
Whispers in the Winter Wind

In the quiet town of Ginsukimura, snow covered the ground for most of the year. Yasushi Futakao’s life followed a predictable path. This calm changed when Jingliu Yang, a new student from China, arrived. Her presence drew curiosity. She kept to herself, building a wall between her and the other students. Yasushi, like many, wondered about her distance and the secrets she carried. Though Jingliu tried to stay apart, an unexpected event pushed her closer to Yasushi. This moment sparked a bond between them. As winter faded to spring, Ginsukimura transformed from a snowy landscape to a sunny one, reflecting the growth of their connection. Yasushi learned about Jingliu's past. Each detail painted a picture of her history and explained her quiet ways. With the change of the seasons, their relationship blossomed. They shared quiet conversations and meaningful exchanges, bridging cultural and personal divides. While Yasushi explored Jingliu’s background, he also navigated his own journey of self-discovery. Together, they faced the challenges of love and loss in a town where each season told its story.

Haruki_Murakami · Anime & Comics
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186 Chs

Troubles of the Past

A few days had slipped by since Jingliu and Yasushi's spontaneous "date," and they hadn't found another moment to be alone together after school. However, they did share a lunch once, amidst the deserted classroom on a particular day when most had hurried away.

Their routine, though altered, still intertwined in subtle ways. They walked to school side by side, a silent understanding guiding their steps. There was also that fleeting instance when they walked back home together, until the arrival of Yinhaie in her ostentatious car stole that shared time, attracting curious glances.

The reason behind this sudden change became clear the following day. Jingliu explained to Yasushi that her father, now aware of the incident, had instructed Yinhaie to pick her up from school. However, he was content with Jingliu continuing to walk to school, accepting this new arrangement as their unspoken norm.

As the classroom buzzed with pre-morning chatter, their homeroom teacher entered, signaling everyone to their seats. Senbarisu's voice filled the space, breaking the quietude. "You may have noticed or not, but we have a new transfer student joining our class. There are others transferring as well, dispersed across different classes and years, so don't dwell on it too much," she clarified.

A curious male classmate raised his hand, breaking the flow. "Are they cute?" he blurted out.

"...I haven't mentioned their gender yet — ah, forget it. They're another girl! Satisfied?" Senbarisu's annoyance was palpable, met with the enthusiastic nod of the male student.

With a sigh, Senbarisu carried on, "They're also from China, so Jingliu might find a new friend. Anyway, they'll be joining us tomorrow, so be prepared. But I must caution you all, don't provoke her too much; I hear she has quite the temper."

Eyes shifted toward Jingliu, but she remained still, a picture of serene detachment, reclining in her chair with eyes shut and arms crossed.

"Her name's Xinyi Chen. She's quite well-off, so if any of you rub her the wrong way, she might just bankrupt your families. Keep that in mind," Senbarisu interjected, causing a slight twitch in Jingliu's demeanor, a nuance caught only by Yasushi, who couldn't help but wonder about her reaction.

Yet, no one probed further. Instead, they redirected their queries to the homeroom teacher, who did her best to field their questions amidst the growing curiosity. And so, the day at school unfolded in this manner, with conversations and inquiries swirling around the impending arrival of Xinyi Chen.


At the onset of lunchtime, Yasushi's phone buzzed with a message from Jingliu, beckoning him to the forbidden rooftop. It was an area off-limits to students, piquing his curiosity about how she had managed to slip past the barriers. Without dwelling on it too much, he ventured up two flights of stairs, finding himself before the door. Twisting the handle, he was surprised to find it yielding, granting him entry.

Closing the door behind him, Yasushi's eyes fell upon Jingliu, leaning casually against the verdant fence. Her smile greeted him, accompanied by a gentle pat on the space beside her.

Taking his place, Yasushi couldn't help but ask, "How did you even get up here?"

"...I have my methods. Don't overthink it," Jingliu replied cryptically, prompting Yasushi to unpack his lunchbox, prepared once again by Yinhaie.

They began to silently eat together, knowing that both of them will have a chance of speaking about what happened during homeroom. However, for now, they decided to keep eating silently, but the silence wasn't awkward, in fact it was the opposite, both of them were content with it.

"...so, about this morning," Jingliu began between bites, her voice carrying a weight of reminiscence. "That girl who's coming, I know her... too well."

Yasushi paused, meeting her gaze, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of understanding.

"And? Is she some sort of lingering annoyance or a ghost from the past?" he inquired, returning to his food with appreciation. "...this is delicious, please thank Yinhaie for me later."

Jingliu glanced down at her lunchbox before nodding. "We were acquainted for only two years, but... she was a thorn in my side the entire time. I couldn't resort to physical means since she never initiated such confrontations. She's the kind who enjoys taunting and wielding words as weapons."

"Ah, the type who irritates you to the point where you want to shut them up with a punch," Yasushi remarked, earning a chuckle from Jingliu, who nodded in agreement.

