2 Louise Thoughts

Louise, dash with her soft sword to Daniella.

But Daniella, saw through all of it and jumped behind the cliff.

Louise almost fell to the cliff, with the force behind her she side way motion her body. Huuu... that's quite close. It thought.

She know to herself how dangerous this forest and below the cliff is dangerous the most dangerous all that go down there will never going to see the light again. as she was thinking.

She sighed in relief and had to go back to the capital with it's guards who was waiting outside the forest. Now that the miasma and the monster lurking in the forest is full of danger and she can't breath anymore with the miasma.

She run back to camp and order the guards that to go back to the Capital and she smiled in victory and seeing itself that she, Louise Berth, The daughter of the Marques, is walking on it's wedding dress walking to the altar marrying, the Emperor.

and she will be the Empress of the Eastern Empire.

She suddenly laughed evily that the guards outside who heard it gave shivers to their spine. They know the young miss plan. And have sold sweats in their back.


the next chapter:

At the Capital...
