
Mysterious Powers

Though he tried not to let it show outwardly on his face, inside, Edward was shocked beyond belief. Through the later years of his pirate life, 'Brat', had acted as his catchphrase, but now, the tables had been turned. An 'ordinary' old man facing someone that dated before the universe itself! Who was the 'Brat' now? Thinking this, the former strongest pirate couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

On the other side of the giant, Freisor felt glad that the old man hadn't condemned him due to his actions, like the many others before him. Perhaps this time, he would finally have a chance...

"Edward, you must have an innumerable number of questions. Ask away, we have all the time in the world." (Freisor)

A small glint of curiosity filled Edward's eyes as he started to fire off questions to the ancient elder, like an inquisitive child. Most of them were answered simply, with just 'yes' or 'no' as an answer. The most pressing questions however, required a bit of time to delve into. It had been roughly 12 or so questions before Edward asked something that the old man couldn't answer monosyllabically.

"Why am I here?" (Edward)

Unlike what he was expecting, the elder didn't answer immediately, instead, he just sighed and looked down at the ground. Time seemed to freeze before the elder lifted his head up and began to talk, newfound resolve apparent in his eyes.

"You see Edward, there are multiple reasons as to why I have brought you here, my friend, But they all come down to a single point... I need your help. Before you say anything, let me explain... You have heard my story, Edward, you are aware of the atrocities that I have committed for nothing other than my own jealousy, towards that, I feel nothing other than endless regret. After my brothers sealed me within this limbo, my rage only grew. Though the way we perceive time may be different, I expected them to forgive me after a few hundred-thousand years or so... Edward... I have been sealed in this space for 283,452,106 Millenia, by the standards of year Earth. " (Freisor)

At this revelation, even Edward couldn't keep his mouth from shooting open, struggling to comprehend this fact. After a minute or so, he managed to compose himself well enough to begin to talk, or at least, so he thought.

"Y-you? Wha? How?" (Edward)

His typically calm and confident speech faltered as he looked at the man infront of him, resulting in his throat relasing nothing but stutters. Seemingly not noticing the 'old' man's plight, the elder continued.

"Edward... Not 4 Millenia ago, I received a revelation, through the power of my brothers. They said that they will be willing to forgive me... On a single condition. I must right the wrongs that I have done. For the first few thousand years, I struggled. I tried to create a plan to gain back my former strength, but to no avail, as you can clearly see. Then, like a lightning bolt, it hit me. I didn't have to right the wrongs myself, I simply needed to search for a champion!" (Freisor)

By now, Edward had mostly calmed down and began to assess the situation carefully. Just as quickly as the realisation struck Freisor, Edward gained his own revelation.

"That's where I come in, eh?" (Edward)

The elder smiled in response before continuing.

"Yes, was it that obvious? I have chosen you, Edward Newgate, to be my champion!" (Freisor)

This sentence left both of the old men grinning, before the taller one began to speak again, the confidence he had lost earlier now fully returning.

"I can accept being your champion, however... I'm going to need to ask a few questions first, obviously." (Edward)

Like a machine, the elder smiled once more, though considerably brighter than it was just prior.

"Of course, that is naught but par for the course, my friend." (Freisor)

"First, and most importantly, what would I do as your 'champion'?" (Edward)

"And secondly, what would I gain from being your 'champion'?" (Edward)

"It is very simple, Edward. I send you around the known universe, jumping between realities, while you, my friend, perform admirable deeds in my name, this will, of course, result in me rewarding you, which brings me onto your second question, 'what will you gain'? Of course, I can reward you through various means, but I have one that I know you will like, all will be explained in due time, but for now, I shall bestow upon you, this minor gift..." (Freisor)

Finishing his sentence, Freisor snapped his fingers, before dread-never-felt-before overcame Edward, forcing him from the seat and to his knees. The pressure was immense, but just as he felt his body begin to collapse, a voice boomed inside his head.

{Integrating with host}






{Integration Interupted!}

{Unknown soul found!}

{Attempting to destroy...}

{Attempt failed!}

{Soul is over-riding system...)


{Integration Complete!}

"What... what was that?" (Edward)

"That, Edward, was my little gift to you" (Freisor)

Just as Whitebeard was about to speak up, another voice played through his head, though this time, it was more of a whisper than a booming shout. A whisper that made Whitebeard's eye's cloud over.


"Ace..." (Edward)

Well that didn't take long. I've decided to throw in a system already! Which one of you thought that this wouldn't happen eh? This is all going according to Author-sama's keikaku.

SirWalruscreators' thoughts
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