
Chapter 2. pt.1

The man escorted us to the entrance of the ninety-two-meter stronghold, gesturing us through the entrance.

The walls were marble and had a boring but classy interior design, with a yellow-stained carpet that led throughout, and a crystal chandelier that dropped from the high cut ceiling.

"Welcome to the academy, we will assign you to your classes through a specialized test," he emphasized, his beady eyes focused on registering our facial expressions.

"My name is Alfred, and I am the director of this school if you have any questions feel free to ask now," his voice now stern and surreal. His traits were vague, shifting ever so slightly like how temperature can drop so suddenly. Questions pondered my thoughts, the dead silence made me incapable of raising my hand due to the fear of judgment.

A woman awaited leaning on a column, her eyes fixated on the director and his words. She motioned over budding in to announce what she was waiting so patiently to say.

"I am the assistant of the director and I would much appreciate everyone to follow me to the testing rooms," her voice echoed throughout the broad, and open main room making her sound louder.

She consisted of a slim figure confined in a tight black dress that made every existing curve noticeable. Her face was thin and looked delicate, her hair dominating her whole appearance with tight black curls that laid dormant on her shoulder blades.

Her heels clicked against the tiled floor as she lead us, determined to get set up as quickly as possible.

A room was staged in rows, lined with printed packets neatly on a small side table in the front of the foyer. A bitter, tar scent, stained the sheets with a deep black pigment stamped in a neutral font.

"I'm pleased to have you here, so please take a seat and begin with writing your name and date of birth."

I started eyeing the writing instrument, skeptical of its contents. I studied its smooth texture and its yellow paint that kept the wood from splintering off.

The sheet in front of me glowed a vivid white that had symmetrical borders framing each page equally. I could determine that it was newly inked due to the wet appearance and smell.

I scanned the pages, paying attention to questions that were asked of me. Some were simple and asked of what I knew of the subjects and what they covered, others were more direct to answer asking multiple equations to be solved.

Sweat escaped my pores, anxiety flushing my system with override.

Few finished early, most answering with guesses or incomplete answers. I figured most questions pertained to daily life, each varying in situations.

The pencil rolled out of my grip as I swiped the sheets off my desk, and towards the assistant's.

She barely looked up as I handed her the written test, anxious of the red marks that may parade it.

She corrected the papers faster than a carnivorous animal sprinting after prey, determined. She lined kids individually or in smaller groups to go to their designated rooms.

"Nevna vanguard, please come see me," her voice seemed vague, voicing each word emotionless.

I proceeded towards her, pointing my face down as if I were to be scolded. I felt her eyes drill into me and her perfume sting my nostrils.

"Nevna, you have extraordinary intelligence for a teen your age."

Her words made me quiver and my posture stiffen.

"Which means you are going to report to class 03, so if you may follow me."

I hadn't completely understood what her words meant, but by her expression, it wasn't an average class.

What was class 03?


The corridor possessed a much older appearance, each door frame engraved with a seamless design that made the area stand out. The hue was a deep brown pastel, with an antique glaze that made the walls appear shiny and smooth.

Papers were cased, stamped with a gold wax that sealed the value of it. A plate hung beside a pair of doors marked with the numbers 03, the only digits displayed in the area.

"We have attained the class, if you may walk in I have other kids to place as well," she grimaced, her lips curved into a half-smile.

"Wait I,"

The lady seemed to ignore my call, walking smoothly down the hall where we had come from moments before. I raised my hand balling up my fists, deciding if I should embrace this new environment or cowardly walk away from it. Thumping the door a few times, was enough to hear movement in the room and aggravated conversation.

The handle clicked and the door sprung open, revealing a small class with gray painted walls and small windows big enough to fit a baby's body through.

"Hello, looks like we have a new student," the teacher's voice was faint and welcoming, unlike the others previously.

"Please, find a seat and introduce yourself," she insisted, her posture facing the kids, her head tilting slightly towards me. The class did not lose focus, staring, as if I were an extraterrestrial being from an unidentified planet. Not meeting their gaze I sat in the first unoccupied seat in the back row, continuing to face down.

That same feeling sunk in, intense waves of energy as if I were being heavily stared at. I only glimpsed for a fraction of a second to see who was beside me, only to remain startled.

"My name is Nevna Vanguard," my voice remained unsettled as I declared myself informally.

"Cole Boyd, if you may explain to this young lady what our class does," the educator instructed, crossing her arms sitting on a far corner of a desk, tapping her upper sleeve.

He looked as if he had anticipated the whole thing, showing a sideways smile, glaring at the surface of his desk. It seemed he always had an unnerving look about him, making me feel as though I'm about to get enclosed on.

"We focus on Linear Algebra and Calculus," he spoke calmly, unsuitable for his dominating appearance and negative attribute.

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