1 One sided coin

Are you lost, with no idea where your relationship is heading to or maybe you are confused about the whole thing, if your love(your partner) is tired of the relationship and wants to back-out, maybe you are at the crossroad not knowing what is up next.

Many are left with this question with no one to answer them "where is the love he promised me?" having begin with a sweet love story that has all what your heart desire and all ingredient of "love made in heaven", and all of a sudden the love vanished into thin air, the attention you have at your fingertips at the beginning is now a scarce commodity and to make it worse it's now like blood diamond that you have to fight and kill for before you can get it.

Have you ever wonder why relationship that has all the quality and the ingredient of perfect love suddenly shipwreck with no hope of day light like the mighty titanic. the reason is not far fetch if only we understand humans nature and deal with it, with wisdom. Every human have the tendency to change nature the way chameleon changes color to suit the environment it is.

When you go into relationship with the wrong idea you either hurt your partner or hurt yourself the later will be sooner order than later. The reason behind the mess we see in relationship is because of the selfishness of human nature, you go into the relationship with the thinking of getting a perfect partner even though you your aren't perfect but you want a perfect partner, you have a flop yet you don't give a damn of what your flop are and yet you want a partner who is perfect without considering that they are humans filled with imperfection like you.

If you dont work on improving your character you will end up hurting your partner and make him or her regret ever considering the relationship. It is important we deal with our dark side only then we will be able to manage our relationship as well as our partner. As human we get tired of anything that frustrate us no matter how strong we are, it only a matter of time, we will wear out.

I hear people say all kind of nonsense by saying, he or she has changed, this is not the man or woman, i marry, how did he or she suddenly change and so on. But we must understand that u will never be able to know all there is about your partner no matter how long you have being together this is because circumstances define who we really are. Situations help us to fully express our inner self , it is not something we can control it is beyond us. This is the more reason you must work on improving your character and upgrade your personality.

You will ask me, if that will eliminate the problem, the truth is none of us is perfect and we can never be no matter how hard we try this is because we are humans full of imperfection but the good thing is this, the more you work on your personality the better it is for you to see the world from a better perspective and the easy it becomes when it comes to managing relationships and partner as well as people around you. It is the world a better place.

The worst of it is giving your heart and life to someone who does not respect you for who you are and have no regard for anything that concerns you and yet you still wants to stick to him or her, you have a partner that your value means little or nothing to him or her yet he or she is the most beautiful partner you can ever find on the planet.

You are putting your life in the hands on your enemy and i can assure you he or she isn't going to have mercy on you. Ask yourself this question: Who am i to my partner, how does he or she sees and regard me, how does he or she treat me in the public and when we are together alone at home?

After answering this question please apply come sense and save your from emotional and mental torture.

