
Loss of Sight

Just as there were several theories concerning the origin of the world, so there were various accounts of the creation of man.

According to Greek Mythology, the Titan Prometheus, the son of Iapetus, had formed man out of clay, and that Athene had breathed a soul into him. Full of love for the beings he had called into existence, Prometheus determined to elevate their minds and improve their condition in every way; he therefore taught them astronomy, mathematics, the alphabet, how to cure diseases, and the art of divination.

He created this race in such great numbers that the gods began to see the necessity of instituting certain fixed laws regarding the sacrifices due to them, and the worship to which they considered themselves entitled from mankind in return for the protection which they accorded them. An assembly was therefore convened at Mecone to settle these points. It was decided that Prometheus, as the advocate of man, should slay an ox, which should be divided into two equal parts, and that the gods should select one portion which should henceforth, in all future sacrifices, be set apart for them.

Prometheus so divided the ox that one part consisted of the bones (which formed of course the least valuable portion of the animal), artfully concealed by the white fat; whilst the other contained all the edible parts, which he covered with the skin, and on the top of all he laid the stomach. Zeus, pretending to be deceived, chose the heap of bones, but he saw through the stratagem, and was so angry at the deception practiced on him by Prometheus that he avenged himself by refusing to mortals the gift of fire. Prometheus, however, resolved to brave the anger of the great ruler of Olympus, and to obtain from heaven the vital spark so necessary for the further progress and comfort of mankind.

The creation mythology of the Japanese and the Shinto religion comprise the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, describing the creation of the heavens and the earth, the islands of Japan, and the creation of mankind.

The Kojiki begins with the Kamiyo, or Age of the Gods, an age which begins with a lifeless, silent universe. Sounds began to indicate the movement of particles throughout the vast, formless space. This movement resulted in light, which persisted at the top of the universe. A fog of particles underneath then formed Heaven, and the particles that could not rise created the Earth. Three Deities then began the process of creation. Two "essences" also formed, Passive and Active, and became the ancestors of everything. In total, there are 12 deities chronicled during this time period.

Izanagi and Izanami were the last generation of kami and they were tasked with making, consolidating, and giving "birth to this drifting land." Looking down on the earth from a golden bridge in heaven, they dipped their jeweled spear into the sea and the island of Onogo was formed. They descended upon the island and created a home there. On this island was located a great pillar, the August Pillar.

They met in the middle and there courted one another, Izanami saying "Oh, what a comely young man," to which Izanagi replied, "How delightfully, I have met a lovely maiden." But the gods were not pleased that Izanami, being a woman, was the first to speak, and they cursed the couple's offspring.

Hiroku, their first child, was said to have been hideous and cast out, and the subsequent children were also corrupted. The gods then explained the curse to Izanagi and Izanami, who subsequently took another trip around the pillar, this time Izanagi being the first to speak. The curse was lifted, and the couple bore many offspring.

First to be born were the Oyashimakuni, or the Land of Eight Great Islands, and then the six minor islands followed. Once this task was completed, the couple went on to create numerous kami (spirits or divine beings worshipped in Shintu).

The last kami born to the gods was Kagutsuchi, the fire god. He is said to have burnt his mother so severely during his arrival that she died as he slipped into the Land of Yomi, or the Japanese Hell. Izanagi's tears at Izanami's death were the source of yet other deities. Izanagi, so angered at the sight of his infant son, took his sword and beheaded him. The blood that collected on this sword thus formed eight martial kami, and eight kami of mountain and iron were formed from the blood pooling from Kagutsuchi's limbs.

Izanagi followed his beloved to the underworld to rescue her, but he found nothing was left of her but a rotting, living corpse. He ran away in fear, and she is said to have cursed his retreat. "Every day I shall kill one thousand people in the lands we created," to which he replied, "Every day I shall create one thousand five hundred people."

The fire god was the father of the sun goddess, Amaterasu, the Moon Goddess, and the God of Force, or Impetuous Male. The Sun Goddess and the Impetuous Male carried on with creation by biting off parts of the jewels and swords they wore and blowing them away. This is how numerous other gods and goddesses were born, as well as the heads of clans and the rest of mankind.

There are many different Hindu creation stories, though the belief in one supreme god is common, Hindu texts contemplate all divinities to be extensions of this god.

Brahma is the Creator of the universes, and the first in the triumvirate. The other two gods comprising the triumvirate are Vishnu, who sustains the creation, and Shiva, the destroyer of the evil. These 3 gods form the Supreme One who is behind all of creation and destruction—and these Gods create and destroy universes continuously. The length of time such a process takes is uncountable; however, one day for Brahma is considered 4 billion years for us. Also, according to the Hindu texts, whenever Brahma sleeps the world is destroyed, and every morning when he wakes up it is created again.

Brahma creates human beings and all life. All different species come out from different parts of Brahma's body. He created man as the first of the animals and the strongest. He created him from his own soul. One of the stories mentions that Brahma splits himself into two to create male and female.

In other manuscripts the sons of Brahma, are said to be creating all living beings, both gods and mortal creatures.

The concept of god in Hinduism is exceptionally complex and varies according to different philosophies and traditions.

According to the people of the Book, Adam, the first man, the first human being. God created Adam from a handful of soil containing portions from all its varieties on Earth. Angels were sent to earth to collect the soil that was to become Adam. It was red, white, brown, and black; it was soft and malleable, hard and gritty; it came from the mountains and the valleys; from infertile deserts and lush fertile plains and all the natural varieties in between. The descendants of Adam were destined to be as diverse as the handful of soil from which their ancestor was created; all have different appearances, attributes and qualities.

God honored the first human, Adam, in countless ways. God blew his soul into him, He fashioned him with His own hands and He ordered the Angels to bow down before him.

While worship is reserved for God Alone this prostration by the Angels to Adam was a sign of respect and honor. It is said that, as Adam's body trembled into life, he sneezed and immediately said 'All praise and thanks is due to God;' so God responded by bestowing His Mercy upon Adam.

In Every Narrative or Concept of the Creation of Man indicates that Mankind used to interact with the Spiritual Directly nonetheless With the Passage of Time Human Beings have lost the Ability to do so.

As If it has lost the Sight to perceive the supernatural.