
While Others Are Increasing Their Rank: I'm Creating A Game

In a world where some people possess extraordinary abilities such as controlling air, manipulating water, or having a superhuman physique, how can an ordinary and average person without such talents survive? In 1982, the world entered a new era as some individuals began exhibiting unusual powers. However, this ability only appears in one out of every thousand humans. Governments worldwide agreed to assign ranks to those who possessed these powers to maintain peace. Some individuals, known as S-ranks, possess exceptional abilities and are considered all-powerful by ordinary people. Despite the presence of these extraordinary beings, peace still prevails in society. Cedric Jacquier, a non-manifested individual, had one dream - to create a game and earn money. However, his dream was shattered when his old computer broke down, along with his three-year game project. Cedric was once again left in despair due to his misfortune. Cedric fainted due to malnutrition and health problems. Strangely, a blue window screen appeared before him. Cedric decided to recreate the game he had lost. This led to the creation of a hyper-realistic game that could transport users to another world. The game was called "Atlas" and it quickly gained popularity, with both ordinary people and enthusiasts eager to purchase the game capsule and experience the alternate reality. Despite assistance from the system, Cedric found that creating the game was still a challenging task. He had to develop a compelling storyline, design characters and NPCs to drive the plot forward. Despite facing many challenges, Cedric's determination and use of the Game Creator System enabled him to develop a game that has attracted over 5 billion players worldwide. It is renowned for its incredible graphics and lifelike quality, as well as its captivating plot and storyline. Prologue 1: "Atlas" The game known as "Atlas" and dubbed "with the title "Another World" was renowned for its hyperrealistic graphics. Both individuals with manifested abilities and regular people were able to enjoy the game. "Well hello there folks, welcome to Tonight's show with me your host. Michael Moore, and for our special guest the one and only! The Creator of Atlas with over 3 billion players worldwide! Mr. Cedric Jacquier!" The crowd cheered, many players who experienced the game Atlas were all excited to finally see the mysterious creator. As the red curtains were drawn, many gasped in awe, particularly the female players and audience. Meanwhile, the male audience felt envious. "Ohh hello there Mr. Jacquier, it's nice to finally meet you!" "The pleasure is mine." Cedric and Michael were seated on the sofa, and Michael's excitement was palpable upon seeing Cedric's arrival. He was also one of the select few players in the game. "Talent, wealth, skills, and a man with good looks. Truly you are blessed in many ways, Mr. Jacquier" "Well, I wouldn't call blessed." "Can I ask Mr. Jacquier? Where did you get the idea of creating Atlas?" "Well Michael, It's a long story. Well, I first created Atlas on my computer, it was a 2d game. Then from one problem rose another." "Oh, what kind of problems were there Mr. Jacquier?" "My computer got damaged, erasing the game from its data." "I see, but there are many news that you manifested is that true Mr. Jacquier?" "Nope, I'm not one of the manifested individuals. I'm just a common man, who created a game." "Then can you tell us how you became one of the richest men in the world?" "Well, Michael...In short, when others were busy trying to increase their ranks, I was busy creating the game." .... [A/N: Number of Chapters are random, but I update Monday-Saturday. Sunday is my rest day]

Nikhoollas · Urban
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74 Chs

Chapter 16: The Pact

"Your alive?"

"I'm home.."

Seeing Dux, Lenta began to cry, her sobs could be heard by the others. She hugged Dux, as she wept on his shoulders.

Cedric and Hnung remained in the forest to avoid disrupting the reunion between Dux and the others.

"Dux is truly loved by his tribe…This makes me miss everyone back home.."

"I will help you back home, besides Orcus has also given me a task to escort you.."

As the wails and sobs halted, Cedric and Hnung made their way to the tribe. Cedric was hoping to analyze Lenta's serious condition.

With Hnung, they made their way to the Tribe. As they got closer though, Fortis, Celer, and Callidus drew their weapon.

They had scared expressions seeing two beasts at the same time, Callidus was also starting to chant a fireball spell.

"W-Wait everyone!"

Dux halted the others.

"This wolf is the one who saved me, this is the goddess creation sent by her. And this ogre…It serves a friend of our goddess, he is the same as me. He has been attacked by a beast, and both of us were saved by the wolf!"

Fortis, Celer, and Callidus glanced at one another and put down their weapons, Their body relaxed.

While Hnung was looking at Dux, Hnung was ready that Dux would tell the others that he was the one responsible for Dux's presumed death. But not only Dux lied to the others, he even protected him.

[Everyone, it's been so long since I sent a message..]


The five of them heard the goddess's voice, they glanced at the wolf and the ogre and let them inside their small camp. Fortis and Celer began to cook some food for the guests to eat, they were very hospitable and kind.

"It's truly an honor to meet the goddess apostle, my name is Callidus. Thank you for saving Dux and escorting him home, please stay, Fortis and Celer are preparing food for you both to eat, it must have been a long journey.."

Cedric was truly happy that the Beastmen were hospitable creatures, he was proud that he raised them well.

"Yes it was a long journey, but I'm also here because of a task given to me by the goddess to check on one of the beastwomen."

"Do you mean Lenta? Thank goodness the goddess had sent you, we have been very worried for her health. She has been having trouble moving even walking, not only that she hasn't had proper nourishment in a week, she rarely has appetite and if she does eat, she throws it up…"

"Then lead me to her.."

