
Power Couple

The gang member's switch blade flashed in the sun light, a crude weapon wielded with an untrained hand. Yasushi, his heart steady despite the threat, sidestepped the blade with practiced ease. It was clear to him that this assailant was no seasoned fighter; his attacks lacked finesse, more similar to a desperate flailing than a calculated strike.

As the young man lunged again, Yasushi couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of amusement and pity. 'Is this his first time?' he wondered, watching the clumsy attempts to harm him. The gang member's bravado clashed starkly with his evident lack of experience, a paradox Yasushi found both intriguing and absurd.

"Stay still, damn it!" the gang member yelled, frustration seeping into his voice. But Yasushi continued to dance around the amateurish onslaught, a wry smile playing on his lips. In this chaotic dance of violence, he remained the calm center, a silent observer in the midst of a turbulent storm.

Yasushi let out a weary sigh, his patience wearing thin from the endless verbal sparring with his classmate. Instead of continuing the futile exchange, he bided his time, waiting for the perfect opening.

As the gang member lunged once more, Yasushi acted swiftly, sidestepping the attack and seizing the assailant's arm in a firm grip. With a deft twist, he forced a cry of pain from the gang member, causing the switchblade to clatter to the ground. Before the disoriented young man could react, Yasushi delivered a sharp blow to his chin, sending him reeling.

With practiced efficiency, Yasushi maneuvered the gang member onto the ground, pinning him facedown with his own weight. He maintained control until the arrival of two teachers, their hurried footsteps breaking the tension of the confrontation. They rushed to Yasushi's side, their presence signaling the end of the brief but intense struggle.

Amid the chaotic aftermath, Yasushi's attention was drawn to an unexpected sight: one of the teachers held a pair of handcuffs, a puzzling addition to the already bewildering scene. Before he could make sense of it, the handcuffs were swiftly secured around the gang member's wrists, the authoritative action cutting through the tension like a blade.

Yasushi was then beckoned to join the teachers, their stern expressions contrasting with the growing crowd's murmurs. As the teachers dispersed the onlookers, Yasushi couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, as if watching the scene unfold from a distance.

Turning to one of the teachers, Yasushi couldn't resist asking, "Was the cafeteria fight also stopped by the teachers?" The teacher's solemn nod confirmed his suspicion.

"Yes. Four of us intervened, though the aggressor suffered significant injuries," the teacher remarked grimly, casting a disapproving glance at the subdued gang member. "You showed restraint, but school regulations dictate consequences for engaging in physical altercations."

Yasushi's response was nonchalant. "Fine, whatever. Rules are rules, I suppose." The teacher's frown hinted at unspoken disapproval, yet there was a tacit understanding in his gaze, acknowledging Yasushi's resignation to the consequences of his actions.


In the bustling cafeteria, Jingliu and Furuya hurried toward the center of commotion, where Xinyi stood face-to-face with two familiar figures — the senior gang members who had targeted her before.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? Is this all you know how to do?" Xinyi's voice was tinged with irritation and a hint of defiance, her frustration simmering beneath the surface.

The taller gang member, exuding misplaced confidence, retorted coldly. "You brought this upon yourself, messing with our boss. It's nothing personal, just business." With a swift step, he lunged forward, aiming to grab Xinyi's arm and assert dominance.

Xinyi's eyes narrowed, her body tensing as she deftly redirected his grab, using his momentum against him to push him off balance. In the same fluid motion, she pivoted, anticipating the second gang member's attack. With a well-practiced move, she sidestepped his lunging form and, with a calculated strike, delivered a swift kick to his midsection.

The gang member staggered backward, caught off guard by Xinyi's swift and precise counterattack. As he stumbled, Xinyi's expression remained composed, a silent declaration of her resolve. The cafeteria fell into a tense silence, the brief but intense altercation leaving an invisible ripple in the air.

The taller gang member's gesture was ominous as he produced a switchblade, causing a collective gasp and a chorus of horrified screams from the onlookers. With swift intent, he lunged toward Xinyi, the glint of the blade reflecting the tension in the air. Despite her unease, Xinyi maintained a façade of calm, her eyes betraying a flicker of apprehension.

Simultaneously, the other gang member brandished a makeshift weapon — a small piece of wood — springing into action alongside his companion. Xinyi's muscles tensed as she prepared to fend off the dual assault. With agile movements, she evaded the taller gang member's blade, a testament to her composure under pressure. However, the wooden weapon grazed her arm, eliciting a sharp grunt of pain.

The assailants smirked triumphantly, reveling in the escalating tension permeating the cafeteria. Yet, in the chaos, some students had fled to seek help from the faculty, a glimmer of hope in the middle of uncertainty.

Just as the confrontation reached its peak, Furuya and Jingliu appeared, their unexpected intervention disrupting the precarious balance. Their presence was a surprising relief to Xinyi.

"I didn't expect you to step in, Jingliu, but I'm grateful," Xinyi expressed with a sigh of relief, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and surprise. She then turned to Furuya, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "You too, huh?"

Furuya stuttered nervously, his words stumbling over each other in his anxiety. It was evident that he was out of his element, his usual passive demeanor shaken by the intensity of the situation. He had never faced a physical confrontation before, and the fear was palpable in his trembling voice.

Normally, Furuya would endure the bullies' abuse silently, allowing himself to be a punching bag both physically and emotionally. But today was different. Fueled by a sense of duty to Yasushi and a newfound resolve, he steeled himself to confront his fears head-on.

