Oh, you're awake, took you long enough." (Meliodas)

Just as quickly as he entered, Edward shot the shorter man an appraising glance. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew he felt dangerous. Like a Devil Fruit but more... pure. While Edward was appraising the man, the man was appraising Edward simultaneously. While they were both testing the strength of the other, Edward broke the awkward silence by letting out one of his famous laughs.

"GURARARARA, so, I suppose you were the one to look after me then?" (Edward)

As he finished, the shorter man simply nodded before continuing.

"Yep, found you outside after you crashed into the tavern. Mind telling me how you did that?" (Meliodas)

The demon finished with a wry smile on his face, reminding Edward of a certain Admiral. As he opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted once more.

{Pops, I don't think you should tell him.}

Ace's sudden outburst caused the old man to be taken aback slightly, though he didn't let it show on his face. Instead of answering the man in front of him, he simply waited for his son to continue.

{While you were asleep, Pops, I found that I could do something. Sorta similarly to what you can do with your own 'Status', I can do that to other people. I tried it out with pig he has in the other room. He's dangerous.}


[Name: Meliodas] [Age: 3412]

[Race: Demon]

[Relationship: -10 (Concerned)]

[Level: 50 (1000)]

[Title: The Cursed (All Stats + 15)]




[The Seven Deadly Sins: Captain]

[The Ten Commandments (Former): Captain]

[The Kingdom Of Danafor: Holy Knight Captain]


'I see... He's definitely more than I anticipated, it appears my senses aren't what they used to be, especially not in this body. So he's the 'Meliodas' that the quest mentioned. Interesting. Thanks, Ace.'

"Sorry, that's a secret!" (Edward)

The pirate finished with a grin, to which the demon responded in kind.

"All right then, keep your secrets. But, if you're up now, then you might as well help me fix up the wall that you broke. An extra pair of hands could always help." (Meliodas)


[Side Quest 1: A Troublesome Entry]

[Description: Meliodas has asked you to assisst him in repairing the wall of the Boar's Hat tavern, that you had broken upon entering the world]

[Objectives: Fully repair the wall]

[Time Limit: 1 day]

[Rewards: 10,000 Karma, [Summons] temporarily unlocked, [Level] unlocked]

[Failure Penalty: All Stats - 2, Relationship with [Meliodas] - 10]


Seeing this, the old man's grin widened considerably before he stretched his hand in front of him.

"Sure! The names Edward" (Edward)

Seeing the outstretched hand, the shorter man's grin similarly widened as he reached to meet it.

"Nishishishi, The names Meliodas" (Meliodas)

At the taller man's reaction, or lack thereof, Meliodas was surprised, though he quickly looked past it. It seemed as if the black haired young man had more to him than meets the eye.




With the combined strength of Meliodas and Edward, repairing the wall didn't take longer than a few hours, despite the fact that Edward had no knowledge of construction. During the time that it had taken to repair the wall, Edward had gotten to know a little more about the demon and his pig companion, named Hawk. Obviously, Edward knew that it was only a front to hide his real persona, but he played along nonetheless.

Hawk on the other hand, was a complete mystery. Contrasting to Meliodas' true strength, Hawk was incredibly weak in comparison, hence Edward's confusion. Though, his race did leave a lot to be thought about.


[Name: Hawk] [Age: 6]

[Race: Pig (Chaos Beast)]

[Relationship: 10 (Welcoming)]

[Level: 1]

[Title: Captain Of The Clean-up Knights (All Stats + 1)]




[The Boar Hat: Caretaker]


The two men, 'supervised' by the pig, were almost finished with the repairs, leaving only a small hole in the roof to fix. With a few well placed jumps and throws, Meliodas stood on the makeshift scaffold, made out of tables and bar stools. A few seconds was all it took to affix the planks of wood and nail them in, resulting in a grin from Meliodas as he unknowingly finished the 1st side quest.