Callidus lead Cedric to Lenta's hut, the hut was small and so Cedric could not fit inside, upon arriving Dux was inside tending to her. He was feeding her with a green liquid, Cedric presumed that the green liquid was medicine made by Callidus.

Since Cedric could not fit inside, he asked Dux and Callidus to get Lenta near him. He hadn't had a proper look at Lenta, since he was mostly just watching them from afar.

Hnung was with Fortis and Celer, he was learning how to cook and was being toured around the camp.

"It is nice to meet the goddess's apostle…"

Lenta's weak and trembling voice, she was pitiful in her state.

[Lenta is currently pregnant with not one, not two, but three Beastmen children!]

[Lenta's health is at a very low level, advising the host to make a pact with Lenta!]

[The host can now make a pact]

"A Pact…Do you know what a pact is?"

Cedric asked the three in return they shook their heads in answer.

"This is the first time we have heard of such a word.."

"Well, a pact is sort of a contract. Since you are Beastmen you are allowed to make a pact with a certain beast, once this pact is formed you will gain the beast's certain body parts and tendencies…"

"Are you implying to make a pact with Lenta, Apostle?"

"Yes there is not much time, if this goes on then her situation would get worse. I advise that we make the pact right this instant.."

"May I ask Apostle, why am I suddenly feeling this way?"

"Well you are pregnant, you are carrying children.."

"Pregnant? Children?"

Dux who heard the word children glanced at the apostle. He has heard the term children from Hnung.

And now Lenta was carrying children inside of her? Dux who remembered that night suddenly and immediately pieced the information he had gathered.

"Lenta's pregnant, with…my children?"


Lenta glanced at the surprised expression on Dux's face.

"You are carrying small Beastmen inside of you, three in total."

"Inside of me?"

"I don't think this conversation will go anywhere, I suggest we start the pact now. Every second passes your health is slowly decreasing."

[Lenta, make a pact with my apostle. Once the pact is completed the pain you are currently suffering will disappear.]

"Since my goddess has spoken then, I will accept. But what about the others?"

[The host can now make a pact with everyone in the Beastmen race]

"I will also add them to the pact.."

"Then let's start…"

[Make a pact with all the Beastmen?]


A surging ray of light enveloped Dux, Callidus, and Lenta inside the hut. But the most radiant light of them all was Lenta whose belly also had three shining lights.

As the three of them were being eaten by the ray of light, Fortis and Celer who were touring Hnung around the camp also was enveloped by the light.

They were transforming, and a wolf's ears and tail started forming, and they were all experiencing pain as some of their body parts stretched and transformed.

Hnung who saw that Fortis and Celer were enveloped by the strange light rushed at Cedric. He was anxious and wondered what was happening to the others.

"Majestic wolf something is happening!"

"It's alright Hnung, just bring Fortis and Celer here"


Hnung immediately went to fetch Fortis and Celer, he brought them, and the two passed out lying on the ground. Bringing them, they laid them down on the hut, the others were also passed out. The sheer amount of transformation was too much for them.

"They have your ears and tail…"

"That's a pact.."

"A pact?"

"The Beastmen need to make a pact to fully complete their transformation and to be fully called Beastmen. And now they have become full Beastmen by making a pact with me.."

Hnung nodded his head, him and Cedric decided to leave them alone, they were all asleep.

While the others were asleep, Cedric and Hnung were busy cooking the meat for the others to eat to regain their strength.

"They have an amazing home, they also have weapons… They have everything they need here.."

Hnung was roasting the meat, he was very new to all the tools and even the living quarters the Beastmen tribe had. He remembered the living quarters of his tribe, their tribe only lived in caves they found.

They also didn't have good clothing, unlike the Beastmen who were able to keep warm. But Hnung was delighted to see everything the Beastmen had made, he was already thinking of learning their skill so he could also help his tribe.

"It's alright you god Orcus will also help you.."


Dux who woke up, could see the changes on his body. He looked like he had grown taller, and his muscles were much more refined, dux took a glance at his hands, and suddenly without much thought claws emerged from his nails, dux touched his mouth and suddenly sharp teeth emerged.

But what made him even more shocked was to see a wagging tail behind him.

"A-A Tail!"

Dux had trouble standing up, he was shocked to see a tail, and suddenly he was naked. Not only that his hair was much longer.

Dux glanced at Lenta, she was even more beautiful and the pail and unhealthy look disappeared. But there was a strange three red tattoo marking on her face, and animal ears. Dux touched his head, he also had ears.

His hearing senses were much more refined and even his smell.


Dux could smell the fragrant aroma outside, without much thought he rushed outside to see the meat on the table. Dux rushed at the meat and began to eat it using his bare hands, he was incredibly hungry.


Dux turned around. His eyes and pupils were that of a wolf, his eyes narrowed, and he was staring at Hnung. Suddenly he rushed at Hnung with his claws out.

Hnung who sensed the danger, dodged, the strike from the claw resulted in a shockwave, the shockwave hit one of the huts and immediately it crumbled.

Hnung who saw the amount of sheer strength in just a strike was scared, he touched his neck, if he didn't dodge then he would have been incapacitated.

"Dux Stop!"

Dux who heard Cedric's voice, his eyes started to go back to normal. He glanced at Hnung who was looking at him with a terrified expression, he then saw the broken Hut.

"What happened?"

Cedric pointed his paw at Dux.

"You happened"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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