2 chapter-2--Rumor

I'm Lisa I have told you about a incident of my life before.....

After my addmission in girl's school, my life's most horrific incident occurred when,I was bullied by other girls in school. And most frightened moment when they locked me up in a dark store room where I spend almost eight hours, I was so traumatized that I develop a serious mental condition of nyctophobia. I was saved by a girl , and later she became my friend ,her name is Suzy. Those girls who bullied me were expelled from school in case of bullying a junior class student. I don't know what happened after to them.

Now I'm 18 years old. I got addmission in my dream University of art , and applied arts is my major while Suzy got her major in music, fortunately we both are in some University and have same room in dorm..

Today was my first day in college everything was fine except a rumor that sounds weird, that is there is an vampire studying in this college too. I'm curious to know that, who was that vampire? Is our college really cursed??

I returned to dorm now and impatiently waiting for Suzy...

For discussing this rumor.....
