
Date:- 01.07.7602 - day 365

the time is 20 minutes past 3 am and it's officially been 1 year since the world was destroyed and the fold appeared. most citizens are trying to find a way across, others have committed suicide, some are giving up hope and some are just plain right stupid. today I am going to the market to stock up on supplies and then I'm heading north to my usual crossing point in the fold. I hope there won't be any attacks today but I highly doubt it. I'm heading out now and I will report my day when I arrive at my first destination along the way to my crossing point. wish me good luck, and hopefully see you later.

written by .....

occupation: bounty hunter

status: last bounty hunter alive, highest rank, master in all subjects

age: 18

appearance: white hair (extremely rare), red eyes (again extremely rare), body in good condition, has a few scars here and there, tattoo on her lower back, a rare beauty seen once in a melinnium, wears hair in a high ponytail, boots, weapons (for emergencies), clothes that are easy to move in, a black hooded cloak and family heirlooms.

personality: well, you'll soon find out... (thinks very highly of oneself but will never admit it in real life)

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