

The Saturday James called me early the morning and said that he had a stomach ache and I should come to him immediately. He had worked the morning backing fat cakes etc and he wasn't feeling well. Mona dropped him off at his house and left without checking on him. He phoned me and I rushed because I know when he is felling bad on his stomach something must be very wrong. You know that he had been shot a few times 16 years ago in his stomach and had a lot of scars and hernias. I thought it was one of those hernias now acting up so I drove like hel to get to him. He lived 30km from me. On arrival I saw him crawling on the bed and screaming of pain and just shouted to me get me some pain medication. But I saw this time its was different. I called the ambulance and lucky they where about 15km from us on their way to the hospital. I loaded him in my car and drove to meet the ambulance. They took him to hospital and I drove to the hospital. The doctor took his time to come but the nurses gave him some pain medication. WEB the doctor saw him he said no we need to get him to the hospital in George. They where going to take him with the ambulance. I drove back to his house got clothes and all his stuff that he needed for the hospital. I drove to the hospital praying that God must spare him as I was not ready to lose my friend. Especially after we where getting so close lately. Tonia started crying. Kate puts her arm around her. It was so awe full Kate. The doctor said that they needed to operate on him immediately. If he had any change of being healed they needed to do it now. The operation rooms where all full but they manage to open one quickly and they got him ready for the operation. I was at his side the whole time he didn't wanted me to leave him. He was so affraid. I never saw a grown man so scared. His eyes told me that he knew he wasn't going to make it. I prayed for him and held his hand the whole time. When the nurse called us we where in the teatre preproom already and they where going to push him in. He grasped my hand and pulled me towards him and said. Thank you darling for always being there for me and helping me and please forgive me for being such an arse and never trusting you. I love you. He kissed my hand and face and I also said I love you.

I had to leave the teatre room and went back to his room and waited. I waited for several hours. At 12pm that night the nurse said he will be in ICU when he gets out I need to go home. I still had 60km to drive back home and I was tired. So I left. Early the next morning I got to him at 9. He was sitting up in his bed and was waiting for me. He said why did you go home why did you not wait for me. I told him that the nurse chased me away. He told me that Mona was there just after 7 and that she is upset that I took him in. You know that they where living together? No I didn't know that, but why? She got the place and got him to move in but he put the place on his name and said to me that he needs someone to help pay the rent. He asked me to move in with him and I said no. I was not hoping to move in with a man who doesn't know weather he wants me or her. We where always together but he slept with her. I was just the girlfriend. The one he could use to go fishing with or do things together. You know Kate I didn't understand his obsession with me. In the 4 years we have been friends we fight a lot about all the girls he always entertained. He always cane back to me and I never really knew how he felt about me. He asked me to take his cellphone and purse with me and his ring. Then he said don't come here again as Mona is upset and she is making allot of noise and giving him grieve. I understand it and I greeted him by kissing him good buy and said I love him and he said he is sorry and kissed me and said he loved me. As I drove home I was so upset with that women. I wanted to do something to her. Who does she think she is. She has never loved him the way I did nor has she ever done anything for him but he is protecting her and always taking her side. I was furious. While driving I prayed that God will bring him home soon but I had an uneasy feeling on my stomach. I knew he was not coming home. I wrote him a whatsapp when I got home. I said to him that I loved him and really cared for him but he has the time no to fix things with Jesus Christ our Savour. He should repent from all his sins and make right with God. He said yes he knows. We also spoke about God the night before when he was laying waiting to go in for the operation. I phoned you to go have a look at him on the Monday. Thank you for going because I was worried. Tuesday when I phoned his mom and the hospital they said he has to have another operation the wound was infected or something. He got out and yet that night they had to move him back in for another operation. I didn't know he died after yet another operation. When I phoned the next day the nurse said phone his mother he died and why don't you know this. I was so upset. I realized that his mother must have been so upset when she finally got to him. When I phoned her she was very upset told me about what happened that Mona took. over at the hospital told everybody she was his wife etc. His mother said she was so upset and she didn't have my number on her phone to call me because I always called her at her land-line.

Well that's the story. His mother thanked me for being there for him and said when he was dying he was very weak.

You know his mother told me that he really loved me. He did Tonia he told me that himself one day when he visited here after you guys was here last.

He said he wasn't sure if you would ever really take him in your trust because he has messed around so much with you. I believe he really loved you. Tonia the money I gave Tristan to give to you was what I got for the bike. I want you to have it.

James did so many things for me and he always felt like a son to me. I don't have kids of my own. He use to come visit me regularly even with the bike. He spoke a lot about you and how he wanted you to be with him but you never wanted to move in with him.

Kate how could I Mona was living with him although she was never there and there was no real relationship between them any more. It was not my place to make demands. I only once said I will think about that if I can see that you really care for me and willing to build a relationship. I will send was never sure with him Kate.

Well Tonia I know he loved you he said it many a time here. Kate he said it to me in so many different ways but I kept believing he is just in live with Mona.

Well I miss him so much. Today I cried because I saw a post on Facebook of a year ago when he brought me flowers. I can't believe it's been a year.

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