[Quest Complete!: A Troublesome Entry]

[You have received: 10,000 Karma, [Summons] temporarily unlocked, [Level] unlocked]

[Hidden Reward: Relationship with [Meliodas] + 10, Relationship with [Hawk] + 10]



[Congratulations! You have unlocked the [Level] system permenantly!]

[Please check your status!]


'Level system?... Status'


[Name: Edward Newgate] [Age: 72]

[Title: The Strongest Man In The World (All Stats + 30)] [More]

[Class: Pirate] [More]

[Race: Human] [Karma: 20,806]

[Bloodline: N/a]

[Level: 10] [EXP: 0/10,000]



[Strength: 296] - [Agility: 195]

[Endurance: 310] - [Vitality: 327]

[Intelligence: 185] - [Willpower: 524]

[Luck: 102] - [Charisma: 201]

[Free Stats: 0]






[Armament Haki Knowledge: 65/100] - [Rank 6 (Mid)]

[Observation Haki Knowledge: 54/100] - [Rank 4 (Mid)]

[Conqueror's Haki Knowledge: 72/100] - [Rank 7 (Low)]

[Heavy Weapons Knowledge: 56/100] - [Rank 5 (Mid)]

[Light Weapons Knowledge: 41/100] - [Rank 4 (Low)]

[Ranged Weapon Knowledge: 36/100] - [Rank 3 (Mid)]

[Ship Control Knowledge: 78/100] - [Rank 7 (Peak)]

[Plundering Knowledge: 35/100] - [Rank 3 (Mid)]

[Combat Knowledge: 75/100] - [Rank 7 (Mid)]

[Earth Control Knowledge: 100/100] - [Rank 10]

[Free Knowledge Points: 0]




[Armament Haki: 53/100] - [Rank 5 (Low}]

[Observation Haki: 41/100] - [Rank 4 {Low}]

[Conqueror's Haki: 58/100] - [Rank 5 (Peak)]

[Heavy Blow: 35/100] - [Rank 3 (Mid)]

[Ship Control: 45/100] - [Rank 4 (Mid)]




[Leader: 64/100] - [Rank 6 (Mid)]

[Commander: 53/100] - [Rank 5 (Low)]

[Great Endurance: 30/100] - [Rank 3 (Low)

[Great Strength: 30/100] - [Rank 3 (Low)]

[Great Agility: 30/100] - [Rank 3 (Low)]

[Great Reflexes: 30/100] - [Rank 3 (Low)]

[Lone Wolf: 15/100] - [Rank 1 (Mid)]

[Berserk: 38/100] - [Rank 3 (Peak)]

[Unbending Will: 75/100] - [Rank 7 (Mid)]

[Heavy Weapons Proficiency: 55/100] - [Rank 5 (Mid)]

[Free Skill Points: 0]


{Pops, the 'Level' thing seems to be something like that 'Karma' stuff. I assume that you have to get that 'EXP' thing that appeared, there must be some connection. I'm sorry that I don't know any more.}

'It's fine Ace, we can figure it out later. Anyway, we unlocked that 'Summons' thing too, though it said it was only for a limited time. We should do something while we can.'

Before Edward could activate the menu in his mind, Meliodas jumped from the scaffold and landed in front of him. With a beaming grin on his face.

"Thanks for the help, Edward." (Meliodas)

Putting the issue of the [Summons] to the back of his mind for the moment, Edward responded with a laugh of his own before continuing. It was slowly becoming a theme between the two.

"GURARARA, don't mention it. You did look after me while I was out after all." (Edward)

"Do you want to stay for a bit, until you get yourself sorted out? As payment for the fixing the wall and all that." (Meliodas)

After thinking for a while, Edward came to a conclusion.

"Sorry, I'm going to head out. I've got things that need done after all. But I do appreciate the offer." (Edward)

"No worries, quests are important after all. I get it" (Meliodas)

Missing the small glint of sadness in the eyes of the demon, Edward headed towards the door, thanking Meliodas on his way out. He needed to leave, not only for the main quest, but to test out the limits of his new gift. He'd prefer to that where there would be no-one to question him. Walking out of the door, he didn't notice the clenched fists of Meliodas as he stared at the mark on the back of his neck. Only the 'eyes' of a second black haired young man fell on the demon.




