
Sorting Out

Hearing Lilith speak, Edward glanced over the confused arrivals once more, before turning to the girl next to him and beginning to speak himself.

"They are people that I have brought over from different planes to aid us in our cause. However, they are not the same as you." (Edward)

Disregarding the confusion rising higher on the faces of the new arrivals, Lilith simply looked at her father, silently asking him to continue.

"You see, similarly to the Meliodas that I mentioned earlier, you are a 'Karmic Figure', though you don't quite reach the level of a 'Great Karmic Figure' like Meliodas. This means that you are special, your potential for strength is nearly endless. Unlike the 8 that I have just summoned, the number of 'Karmic Figures' that I can summon is limited, not only by the amount of Karma required too. Though this may be the case, I do not know what the upper limit may be yet." (Edward)

Lilith's thoughts became visibly clearer as her face lit up with the knew knowledge, instead choosing to look at her father with eyes of understanding. As she was turning to question the new arrivals, her father spoke up once more, catching the attention of said new arrivals alongside herself.

"Now would probably be a good time to explain the organisational structure of our group. At the top is me, which should be fairly understandable. I shall give myself the title of 'Eternal'." (Edward)

Eternal. It was a name that radiated majesty and reverence. All 9 of the people present understood that he more than deserved the title.

"Directly below me are the 'Karmic Figures' like yourself, of which there will be 10. If I am able to bring more here, this number may change, but for now, it will remain at only 10. I will give these 10 the title of 'Ancient'. Below them, is the first founding members of the group that aren't 'Karmic Figures', the 8 that I have just summoned fall under this category and shall have the title of 'Elder'. Other than the 8 that I have just summoned, there will be 12 more Elders for a total of 20, 2 of which will serve under each Ancient." (Edward)

Though they seemed confused at the beginning, after hearing the words of the man in front of them, the new Elders felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, despite the fact that they had only met said man a few minutes ago, let alone had a full conversation with him.

"Below the Elders are the Proven, elite warriors of the group that have tested themselves in battle. Each Elder will be in charge of 10 proven, resulting in a total of 200. Even further down is the Faithful, skilled warriors that haven't yet had the chance to prove their worth in battle. As they may not have the experience of leading, the Proven are only placed in charge of 5 Faithful, resulting in a total of 1000. Finally, the bottom rung of the group are the recruits. There is no limit to their number and they are placed under the Faithful as a whole, who will act as their teachers. These numbers will likely change in the future, but for now, that is the structure that I have in mind for our organisation." (Edward)


[Congratulations! You have formed the organisation: The Chosen]

[Clan Management unlocked]


While the 8 were talking amongst themselves and Lilth was pondering inside her mind, Edward was slightly overwhelmed by the new influx of information. His mind had been racing whilst trying to come up with names for the ranks in his organisation, he initially planned to make it the same as his own crew, however, a mysterious force seemed to take over him. The names that he had picked just seemed... right. He couldn't explain it himself, but something in his mind seemed to click when he thought of them.

'Clan Management'


[Clan Name: The Chosen]

[Ranks: [More]]

[Rewards: N/a]

[Skills: [More]]

[Teaching: [More]]


{Pops, I'm sure that its fairly obvious what each of them do, but you still might want to check each of them out}



[Eternal: 1]

Edward Newgate

[Ancient: 10]

Lilth Newgate

[Elder: 20]









[Proven: 200]

[Faithful: 1000]

[Recruit: Indefinate]


{Pops, I assume its just a bit that lets you manage the people in your group, we should move on}





{Well... I guess there isn't anything there yet, should we move onto the last one?}





{Nope, no luck here either eh... No matter, I'm sure that'll change in the future, right Pops?}

'I'm sure it will Ace, I'm sure it will'

Coughing into his hand, Edward immediately attracted the attention of the 9 surrounding him.

"Well, here you are now, we might as well set up a place to sleep in this clearing, its getting dark after all." (Edward)

Following the lead of Edward, the 8 stood up and followed him into the clearing, ready to ask as many questions as they could to this mysterious man.




It had taken roughly 10 or so minutes to get a campsite set up for the group, thanks to Edward's use of Karma, much to the amazement of those that didn't understand it. The campsite as a whole consisted of 5 makeshift tents, a fire in the middle, as well as food that Edward had also bought through his Karma. The sun was down yet the fire was blazing, creating a beacon of light in the darkness outside. Thankfully, Edward was utilising his Conqueror's Haki to make sure that nothing would get close, not that anything had tried yet though.

Whilst the group was eating outside, Edward had gotten to know the 8 Elders that he had summoned, and they had gotten to know more about him. Their initial questions mostly revolved around how he had summoned them and the tents, to which Edward explained to them the usage of Karma and what little he knew about it, similarly to as he had done with Lilith. After that came the introductions. Edward and Lilth had introduced themselves, leaving the Elders confused about their circumstances, but they stayed quiet nonetheless.

Edward learned that the 6 warriors were named Kral, Alda, Ezket, Kili, Ediz and Aski, 2 women and 4 men. Wheras the mages were named Yul and Rees, a man and a woman. As the group got to know each other better, Edward sensed a presence walking towards the clearing, someyhing that he had never sensed before.

Sup. Walrus-sama is back! Exams are finally over until after Christmas, so my schedule is back to normal. I'm going to update this novel on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, along with my second novel being updated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Peace for now!

SirWalruscreators' thoughts