
The Pieces That Should Be

Jungkook was bewildered as he stared at the unconscious Mu Shao.

He was lying on the floor, the whites of his eyes showing. It was a bad way to faint.

Ever since waking up, Jungkook felt the rapid improvement of his body amid the pain.

The herbs and medicine given to him already started to take effect. He can now move around better.

Jungkook stood up from his bed slowly as he made way to the unconscious Mu Shao. He smiled helplessly as he stared at Mu Shao.

Mu Shao seemed younger than him, and he exudes an honest and happy going aura. Maybe I can trust him, Jungkook thought.

Jungkook started to lightly tap Mu Shao to wake him up, but at the moment of doing so, he remembered Namjoon.

If only he woke up as I tapped him to have our dinner..

Jungkook sighed, he had already stopped tapping at Mu Shao. With the sigh filled with loneliness and hurt, Mu Shao woke up, as if sensing the pain of his Young Master.

"Young Master are you fine? You seem so sad." Rather than inquiring the matter about Jungkook's barrage of questions, or be suspicious of his Young Master, he chose to worry.

Jungkook only smiled at Mu Shao's question.

"I'm fine Mu Shao, rather shouldn't you worry about yourself first? You're still lying on the floor." Jungkook moved to help Mu Shao up but he quickly refused.

"No! You must not exert yourself Young Master! A servant like me doesn't deserve to be helped up by my Young Master!" Mu Shao immediately stood up, as if he didn't faint a while ago.

"Young Master please sit down first. I'll answer your questions." Mu Shao prepared a chair for Jungkook and himself. He also brewed tea.

After settling, Mu Shao stared at Jungkook, trying to see through his thoughts. But what he only saw was his Young Master curiously tasting the cup of tea. As if he did not have tea on a daily basis?

"Mu Shao."

"Ah! Young Master? Yes?" Mu Shao was surprised with the sudden call of his Young Master, jolting him back to reality.

"You're staring. Do you have something you want to ask?" Jungkook was maintaining his calm, even though he was actually feeling lost.

"Ah.. Young Master, do you really not remember anything?" Worry crept on Mu Shao's face.

"It seems so. Let's just hope it isn't permanent. You don't have to worry." Jungkook smiled at Mu Shao, assuring him. He never liked worrying the people around him.

"Just give me a brief information about me for now. My name, this place, and my family would do."

"Young Master, your name is Tian Jiuguo. You are the third son of Master Tian Shifeng who is one of the generals of the current Emperor, Li Fengxuan. The emperor favors Master's loyalty and good morals resulting in the Tian Clan rising into power and gaining positive views among the people."

"The place where we currently are is called the Tianxiang Region, East of the Great Allied Continent. Our place is known for herbs and spiritual fruits resulting in a flourishing commerce. We are quite lucky to be in this region Young Master."

"Only that, we are near the Thousand Beasts forest that inhabits powerful normal and spirit beasts. They are stronger than normal due to their consumption of herbs native to the forest, whereas most of the herbs we produce came only from the boundary of the forest."

"Young Master is a man of talents, you excel in painting, martial arts, and swordsmanship! Though you rarely go out, you are often the talk of the ladies. Not many know your face but rumors say you are graceful and good-looking! Truly the child of the heavens!" Mu Shao narrated in awe, even his eyes were sparkling. He even looked smug, truly proud of his Young Master.

"Pfft. Child of the Heavens? They truly view me so high. I can't be that great. Anyway, I must be living a good life. Do you know who my Mother is? Do I have friends?"

Jungkook was quite surprised with his good life. It was very opposite to his life before, where his parents barely cared for him. He was the only son but he couldn't even be really called their 'son'.

"Sadly, Young Master's mother is already deceased. She died after giving birth to the current Young Miss of the Tian Clan. She is younger than you but is very aloof."

"As for Young Master's friends, due to your secluded lifestyle, there aren't many. Most are the servants of the Tian Clan such as me."

"Ah, I see. My Mother should have been a good woman, yes?" Jungkook was saddened by hearing that he won't have a mother here but he can't have all the good things.

He thought he would finally feel the care of a mother. But it's fine, one wouldn't know his losses if he never had such before.

"Indeed Young Master. Your mother was a very fine woman, her beauty was once known by many lands. But what's so special about her is her character, she is a very kind and caring woman.

She was also a powerful cultivator, reaching middle Qi Materialisation realm. Just a level below the current strength of your Father!"

Jungkook was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that his mother would be so great. He felt quite proud being affiliated to this woman, though he wasn't truly her son..

"Thank you Mu Shao. You may now take a rest since I don't need anything as of now and so I may also take mine. I wish to collect my thoughts for now." Jungkook now knew a little of the 'him' of this world. He should think of what he must do now.

He felt bad taking over someone's body with a life as great as this, specially that he resembles this person a lot. Nor the person is a bad one, how could he just die at the process of breaking through?


Jungkook went for a stroll at the Tian manor since he wanted to get a breathe of fresh air. Luckily, he immediately found a garden near his building. His house wasn't that big and he quickly located it by instinct. Must be the muscle memory of the previous Jiuguo.

He stared at the night sky. It was chilly but soothing. There seemed to be more stars compared to the skies on his past life.

Jungkook was gradually filled with loneliness, he was alone here. He was now the third Young Master of the Tian Clan, having a good life.

He should be happy, but he knew something was missing. He wanted to be with his brothers, where his heart should be.

What's the point of having a good life with no one to enjoy it with? The seven of them didn't have the best lives, but they were happy being together. It made their miserable lives better.

"I hope Hyungs are happy wherever they are now." Jungkook murmured as he stared at the serene night sky.

His murmurs reached the ears of a certain man in a distance and a whisper was given as an answer.

"The skies are still the same as before Jungkook. What's so special about it that you stare at it longingly?" No one but the man heard this as he turned around and left.

Jungkook's Chinese name:

Jeon Jeongguk: 田柾國 (Tián Jiùguó)

Source: http://aminoapps.com/p/2m9hf7


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