
Whispers in the Winter Wind

In the quiet town of Ginsukimura, snow blanketed the ground for most of the year. Yasushi Futakao’s life followed a clear pattern. This calm changed with the arrival of Jingliu Yang, a new student from China. Her presence sparked curiosity. She kept her distance, creating a wall between her and the others. Yasushi, like many, wondered about her detachment and the secrets she held. Though Jingliu aimed to remain separate, an unexpected event forced her closer to Yasushi. This moment started a subtle bond between them. As winter turned to spring, Ginsukimura transformed from a snowy scene to a sunny one, mirroring the growth of their connection. Yasushi learned about Jingliu's past. Each detail revealed a history that shaped her quiet demeanor. With the seasons changing, their relationship blossomed. They engaged in quiet talks and thoughtful exchanges, bridging cultural and personal gaps. While Yasushi uncovered Jingliu’s background, he also explored his own journey of self-discovery. Together, they confronted challenges of love and loss in a town where each season told its own tale.

Haruki_Murakami · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs


Friday slipped into Yasushi's consciousness like a half-remembered dream, lingering at the edges of his thoughts. From the moment he opened his eyes, a subtle unease had settled in his stomach. It accompanied him through breakfast, a silent companion as he moved through the motions of his morning routine. Yasushi had learned to trust these gut feelings, this quiet intuition that had rarely led him astray. In this new chapter of his life, he saw no reason to start doubting it now.

"Are you okay?" Jingliu's voice cut through his reverie as they reached the school gate. Yinhaie waved from her car, a brief flicker of normalcy in the early morning haze.

"I'm fine," Yasushi replied, the words almost automatic. "I have a few worries, but I'll tell you later. Let's go." He managed a small smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, and they began their walk to the classroom.

The glances and whispers that trailed them had become background noise, insignificant and easily ignored. They moved through the school like two parallel lines, close but never intersecting in a way that would draw undue attention.

There was no hand-holding, no overt signs of their relationship, but an unspoken understanding flowed between them, a quiet bond that needed no outward display. Their normalcy was a carefully maintained facade, one that allowed them to navigate their world with a semblance of peace.

As soon as Yasushi and Jingliu stepped into the classroom, Furuya sprang from his seat, his movements sudden and almost frantic. Laura and Xinyi followed in his wake, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Without a word, Furuya grabbed Yasushi and Jingliu, pulling them aside with a sense of urgency that brooked no argument.

"You hired people to watch out for my family! I didn't think you were serious. I said I would think about it!" Furuya's voice was high-pitched, tinged with panic, each word tumbling out in a rush.

Yasushi felt a pang of guilt but also a certain resolve. "I didn't think Yinhaie would act so quickly. Sorry, man. But it's better this way. It won't be for too long, although I can't promise that." He placed a reassuring hand on Furuya's shoulder, hoping to calm him.

For a moment, silence hung in the air, thick and uncomfortable. Then, unexpectedly, Furuya began to laugh. It started as a low chuckle, but soon escalated into a full-bodied laughter that brought tears to his eyes. He laughed so hard he could barely stand, leaning against the wall for support.

"This makes me seem like some kind of important rich person or the protagonist of a series," Furuya gasped between bouts of laughter. "I'm all for it now, screw it!"

The others exchanged bewildered glances, trying to comprehend Furuya's abrupt shift in mood. His laughter continued, a wild, almost hysterical sound that filled the room. It was as if something inside him had snapped, and now he was caught in a loop, unable to stop.

Yasushi watched Furuya with a mixture of concern and relief. Perhaps the tension had finally gotten to him, manifesting in this unexpected bout of laughter. Or maybe it was Furuya's way of coping with the absurdity of their situation. Whatever the reason, Yasushi hoped that this laughter, however unhinged it seemed, would help release some of the pressure they all felt.

Jingliu placed a gentle hand on Yasushi's arm, her eyes reflecting his concern. "He'll be okay," she whispered, though her voice carried an edge of uncertainty. Yasushi nodded, though he wasn't entirely sure himself. All he could do was hope that, like a sudden storm, Furuya's laughter would pass, leaving behind a calmer, clearer sky.

"The same thing happened with mine," Laura said, her voice tinged with a faint weariness. "But we spoke to them, and it turns out they were from Xinyi's family. It was surprising, yes, but we didn't mind too much. With the recent serial killer and now this, my family's fine with it." She placed a hand over her chest, letting out a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of countless worries.

