
Rough Ending Part 2

"Claudia, I need you to get dress and come downstairs right now." Her mother said as she moved around her room to make sure that she was okay. Rosa was acting strange and repeatedly looking out the window.

"Mom, are you okay?" Claudia asked. She didn't remember what she had just said. a

"Yes, I am fine, but I really need you to get dress, and downstairs in ten minutes, you are going to be late for school." She said before leaving the room, expecting her request to be completed.

Claudia let out a frustrated sign and moved the covers to get up. Claudia looked around her draws, grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and got changed before going downstairs.

Marina had made a protection potion for Claudia. She, like her daughter, already knew that Voca's man were coming. Claudia was in danger with her power coming into blossom, and pretty soon, her powers will be able to be noticed by everyone. Even if it was just a tiny bit, Magic still carried energy with it, so it didn't matter if you hid from those chasing you because of your power. Eventually, they would be able to find you because your power would give you away. Marina knew that what she was doing was risky, but she needs to protect her baby, and this was the only way she could keep her really safe.

Claudia made her way downstairs and took a seat in one of the stools that aline on the kitchen islander. "I am here, mom; what is for breakfast?" Claudia announced, letting herself fall on the stool.

"I made you this delicious smoothy; make sure to finish the whole thing," Marina said as she placed the cup in front of Claudia.

"Okay," Claudia took the cup and started to down the glass that was filled with smooth. "Done; if there is not anything else, I really need to go, or I will miss the bus." Claudia got up and went over to her mother, as she always gives her a hug and a kiss right before she leaves.

"Have a good day a school. I will see you when you get back," Marina said as she saw her daughter walk out the door.

Claudia was walking down the road when she heard the explosion coming from the small little village she had just left. She stopped and looked back around; she smelled smoke coming from the village. 'What the heck is that?' She turned around quickly and ran toward the village and her mover. Claudia got to the outskirts of the village, and she could hear the screams of the people she knew as family. The only thought running through her head was that she needs to get to her mother.

At the thought of her mother, the door of her house was thrown open, and her mother came out flying. "Did you just say that you will not help us?" One of the men said.

Marina got up and looked at him in the eyes. "I already told you that I do not possess the power to carry the information that you are looking for."

"Know that is not what people have been commenting." The man said as he passed in front of her. "If you do not give me what I want, I will start killing them one by one."

"Leave her alone. She truly does not know what you are talking about." A woman said as she came out from the crowd they had gathered.

"What are you doing?" Marina asked as she saw the women moving forward.

"I am helping. I don't want any of them to suffer." The woman said as she looked at all the faces that surround them.

"Look at you being so accommodating," the man said, "too bad is it all going to be for nothing."

"What? NO!" the woman yelled as the man started to kill those they had capture.

Claudia couldn't do anything; she was glued to the spot. Her mother could feel her presence, and right before the man holding her death his deadly blow, she mouthed, 'I love you'. From the shock of seeing her family being killed left and right and unable to do anything, she fainted. The wind started to blow, and some of the leaves that costed the ground made their way toward Claudia and hid her away from anyone discovering her.

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