"Xinyi Chen, huh? So, we're looking at a potential hurdle here, right? Keeping our friendship under wraps will be... how should I put it, challenging?" Yasushi queried.

"Hmm. Most likely. But don't fret, I have my tactics to throw her off," Jingliu reassured, hinting at a plan that intrigued Yasushi.

He shook his head with a smirk. "Rich folks, always complicating things..."

"How about this? When we need to talk or sneak up here, we'll just ask my trusted ally to assist us," Jingliu suggested, laying out her strategy.

Yasushi raised an eyebrow, a hint of doubt in his tone. "You don't think she'll pull a similar move? Use her own entourage to distract our helper and tail us?"

Jingliu pondered for a moment before responding, her gaze distant. "I'll have contingencies in place. We'll navigate this together, one step at a time."

"Aye, aye, captain..." Yasushi replied with a chuckle, continuing to enjoy his meal. "But hold on a sec. Weren't we facing a heavy snowfall earlier? How did this place manage to look so... pristine?" he queried, glancing curiously at Jingliu, who met his gaze with a playful smirk.

"As I mentioned, I have my methods, my dear friend. Never underestimate the influence of wealth," Jingliu responded enigmatically.

Yasushi shook his head in amusement, his eyes scanning the now clear rooftop of their school. Just hours ago, the world had been blanketed in snow, so he couldn't help but marvel at how swiftly her servants or hired hands had tidied up. He briefly pondered the cost, only to recall her sleek black credit card, reminding himself that such feats were well within her means.

They savored their moments atop the rooftop, a brief respite from the world below. However, as the snow began to thicken once more, they knew their idyllic interlude was drawing to a close. Quietly, they descended, slipping back into the corridors, their presence seemingly unnoticed by the bustling school around them, or at least, that's what they believed.


As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, their classmates hurriedly dispersed, leaving Jingliu and Yasushi alone in the classroom. Furuya's parting words echoed through the emptying space, promising to catch up the next day.

Their solitude was short-lived, interrupted by the approach of their homeroom teacher, engaging Jingliu in hushed conversation. Sensing Yasushi's presence, she gestured for him to depart. "Quickly now, Futakao. This is a private matter," she insisted.

Yasushi nodded, stepping out but lingering by the door, waiting for Jingliu. After a brief exchange, Senbarisu exited first, followed by Jingliu wearing a faint frown. Catching sight of Yasushi, she nodded, and they made their way out of the school together.

Once outside the gates, with Yinhaie awaiting Jingliu, she turned to Yasushi. "They've roped me into guiding Xinyi tomorrow. I'm not thrilled about it, but they were persistent until I relented. They asked for you to join me... so, will you?"

"Well, since you're still getting used to this place, I'm fine with it. Does that mean we can skip a few classes?" Yasushi inquired, hopeful, but Jingliu shook her head in response.

"No, we'll do the tour during lunch and after school, so be prepared for that," Jingliu explained, causing Yasushi to groan in disappointment.

"Ugh, there go my free periods... but okay, I'll come along," he acquiesced, though secretly hoping for some leniency or benefit from the teachers.

"Good... then I'll see you tomorrow, Yasushi. Goodbye for now," Jingliu bid farewell as she got into the car with Yinhaie. They waved at Yasushi one last time before driving off, leaving him standing alone.

As snowflakes continued to fall, creating larger piles around him, Yasushi glanced up at the sky. "How can anyone play baseball in this weather...?" he muttered in disbelief. "Maybe we should apply anime logic... the tougher the conditions, the stronger the players become..."

He chuckled at his own musings before heading home, a faint tension lingering in his thoughts, though he dismissed it with a shake of his head. Tomorrow and Xinyi's arrival promised more good than bad — or so he convinced himself. For now, uncertainty clouded his mind as he walked, making a quick stop at the bakery for provisions before continuing homeward.

Upon reaching his doorstep, he noticed an unexpected letter in his mailbox from his parents, a rare occurrence that piqued his curiosity. After entering his home and changing into more comfortable attire, he brewed a cup of coffee and settled down to open the letter, anticipation mixing with the aroma of the freshly brewed beverage.

As he delved into the contents of the letter, the words on the page hit him like a sudden jolt. He sputtered, nearly spilling his coffee, unable to comprehend the startling revelations laid out before him.

"Dear, I hope this message finds you well. There's something we need to discuss, a sudden change in plans. We've been fortunate to receive significant promotions, leading to a prolonged stay abroad. The good news is, this also means an increase in financial support for you. However, due to our commitments to various projects, we won't be returning this year or the next. We'll make sure to send money and thoughtful gifts for your birthday and holidays. We apologize for the inconvenience. With love, Mom and Dad."

Upon reading the letter, he muttered in disbelief, "Seriously?" The flood of disappointment at the realization that even his birthday wouldn't bring them back washed over him. "Damn..."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." - Hindu proverb

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