Xinyi chuckled softly and patted Laura's back, a gesture of camaraderie. "Don't worry about it. We're just trying to keep you safe. Some of these weirdos are really getting on my nerves." Her expression darkened momentarily, a frown furrowing her brow as she exhaled an annoyed sigh.

"Well," Xinyi continued, her tone shifting to one of practicality, "let's remake that group chat and keep each other up to date. If we think we're in trouble, we'll send messages there. And, of course, we can chat casually too." She looked around at all of them, her eyes seeking and finding mutual agreement.

Nods and murmurs of consent rippled through the group. Xinyi quickly set about creating the new group chat, her fingers flying over her phone with practiced ease. They spoke a bit more, their conversation a blend of serious planning and light-hearted banter, a mix that felt almost normal amidst the surrealness of their situation.

Yet, as they drifted back to their classroom, it was clear that Furuya was still wrestling with his own inner turmoil. His earlier laughter had subsided, but traces of it lingered in his eyes, a fragile sheen that hinted at the edges of a meltdown. Yasushi cast a sidelong glance at him, concern threading through his thoughts.


"Ah right," Jingliu said, her tone laced with a mixture of concern and admonishment. "Just because you can use your hand again to a certain degree doesn't mean you can play hero, understood?" They were seated in their classroom, a rare moment of solitude amidst the chaos of school life, their lunch laid out between them like a fragile peace offering.

Yasushi looked up from his bento, a strained smile tugging at his lips. "I don't play hero, but I'll keep what you said in mind." His words were soft, almost apologetic, and he could feel the weight of Jingliu's scrutiny as she squinted her eyes at him, searching for any hint of defiance. After a moment, she seemed to accept his answer, though the concern in her eyes remained.

They continued their meal in silence, the quiet punctuated only by the occasional clink of chopsticks against their lunchboxes. Outside, the world moved with its usual rhythm, the sounds of students echoing faintly through the open window. Yasushi found a strange comfort in the mundanity of it all, a brief respite from the undercurrent of tension that had become a constant in his life.

But then, a sudden commotion shattered the stillness. Raised voices, the unmistakable sound of panic, and the chaotic thrum of footsteps reached their ears. Yasushi stood up, a sense of foreboding settling in his gut, and walked over to the window. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene below.

Laura was standing in front of Furuya, her arm bleeding, crimson staining the white of her uniform. In front of them were two young adults, their faces twisted with a menacing intent, knives glinting ominously in their hands. Around them, students were scattering, their faces masks of fear and confusion.

"We need security in this school, what the hell!?" Yasushi's voice broke through the haze of shock, a blend of anger and disbelief. His exclamation prompted Jingliu to rise from her seat and join him at the window. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the chaos unfolding below.

For a moment, they stood there in stunned silence, the reality of the situation sinking in. Yasushi's mind raced, a thousand thoughts colliding and scattering like leaves in a storm. He felt Jingliu's presence beside him, a steadying force amidst the turmoil. She reached out, her hand brushing against his arm, grounding him.

"We have to do something," Jingliu said, her voice calm but urgent, a stark contrast to the panic outside. Yasushi nodded, the resolve hardening in his eyes.

"Go get the teachers. I'll make my way down," Yasushi commanded, his voice steady and resolute. Jingliu hesitated for a heartbeat, concern flickering in her eyes, but then she nodded, turned, and sprinted out of the room.

Yasushi moved to the window, pushing it open with a swift motion. He gauged the distance to the tree outside, his mind calculating the risks. With a deep breath, he leapt, hands reaching out to grasp the nearest branch. The bark was rough under his fingers as he swung himself down, each movement precise and fluid. He dropped to the ground, landing with a soft thud, and without a moment's pause, he launched himself toward the two young adults threatening his friends.

His foot connected with one assailant's stomach, the force of the impact sending the man sprawling backwards, gasping for air. The other attacker barely had time to react before Yasushi's fist found his face, a swift, brutal punch that knocked him out cold. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Yasushi took a step back, positioning himself protectively in front of Laura. The adrenaline coursing through his veins sharpened his senses, every detail around him etched with startling clarity. Xinyi, shaking off her initial shock, rushed to Laura's side, her hands trembling as she assessed the injury.

Yasushi turned his gaze to Laura, his eyes scanning the wound. "How bad?" he asked, his voice edged with concern.

