
Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Arthur white, I'm 5 years old, live in the Brazilian capital and I'm the only son of the white family, or as we are known "the beer tycoons", our family doesn't just produce beer, we produce all kinds of alcoholic beverages and not alcohol, as one of the most beer-consuming countries in the world, and as the largest producer of beer, we bill billions annually.

Right now I'm in the classroom, only I can't focus, someone else's memories come to mind, and I say "memories" because it's so real that I can't believe they are dreams or hallucinations

When I'm almost losing patience I hear a voice saying

"Are you doing well Arthur?"

I look to the side and see a 5-year-old girl, with cloud-white skin and black chapels like night, this is Megan Black, my best friend and twin sister to my best friend Bryan Black who is sleeping as always at the table behind me .

"It's okay" I reply

The Black family or as they are known - oil magnates - and a friend of the White family since their grandparents and Megan's died in the same terrorist attack, their father Benjamin White and Megan's father Charles Black had a hard time touching their new companies, for being only children ended up with all the responsibility and of course, with all the inheritance, in time the 2 will marry, now Allison white and Elizabeth Black and in 2002 and both had their heirs the Black couple had a twins and white couple had me.