After walking into the woods outside for roughly an hour, Edward stopped and sat. He knew that he was far enough away from the tavern that he could avoid the sight of Meliodas, along with likely any power that was near. Immediately, he though of the matter that he briefly put to the back of his mind, the limited time of the [Summons].



[Current Summons:]


[Possible Summons:]

[1st Summon: Free]

[2nd Summon: 100,000 Karma]

[3rd Summon: 250,000 Karma]

[4th Summon: 500,000 Karma]

[5th Summon: 750,000 Karma]

[Note: Summons have been unlocked temporarily! Remaining summons: 5]


{Wow... That's expensive. You only have a little over 20,000 Karma, Pops, so you can't even afford the second one! Yet, anyway}

'Let's just be happy with the first one for now, Ace'

'1st Summon'


[1st Summon selected!]

[Price: Free]

[Do you wish to summon?: Yes/no]


'Yes... This better be worth it'


[Summon Commencing!]


Abruptly, a circle appeared on the ground in front of the old man, the likes of which he had never seen before. It was filled with all different forms of intricate patterns, though he could feel that it wasn't simply decorative. As quickly as the circle appeared, a blinding flash of light shot from the innermost workings of the mysterious pattern, causing Edward to cover his eyes with his arms.


[As your first summon appears, a contract of absolute obedience has been cast over them!]

[Summon tries to resist...]

[Resist Failed!]

[Contract Complete!]


The blinding light quickly receeded afterwards, leaving a confused Edward staring at the figure below him. It was a young girl with bright orange hair, covered in strange blue tatoos. She looked to be around 15-16 years of age.


[Name: Lilith] [Age: 17]

[Title: Legendary Siren (Skill: Phase Control)] [More]

[Class: Phasewalker]

[Race: Siren]

[Loyalty: 100 (Eternally Loyal]

[Relationship: 100 (Loving)]

[Level: 10] [EXP: 0/10,000]



[Strength: 148] - [Agility: 210]

[Endurance: 172] - [Vitality: 160]

[Intelligence: 201] - [Willpower: 266]

[Luck: 88] - [Charisma: 300]

[Free Stats: 0]






[Phase Knowledge: 73/100] - [Rank 7 (Low)]

[Vault Hunting Knowledge: 80/100] - [Rank 8 (Low)]

[Combat Knowledge: 41/100] - [Rank 4 (Low)]

[Ranged Weapons Knowledge: 57/100] - [Rank 5 (Peak)]

[Fire Control Knowledge: 100/100] - [Rank 10]

[Free Knowledge Points: 0]




[Phasewalk: 67/100] - [Rank 6 (Peak)]

[Phaselock: 30/100] - [Rank 3 (Low)]

[Phase Control: 40/100] - [Rank 4 (Low)]

[True Shot: 52/100] - [Rank 5 (Low)]

[Fire Control: 100/100] - [Rank 10]




[Vault Hunter: 71/100] - [Rank 7 (Low)]

[Great Agility: 54/100] - [Rank 5 (Mid)]

[Great Reflexes: 61/100] - [Rank 6 (Low)]

[Shooting: 72/100] - [Rank 7 (Low)]

[Firehawk: 100/100] - [Rank 10]

[Free Skill Points: 0]


The two stared at each other for a while before the young girl's eyes started to gleam with a hint of recognition and love, before she jumped to her feet and dived at the man standing above her.

"Dad!" (Lilith)

Walrus is back! After thinking I'm going to put up an offer. What would you guys prefer: a shorter chapter every day, or a longer chapter every two days? Shorter chapters would be more than 700 but less than 1500 words, whereas longer chapters would be more than 1500 words, but less than 4000. Thanks for the support, Walrus out!

P.s. an image of Lilith if ya'll are curious: http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Lilith-Siren-Borderlands-Vault-Hunter.jpg

SirWalruscreators' thoughts
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