Laura's face was pale, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. "I don't even know," she replied shakily, her voice barely above a whisper. "It hurts, but it also feels numb."

Yasushi nodded, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a plan. He could hear the distant sounds of approaching footsteps—Jingliu, with the teachers, he hoped. The immediate danger had been neutralized, but the situation was far from resolved. He looked back at Laura, her pain and confusion mirrored in his own heart.

"Help is coming," he said, his voice as reassuring as he could make it. "We'll get you to the nurse. Just hold on a little longer." He glanced at Xinyi, who nodded, her face set in determined lines.

Around them, the chaos was beginning to subside. Students who had been fleeing in panic were now cautiously returning, drawn by a mix of curiosity and concern. Yasushi knew that they needed to move quickly before the situation escalated further. He glanced up and saw Jingliu and the teachers emerging from the building.

The teachers arrived, their faces a mixture of shock and urgency as they took in the scene. They rushed to the young adults, who lay mostly knocked out and dazed on the ground, and then turned their attention to Laura.

Though she appeared calm, her body betrayed her, trembling like a leaf in the wind. The teachers quickly brought the situation under control. Fortunately, the entire episode had unfolded within the sight of security cameras, capturing every detail. Reviewing the footage would reveal the sequence of events in clear, undeniable clarity.

Laura was carefully helped to her feet, her injury tended to with makeshift bandages to stem the bleeding. Xinyi stayed close by her side, offering whispered words of comfort and support. Yasushi and Jingliu joined them, a silent procession as they made their way to the infirmary. The trespassers, now subdued and restrained, were left in the custody of the school's security personnel while the police were called to handle the rest.

As Yasushi and Jingliu passed the principal, they caught a glimpse of his expression—an incredulous look that seemed to say, "You two again?" It was a mix of disbelief and a resigned acknowledgment of the chaos that seemed to follow them.

In the infirmary, the sterile scent of antiseptic hung in the air, a sharp contrast to the turmoil outside. Laura was gently laid on a cot, the school nurse immediately tending to her wound with practiced efficiency. Yasushi and Jingliu stood nearby, their presence a silent testament to their support. Xinyi hovered close, her worry etched clearly on her face.

The nurse worked quickly, her hands steady as she cleaned and bandaged Laura's arm. "You're lucky it's not deeper," she said softly, her tone both professional and reassuring. "You'll need to rest, but you're going to be fine."

Laura nodded, a small, shaky smile forming on her lips. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible. Xinyi squeezed her hand, offering a silent promise of continued support.

Outside the infirmary, the sounds of the school carried on, a reminder of the world beyond this small room. The sirens of the approaching police cars grew louder, signaling the arrival of law enforcement. The events of the day had cast a long shadow, but within the walls of the infirmary, there was a sense of sanctuary, a temporary reprieve from the chaos.

Yasushi leaned against the wall, his mind replaying the moments of the confrontation. He felt Jingliu's presence beside him, a comforting anchor in the storm. She reached out, her hand brushing against his, a silent gesture of solidarity.

"Is your hand okay?" Jingliu's voice was soft, her concern palpable as she glanced at Yasushi's bandaged hand.

"It's fine," Yasushi replied, flexing his fingers slightly. "I used my other hand and foot, so I didn't strain it. But..." He paused, a shadow crossing his face. "We should stay vigilant when going home. We don't know how far they'll go. We should report Saisei to the principal and the police, though without evidence, who knows if our accusations will stick."

Frustration tinged his words, a bitter edge that Jingliu recognized all too well. She nodded in agreement, her eyes drifting to their two friends resting in the infirmary beds. The room was quiet, the only sounds the faint hum of medical equipment and the soft breathing of Laura and Xinyi. Yasushi and Jingliu had stationed themselves nearby, silent sentinels watching over their wounded companions.

Their phones buzzed with a text from Furuya, asking what had happened. Yasushi quickly typed a reply, summarizing the events and reassuring Furuya that he could see them soon, but for now, he should return to the classroom. Furuya's agreement came swiftly, a brief moment of relief in the turmoil.

The day had only just begun, and already it felt like they had lived through an eternity.

"Matanga me kiese mawa." -Kongo proverb

"Funerals with laughter and sorrow."

Meaning: This proverb conveys the duality of life, recognizing that joy and sorrow often coexist, especially in times of significant life events such as funerals.

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