
Blood and Roses

The body that lay beneath him is almost pale, eyes soaked with dried tears from the hopelessness of the current situation she was forced to deal with. It was just a silent and harmless night, how could she have known that she will be the next subject of his psychopathic games?

She was supposed to be at home celebrating with her family with the promotion she got from her boss but what would be an ocean without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams. But in this case, it's a nightmare instead of those sweet dreams one says before someone drifts to a peaceful slumber.

Now clasp in chains and filled with wounds, she almost had nothing on her mind anymore. She's numb from pain, hopeless for an escape and desperate for death.

The large cut in her stomach is still bleeding and it already made a mess of the supposedly white tiled floor in just a few seconds. She felt so afraid because instead of white, all she could see is the color red and it frightens her because that color is starting to cloud her vision as well almost as if blinding her to the reality of death that she will be embracing soon.

The man suddenly stepped on her right clasped hand and even it doesn't use too much force, it sent a painful shock to her body. She whimpered in agony especially when he met the eyes of his captor as he stared without any signs of pity to his victim.

"Isn't lovely?" The man smirked as he scanned the body soaked in blood in front of him as he held the rose between his palms. "A useless human like you had been granted the beauty that can rival one of my beloved rose."

The rose held by his captor is anything but the definition of beautiful. Withering and almost dying, the petals were slowly leaving its position as it quietly drops one by one on the floor.

It started dropping when she was tormented into pain as he wickedly laugh while giving her the cuts engulfing her once clear and pretty face now it was down to two with her body almost filled with cuts, wounds and injuries in every area of her body yet if there is one particular thing that made the rose a sight - It is its color, its darker than the normal red rose. Almost bloody to be precise.

She felt drawn to it.

"Oh, even mortals gets captivated, I see." He licks his lips and brushed the last remaining petal of the rose in her cheeks almost maniacally and as expected, the blood from her cuts had painted it red. "Too soon. I want to play more."

She suddenly felt hands to her neck then only she came to realize that he is choking her "St....op." she tried her best to plead. Why can't he just kill her? She stared at him blankly trying to register what kind of sadictic monster she's unfortunate to met only to be met by a little grin as he removed his hands.

She immediately tried to gasp for air only to find it hard to breath as not only air but blood tries to get in her nose. She felt tears trailing down from her eyes uncontrollably especially when she remembered her family.

She looked up and prayed to someone she doesn't even believe exists, please don't let them experience this...

Her captor watched her every move. It seems like he's interested in her attempts but the bored expression he's sporting contradicts it. "Don't worry little rose, your family will be at peace. No one will ever find your body. They'll just waste their time looking for it and give up at the end."

That's even worse, her family will become hopeless and tired if they looked for her only to find nothing at the end but does she really want them to see her like this? Covered in wounds, cuts, injuries and body cold from death? They might be even traumatized with the thought of something horrifying that made her like this.

Maybe, having them clueless about her body's whereabouts will make them more safe.

She gritted her teeth, why does it seems like she's trusting his words. He must have cursed her or something to make her think like this.

To show her disapproval, she tried her best to look at him and shake her head only to stop and be in awe to the sight that greeted her.

The man that stood before her is indeed ethereal - pale porcelain skin, red bloody lips, silent yet deadly eyes, a perfect figure with a mysterious charm - He screams of perfection yet looks could be deceiving, the man's beauty could be a mask for his satanic psyche.

But w-who is he? What is he? Questions remained unanswered and her plan of saying her disapproval had been forgotten as she felt more blood is desperately getting out of her throat.

She fought the urge to groan in order to hide her misery for she don't want to further satisfy her predator but she just miserably failed as blood slipped on her nose, wetting her face and making her look more hopeless. The contented look of his captor made her feel like her time has finally end.

He chuckled out loud. "You really look like my beloved roses." He lifts up the withering rose directly to her gaze "Amusing, withering, hopeless and of course," he licked his lips and teeth in a teasing manner as he grasps her chin tightly making her sob from the pain of his sharp nails digging in one of her wounds.

"Red, a beautiful shade of red."

And the last petal dropped.

The once room filled with screams of pain, sobs, whimpers of the unfortunate victim and the captor's laugh went deafening silent as the withered petal joined the other dropped petals on the floor.

It's time.

Her eyes widened as she saw the existence of fangs underneath her captor's teeth but even before she got the chance to scream, she felt her blood get sucked dry from her neck. It was a rather strange feeling, like a tingling sensation that is akin to getting removed from your senses. She felt defenseless, powerless and worthless to the monster next to her.

"I am Axel from the family of the Vantreys. Roses and blood are two of my favorite things. Remember my name, little rose."

Her sight now became completely dark, body fluid and permanently disconnected to the world.

Yet even while meeting death, she would never forget how a single tear had dropped from the right eye of her captor as he tightly held the once white rose now in red in his chest.

This is like the prologue. The next chapter will basically be the start of the story of this book. Please do tell your suggestions and thoughts for this in the comment section~ it motivates me.

Take this hearts for the support /(^w^)/ ♡♡♡

Ayshell_Ccreators' thoughts