
The move

Morning Tonia. Morning Tristan. I have got a beautifully bed and breakfast for you overlooking the bay. Great that's nice. Where do I go with all my stuff? My guys will take it to a store room so just take what you need and I will bring you the key later. I just need to get to the office asap. Will call you. Buy Tristan

Tonai sorted quickly between the boxes they have packed and marked for the store made an inventory and snapshot Ted them. She was just about to go to her car when a black mercedes Benz stopped and the window rolled down. Morning Tonia. Mona what do you want. I just want to tell you that I ma getting married and you can have all James stuff get these clowns to come and get it now. Please drive. What this now. I wonder who is this Mr Right she has gotten now?

Well I am not will have to ask Tristan if his guys can help me get the stuff to and put it into star age so that I can take it to James mother a little later when I have time. Halo Tonia Tristan Mona just stopped here and said that I can get all James stuff at his home can I take your guys to help me move it also to the storage unit please. I want to take it to James mother a little later.

She lives far from here and I will need to hear when I can go through to her. Yes it's fine Tonia.

It's a lot more that Tonia can remember. When she picked up his fishing gear she started to cry. This is how I think of you she says to herself. Then she hears voices. One is Mona and the other is Tristan. Do they also know each other? Tonia is everything packed and loaded. Yes Tristan. Okay let's go. Mrs. Connelly I will draw up the contract but be sure that Tonia owns all these things according to the will we found between his stuff. Tristan what do you mean you find a will. He had no will I wrote one for him but he never signed. No Tonia he had one made by the bank. How did you find that out. One of my guys know Mona and all her skeems. He contacted me when he saw the will. He knew she was bragging to all her friends how she used all his money and how she cheated you out of his stuff. There was a let tree r at the bank as well. I will give it to you.

Meet me at my office. Tonia shocked just shook her head and got j to her car. God is justice finally served.

Halo Aunt Mary. Halo my child how are you. I just want to make a quick call to tell you that James stuff is with me and I will bring it to you as soon as I can. The lawyer Tristan of Kate got hold of a will and letter and Mona apparently bragged to her friends about cheating us out of his money and stuff. So finally justice has been served.

I am so glad my child. You know you are always welcome to come to me. Please come. for the weekend then we can have a chat and we can decide what to do with all the stuff.

That will be nice aunt. I will phone you during the week and make arrangements with you. Be safe and happy always. Thanks aunt. bye. Yonia calls Tristan

Halo Tristan I have another favor to ask. Will it be possible for your guys to help me over the next weekend to take the stuff to James mother. She will arrange for a place. Tonia we can discuss this at my office.

Tonia arrives at Tristan's office.

Ms Langer you may go through. Hi Tristan. Sit Tonia.

Here is the letter. Please read it I will get us some coffee.

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