
Sleeping Monster

As the final bell rang and the echoes of school chatter began to fade, a sense of liberation filled the air. For most students, Friday afternoons were synonymous with a rush to escape the confines of classrooms and textbooks. Furuya, a bundle of energy as always, prodded Yasushi to hasten their departure, his eyes gleaming with the promise of weekend adventures.

"Hey, Yasushi, how about hitting the arcade? Or wait, that new movie just hit the screens! Or maybe we should grab a bite first," Furuya rattled off eagerly, his excitement palpable.

Yasushi, methodical and composed, finished packing his bag before responding. His gaze shifted momentarily to Jingliu's now-empty desk, their new classmate who had already vanished in the sea of departing students.

"Do you even have money?" Yasushi inquired, his voice tinged with practicality.

Furuya's enthusiasm faltered for a fleeting moment as he took a step back, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone. "Ah, damn it, man. I've been saving up for that PS5, and now I'm running low on my allowance. It's a tragedy!"

Yasushi swung his bag over his shoulder with a nonchalant ease, his words carrying a hint of weariness. "You're expecting me to foot the bill again, aren't you?" he remarked, a touch of reproach in his voice. "You do remember you owe me—"

"I know, I know! Ten thousand yen, right? I haven't forgotten," Furuya interjected, raising his hands in surrender as they made their way out of the classroom.

"Ten thousand? Wasn't it fifteen thousand last time?" Yasushi corrected him, the discrepancy a familiar point of contention between them.

"It's already that much!?" Furuya exclaimed in disbelief, his shock punctuated by their swift exit from the school premises.

The setting sun cast long shadows, painting the world in hues of amber and gold as they walked. Yet, beneath this tranquil facade, Yasushi sensed a subtle unease, a feeling of being observed by more than just casual onlookers.

Unsure of the origin of these unseen eyes, Yasushi's instincts, honed from experiences beyond the ordinary, tingled with awareness. Sensing his friend's unease, Yasushi chose silence, opting for the guise of normalcy within this silent scrutiny.

"Let's hit the arcade for now; it's easier on the wallet. Once I get my paycheck from the part-time job, we can catch a movie," Yasushi suggested, picking up his pace a bit.

"Yeah, and this time, I'll definitely beat you at—"

Their conversation gained momentum, Furuya's enthusiasm leading the way, oblivious to the subtle shifts unfolding behind them. However, Yasushi, attuned to the currents of the unseen, remained on edge, his senses heightened to the silent alterations in their surroundings.


As the minutes ticked away in the bustling arcade, Yasushi and Furuya immersed themselves in a flurry of games, surrounded by a mix of strangers sharing the same space. Outside, the evening's veil descended, accompanied by a soft cascade of snowflakes blanketing the ground. Peering through the entrance, Furuya let out a resigned sigh.

"Damn... the snow's really coming down, isn't it? We've officially entered that endless eight-month stretch of winter," Furuya remarked, a touch of resignation in his voice.

"Yeah, but then it's four months of scorching heat, like we've been dropped into a desert. Japan's weather is something else," Yasushi mused, the contrast of seasons a peculiar quirk of their homeland.

Along with their arcade escapade, Yasushi occasionally sensed eyes on them from the outside world. Yet, within the arcade's neon-lit confines, the watchers remained unseen, biding their time.

"Well, I'd better head home before my mom launches a search party," Yasushi declared suddenly, a note of urgency in his voice as he made his exit from the arcade, leaving behind the world of flashing screens and eager competitors.

Yasushi's breath formed a misty cloud in the wintry air as he stepped out of the arcade, embarking on the familiar path homeward. In these frostbitten months, the streets lay eerily quiet, a hush that even the onset of winter failed to rouse from its slumber. Few ventured out willingly into the snow-laden streets, preferring the warmth and seclusion of indoor sanctuaries.

Yet, amidst this stillness, the laughter of children echoed faintly, their joyous romps in the snow a stark contrast to the reticence of adults. Some teenagers, too, found solace in the winter's embrace, embracing the chill as a familiar companion. For Yasushi, the snow held a peculiar allure, a reminder of a distant past as an Englishman, a connection that lingered beneath the surface of his Japanese existence.

As his footsteps crunched softly in the snow, Yasushi sensed the weight of unseen gazes upon him, accompanied by the subtle cadence of footsteps trailing his own. A knowing silence enveloped him, a tacit acknowledgment of the watchers who remained hidden in the shadows. Yasushi harbored suspicions about their identity, or at least their intentions, yet chose to play the role of the unaware, concealing his awareness like a carefully guarded secret.

As Yasushi stepped into the expansive openness of a certain district, shadows seemed to coalesce into human forms around him. Figures emerged, not clad in the typical garb of ominous agents but veiled, their faces partially obscured, wearing ordinary clothes. Yasushi stopped in his tracks, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips as he regarded them with a mixture of familiarity and anticipation.

