
whispers of desire : shadow of power

meeting of soul of a beauty and a royal love.........some haters are there but true love never be changed.there is some our loving people.they love us but only front.....................................can do anything

Mehzabeen_Ansari · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


There was elara on the floor. She look like bluish. No one can understand , what happened there? Suddenly running Margrate came to queen's room. She is running with happiness but when she reached , she got really shocked. And said ," o, my God, what happened to Elara."

Actually when Elara entered king's chamber. She had not seen the scorpion. After bite a  searing pain shot through Elara's body, and she let out a gasp of agony. She quickly sat up and looked down at her ankle, where a tiny puncture wound oozed venom. Panic set in as the realization of what had happened washed over her. She had been bitten by a scorpion, a creature known for its deadly venom.

Her personal physician, Dr. Isidore, was summoned to her chambers in haste. He arrived swiftly, a tall and gaunt man with a reputation for his medical expertise. Dr. Isidore examined Elara's ankle, his face etched with concern. He confirmed what she already feared: the scorpion's venom had entered her bloodstream, and its effects were spreading rapidly.

Elara's body began to betray her. A creeping numbness overtook her limbs, starting from her ankle and spreading like a relentless tide. Her heart raced, and she struggled to breathe. Panic gripped her as she realized that she was losing control over her own body. Her once-regal form now lay paralyzed, a prisoner in her own flesh.

The palace was thrown into chaos. Word of Elara's condition spread like wildfire, and the people of Windsheild gathered outside the palace gates, their faces etched with worry and sorrow. They had always looked to Elara as a beacon of strength, and now she lay helpless, victim to a tiny, venomous intruder.

Dr. Isidore worked tirelessly, using every medical skill at his disposal to counteract the venom's effects. But the scorpion's poison was potent, and it seemed to defy all attempts to halt its advance. Hours turned into days, and Elara's condition continued to deteriorate. Her limbs became completely paralyzed, leaving her unable to move even a finger.

Throughout this ordeal, Elara remained conscious, her mind a prison of unspoken thoughts and unexpressed feelings. She could hear the voices of her advisors, her loyal subjects, and the anguished cries of her people outside the palace walls. They came to offer prayers, support, and solace, but they could do little to ease her suffering.

As days turned into weeks, Elara's world shrank to the confines of her bedchamber. She could no longer see the kingdom she had ruled with grace and wisdom. Her world was reduced to the ceiling above, the walls around her, and the faces of those who came to tend to her. She could no longer speak or move, but her mind remained sharp, a prisoner of her paralyzed body.

Her thoughts were a tumultuous sea of emotions. She felt frustration at her own helplessness, anger at the scorpion that had robbed her of her mobility, and a profound sense of loss for the life she once had. But amidst the turmoil of her thoughts, there was also a flicker of determination. Elara was not one to surrender to adversity, and she resolved to fight for her life, no matter the odds.

Dr. Isidore, too, remained unwavering in his dedication to his Mistress. He consulted with the most renowned healers and scholars in the kingdom, searching for any glimmer of hope. Together with a team of skilled nurses and attendants, he tended to Elara's every need, ensuring her comfort and dignity in her bedridden state.

One day, as the sun cast its golden rays into the chamber, Dr. Isidore approached Elara's bedside with a look of cautious optimism. He had discovered a rare and ancient text that spoke of a remedy, a potion rumored to possess the power to counteract even the deadliest of poisons. It was said to be hidden deep within the enchanted forests that lay on the outskirts of Windsheild.

Despite the risks, Dr. Isidore believed that this potion might hold the key to saving Elara's life. He gathered a team of brave volunteers, armed with knowledge from the ancient text and a determination to retrieve the ingredients needed for the potion. The people of Windsheild rallied behind their Mistress, and soon, the expedition set forth into the mystical and treacherous forests.

While Elara's body remained immobile, her mind soared with hope. She had always been a woman of courage and resilience, and the prospect of a potential cure filled her with a renewed sense of purpose. She communicated her thoughts to Dr. Isidore through subtle nods and blinks, and he understood the urgency of her desire to see this quest through.

The journey into the enchanted forests was fraught with peril. The volunteers faced towering trees that seemed to move of their own accord, and strange creatures that watched them with curious eyes. They encountered magical obstacles, including enchanted vines that sought to entangle them and ethereal mists that obscured their path.

As the days turned into weeks, the volunteers pressed on, driven by their unwavering determination to save their Mistress. They navigated through the forests, deciphering clues from the ancient text and gathering the elusive ingredients required for the potion. Each step brought them closer to their goal, but danger lurked at every turn.

Back in the palace, Elara's condition remained unchanged. Her world continued to revolve around the chamber's confines, but her spirit remained unbroken. She drew strength from the knowledge that her loyal subjects were risking their lives to find a cure, and she held onto the hope that they would return victorious.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the expedition returned to Windsheild Palace, their faces worn and weathered by their arduous journey. They presented Dr. Isidore with the ingredients they had gathered, and he wasted no time in preparing the ancient potion. With trembling hands, he administered it to Elara, praying that it would work.

Time seemed to stand still as the potion coursed through Elara's veins. Her body, which had been a prisoner of paralysis for so long, began to tingle with sensation. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she felt a flicker of movement in her fingers. The room was filled with a tense silence as everyone watched.

In this situation too Elara think about her king and about Margrate. once afternoon she heared sound of footstep. O'my God she is Margrate. Margrate sit near to her and said,"why Elara , why you have done this? This was not your fault. It was the punishment of royal family. why  you had involved in all this? Now you are thinking that , what is the reason of all these things? I'll tell you everything because i like you always and now you can't say anything and not told to anyone"...........