Meanwhile, Jingliu remained silent, her expression unreadable as she approached the two gang members. They taunted her with cruel insults, their laughter ringing through the tense air. Undeterred by their provocation, Jingliu maintained her stoic composure, refusing to engage in their verbal sparring.

Growing impatient with Jingliu's lack of reaction, the gang members charged forward, brandishing their weapons with malicious intent aimed squarely at her.

In a surreal spectacle similar to scenes from anime or cinema, a moment of astonishing agility unfolded before the stunned cafeteria crowd. Jingliu's movements transcended the limits of ordinary perception, her actions almost too quick for the eye to follow.

With breathtaking speed, she closed the distance between herself and the gang members. In a display of remarkable strength, Jingliu seized their wrists with an iron grip, causing them to wince and release their weapons. The metallic clang as the blade and wooden stick hit the floor echoed in the hushed cafeteria.

Without hesitation, Jingliu unleashed a series of devastating strikes. Her first blow landed with precision, a forceful kick to the taller gang member's groin, eliciting a pained cry as he doubled over in agony. In the same fluid motion, she pivoted and delivered a swift, incapacitating strike to the other assailant's groin area.

The cafeteria was filled with the sounds of struggle and pain as the gang members crumpled to their knees, their faces contorted in pain. Jingliu's final actions were swift and decisive, delivering two powerful kicks to their faces. The impact was jarring, causing them to collapse unconscious on the cafeteria floor.

The once lively cafeteria fell into a stunned silence, the air heavy with disbelief and awe at Jingliu's incredible display of skill and control. To everyone except Xinyi, the sequence of events seemed almost instantaneous — a whirlwind of motion culminating in the sudden defeat of the assailants, with Jingliu standing stoically in the middle of the aftermath.

Xinyi's thoughts raced as she observed the unfolding spectacle, a mix of awe and unease gripping her. 'She's gotten even stronger... What on earth did you do during your time away, Jingliu?' Her mind buzzed with unanswered questions, a testament to Jingliu's mysterious transformation.

As the echoes of the confrontation lingered in the air, the arrival of four teachers disrupted the tense silence. Their expressions mirrored confusion and concern as they surveyed the aftermath, unsure of the events that had transpired. Acting swiftly, they apprehended the two unconscious students along with Jingliu, Furuya, and Xinyi.

Three of the teachers escorted the group away, their steps measured and purposeful. Meanwhile, the remaining teacher remained in the cafeteria, his eyes scanning the bewildered faces of the students. With a furrowed brow, he began questioning the witnesses, determined to unravel the mystery of what had just occurred.


As the entourage of teachers and students neared the principal's office, the atmosphere crackled with tension. The principal and vice-principal stood waiting outside, their expressions a mix of weariness and anticipation as they anticipated Jingliu and Yasushi's presence once more.

"You two again? It hasn't been long since you caused a stir last time," remarked the principal with a resigned sigh, addressing Jingliu and Yasushi directly.

Yasushi's response was nonchalant, his tone betraying a hint of amusement. "Trouble seems to have a knack for finding me, more often than I'd prefer," he quipped, earning a snort from the principal before he regained his composure.

In the hallway, students gathered in clusters, their eyes flickering with curiosity and apprehension, anticipating the unfolding drama. Yet, before any further words could be exchanged, a new twist emerged, adding another layer to the already charged atmosphere.

From a nearby classroom, a previously unseen figure emerged — a secret fourth member of the gang, armed with a menacing baseball bat. Having witnessed the cafeteria altercation, he had initially planned to join the fray but, upon witnessing Jingliu's formidable prowess, he opted for a sneak attack, hoping to catch her off guard.

As the secret gang member lunged forward with the baseball bat, a collective gasp rippled through the onlookers. Jingliu, caught off guard, instinctively tensed as the bat hurtled toward her, the air crackling with tension.

In a split-second response, Yasushi leaped into action, positioning himself protectively in front of Jingliu. The impact of the bat against his arm elicited a sharp grunt of pain, but Yasushi remained resolute, his focus unwavering. With swift precision, he retaliated, his fist connecting with the assailant's face with decisive force.

The hallway echoed with the sound of impact as the gang member staggered backward, his grip on the bat loosening as he slumped to the floor, unconscious. Yasushi's sigh of relief was audible as he glanced at his injured arm, his brow furrowing in concern at the swelling.

"Maybe it's fractured," Yasushi muttered to himself, his tone tinged with self-criticism. "I should have caught the bat instead." His words lingered in the air, a testament to his determination despite the physical toll of his actions.

As the tension reached its peak and chaos threatened to unravel, the swift intervention of the teachers and principals brought a semblance of order. They ushered everyone into the principal's office, their authoritative presence quelling the rising uproar.

In the middle of the commotion, a wave of screams rippled through the gathered students as they processed the dramatic events that had unfolded before their eyes. The air crackled with a mix of fear and disbelief, casting a surreal aura over the scene.

In the middle of this turmoil, Jingliu's gaze remained fixed on Yasushi, her expression a mixture of astonishment and gratitude. She was at a loss for words, unsure of how to react to being rescued in such a dramatic fashion. However, in the chaos, she made a silent vow to express her thanks to Yasushi later, perhaps after the chaotic day had come to an end.

"A silent mouth is melodious." - Irish proverb

Haruki_Murakamicreators' thoughts
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