'This scenario feels straight out of a movie or an anime,' he mused inwardly, the surrealism of the moment not lost on him. Addressing the enigmatic figures, he spoke with a calm resolve tinged with amusement. "So, Jishiha has sent you. Let's not waste any time then."

With a deliberate gesture, Yasushi loosened his tie, a symbolic act that seemed to puzzle the men around him. His breath, warm and misty, added to the mystique of the scene, his gaze sharpening like the slits of a serpent's eye as he locked eyes with one of the veiled figures.

"It's been a while since I've had a proper fight," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of excitement beneath its composed facade. "Make this fun for me."


In a different corner of the city, Jingliu found herself encircled by the same enigmatic figures, their identities concealed behind masks and nondescript attire. Unperturbed, she stood with a serene composure, arms crossed and eyes shut in tranquil contemplation.

"I hadn't expected Jishiha's minions to arrive so promptly," Jingliu remarked calmly, her voice a steady echo in the tense air. As she opened her eyes, her gaze locked onto Jishiha, who seethed with lingering resentment.

"Shut your mouth, whore. It's time for some payback, get her and make her pay!" Jishiha spat out, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Such vulgar words from a coward," Jingliu countered, her tone measured yet unyielding. Before Jishiha's underlings could advance, a sudden intervention disrupted the confrontation. Shadows gave birth to unexpected allies, swiftly neutralizing Jishiha's henchmen with precision and efficiency.

A woman clad in maid's attire approached Jingliu, a symbol of loyalty and service. "Lady Jingliu," she addressed respectfully, presenting a wooden sword with a deferential bow.

Jingliu's smile, serene yet resolute, illuminated her face as she accepted the wooden sword from the maid. With fluid, almost ethereal movements, she twirled the sword, sweeping away the snow that had gathered around her. Each motion was a testament to her grace and a hint of something mystical, as if she danced to an unseen rhythm.

Her eyes remained shut during this ritual, attuned to a deeper awareness, and when she finally stopped, opening her eyes once more, they bore into Jishiha with a steady intensity. He stood transfixed, his bravado faltering in the face of Jingliu's quiet power.

Advancing towards him, Jingliu's voice carried a weight of ancient lineage and unyielding strength. "You may flaunt your wealth, Jishiha, but my family's roots in China run deep. We are not merely another affluent clan; we carry a legacy that surpasses material riches."

Jishiha, sensing the tide turning against him, took a step back, a flicker of fear in his eyes. He attempted to flee, but before he could make his escape, Jingliu brought down the wooden sword upon his back with a swift and decisive strike. Jishiha crumpled to the ground, and Jingliu, placing her foot on his back, exerted pressure that spoke volumes of her dominance in that moment.

"Know your place, fool," she asserted sternly, delivering measured strikes with her wooden sword. Each blow landed with purpose, leaving visible marks of reprimand without crossing the line into brutal aggression. Jingliu's restraint spoke volumes of her control, a display of power tempered by calculated reserve.

A final kick to the ribs punctuated her message, her eyes narrowing as she leveled a warning at her assailant. "Should you persist in harassing me, I will not hesitate to destroy everything you hold dear, both here in Japan and across the seas in China," she threatened, her words carrying the weight of conviction.

Turning away from the subdued Jishiha, Jingliu approached the maid with an air of regal poise. However, her triumph was short-lived as a breathless figure in the same uniform as Jingliu's men hurried towards her.

"Lady Jingliu...!" he gasped, his urgency palpable.

"Calm yourself. What's the matter?" Jingliu inquired, drawing the attention of everyone present.

"It's your classmate, Yasushi!" he exclaimed, his words sparking disbelief among the gathered group as he began to relay his message.


They rushed to Yasushi's location, finding a scene that left them all dumbfounded. Even Jingliu, typically composed, stood there in astonishment and breathlessness.

Surrounding Yasushi were thirty men, strewn across the ground in various states of disarray — battered, bruised, and bloodied. Yasushi himself stood amidst this chaos, his hands stained with blood, a solitary streak trailing down his cheek.

As their presence registered, Yasushi turned to face them, a vacant look shadowing his eyes momentarily before returning to normal. He greeted them with a disarming smile, his tone nonchalant. "Ah, Jingliu, did they come after you as well?"

His casual demeanor sent a shiver down Jingliu's spine, rendering her momentarily speechless. She managed a nod in response, unable to find words to express the unexpected turn of events.

This outcome was far from what she had anticipated.

"Life is like a mountain, you can climb it but only while staying grounded." - Japanese proverb

Haruki_Murakamicreators' thoughts
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