
What’s This

Beep Beep Beep it's five a clock time to wake up. "Stupid alarm it's so annoying, well better get up". As I slowly get out of bed I grab my wet suit and put it on. "Well I'm all ready to go surfing". I walk into my two car garage and grab my electric blue surf board with a bright green turtle on it. After I grab my surf board I walk out the side door of my garage and head towards the beach. Just as I start to head towards the beach I see a huge flock of seagulls. They all seem to be huddling and pecking at something that washed ashore. Now normally I would just keep walking and jump right in the water, but something was compelling me to see what they were pecking at. I slowly proceed to approach the seagulls and what ever they were pecking, I saw...

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