
Chapter 46: Yamai a new friend part 2

Then I helped Yamai up and arranged her clothes as best as I could.

With an authoritative tone I said.

Tadano: "Remember who you belong to and what orders I've given you. Don't push your luck Yamai. Understood?"

Still somewhat embarrassed by her actions and a little uncomfortable by her wet panties, the girl nodded.

We then returned to class before Komi-San had any strange thoughts.

Before opening the classroom door Yamai pulled on my clothes and said in a whisper.

Yamai: "W-Will you still give me… my other reward… right?" Her expression was shy and her cheeks were reddish, as she rubbed her thighs uncomfortably.

I smiled at her and took her chin in my hand.

Rubbing her lips with my thumb and with a bold smile on my face I said.

Tadano: "Of course… I don't go back on my promises… behave like a good girl and I'll give you all the rewards you want."I said as I continued to rub her lips."

Her eyes became cloudy and she unconsciously put my thumb in her mouth and she started licking lewdly.

Her breathing quickened, and her thighs began to rub against each other.

Tadano: "You know what will happen if you continue with that attitude, right?" I whispered in her ear, making her shiver."

Then she gave me a resentful and deeply embarrassed look, released my thumb, and took out a handkerchief and a mirror from her pockets. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she gave me an irritated look and entered through the door. As soon as she saw Komi-San, she ran over to chat with her.

As I watched them chatting animatedly, I said

Tadano: "I know you saw us. You're not allowed to talk about it with anyone. Understood?"

A trembling chubby figure with green hair emerged from behind a column.

I shyly speak.

Agari: "U-Understood, master. This obedient dog will not disobey your orders..." the green-haired girl said, although she seemed somewhat hesitant.

Tadano: "Speak…"

Agari: "Uh... I-I could... I could also be cared for by the master... I know my body isn't as attractive or slender as Yamai-san's. But I promise I'll do my best... so... do you think, master, that you could give me some love too?" The girl stuttered timidly, her blush reaching her ears and neck.


I knew this day would come.

Strangely, I no longer dislike the idea of trying out this chubby green-haired girl .

"To start with, your previous thinking was completely stupid. It's a voluptuous beauty throwing herself onto your plate for you to devour, and you stubbornly refused like a stupid dog while crying. Now that you've gone this far with Yamai, you realize that your previous concerns aren't as important as they seemed. It's just sex. As long as there are no feelings involved, it's just that. If you get bored of them, just throw them aside and stick with the one you truly love. Like that little turtle to whom you pay all your attention every time she appears."


I looked at the now trembling Agari and said.

Tadano: 'Continue with your help and support for Komi-San. If you do well... when I have some free time, I'll call you to give you your reward... be attentive to my call.'"

The girl stopped trembling in her place and looked up at me.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Agari: "Are you really going to accept my selfish request?" she asked.

I approached her and took one of her green strands in my hand.

Tadano: "You know?... even I wouldn't be able to resist that fiery body of yours or your cute face forever. Follow my orders, and you'll get what you want. Understood?" I said as I smiled at her.

Upon hearing my words, her sparkling eyes unfocused, and her breathing became erratic. Unable to contain herself any longer, she jumped on me, hugging me as tightly as she could.

I could feel those pair of weapons of mass destruction touching me.

Damn, they were big!

And so soft!

I really wanted to push her to the ground and fuck her into oblivion right now.

"*Cough* *Cough* wake up from your lust… right now there is no time to train the dog. "Hurry up and go back to Komi-San."

Coming to my senses thanks to the voice of my other self, I stepped away from the excited girl.

And then I went back to class.

Agari entered shortly after.

I could see Yamai giving me a strange look as she saw Agari enter shortly after me.

I ignored her and prepared for the next class.


The day passed without any major problems.

By the second break, I left the classroom under the pretext of going to the bathroom and used Agari to distract Komi-San for a while.

While Agari, Komi, and Yamai chatted, Yamai received a message and then looked at Agari, who nodded, and then Yamai excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Komi-San didn't notice the red tint on her new friend's cheeks as she left the classroom, nor the brief look of envy in the eyes of her other green-haired friend.

*Some time later*

*Staircase to the rooftop*

The sound of flesh slapping could be heard.

Faint but sweet moans could be heard if one paid attention.

In a corner of the highest part of the staircase, a boy and a girl were engaged in a wild battle.

Juices flowed like an open tap from the girl's crotch.

As she thrust her hips against the boy behind her.

The boy held onto the girl's buttocks tightly while covering her mouth with one hand, muffling her moans as much as he could.

The girl's eyes were a pair of hearts and she pressed hard inside her trying to squeeze as much as she could out of the young man.

The young man responded to her enthusiasm by biting her neck, causing a mixture of pain and ecstasy from the girl as she let out a great gush from hercrotch.

This continued until the bell rang signaling the end of the break.

The boy sighed in annoyance and let go of the girl.

She collapsed against the wall as she squirted in one last climax.

When she regained some of her consciousness, she approached the boy as quickly as her tired legs allowed.

When she was close she began to clean the young man's penis, filling it with licks, kisses and hickeys.

When she finished she helped him put on her pants.

Then he lifted her up and cleaned her with a package of wet wipes he pulled out of nowhere.

The girl wondered if the young man was the reincarnation of Doraemon.

She even tried to find a pocket when she was riding him earlier.

When they were both clean, the young man left first, telling her to wait a moment before returning.

The girl sat on the stairs thinking about everything that had happened so far.

Her uniform was disheveled as was her hair and makeup.

She was a mess, bite marks and hickeys that she had to cover up as best she could with her uniform.

Her panties were still wet and the young man's seed was still coming out from inside her.

Right now, she was just a used toy.

She wondered what she was doing.

After thinking about it for a while she shook her head and let out a sigh.

She then decided to start fixing her makeup while she took out a mirror from her pocket and her makeup from her bag.

When she saw herself in her mirror, a complicated look was reflected in her eyes.

Yamai: "Should I do it or not? I… I don't know what to do anymore… it's not like I can resist… he's much stronger than me… I… I really hate him!" she said as she clenched her fists.

75% -> 70%

Yamai: "But… but The feeling of his body against mine. When we come together and when he holds me in his strong arms... In those moments I... I just can't resist... Why do I feel like this? What is happening to me?" She said as she ruffled her hair in frustration, complicated emotions in her voice and a flushed face.

70% -> 72%

Yamai: "He has broken me… I really want to hurt him… I want to see him suffer… but I can't resist… my body betrays me… just feeling his touch… the feeling when he is inside me… I… Maybe I should let it be… And what has to happen will happen..."

72% -> 77%

Once she finished her internal debate and fixed her makeup, the girl stood up, fixed her uniform, and headed to her class. She was eager to see what her destiny would bring.

Author's note: "Well hello everyone, this author is sad. Due to an error with the Onedrive this author lost 3 chapters, he has tried to recover them but the tools ask for payment, and this author is poor so he will have to give his best effort and write again, by the way. This chapter is partly translated by chatgpt, it is still a bit confusing for this author, but he will get used to it I think? Anyway, remember to drink a lot of water and that I love you very much, sincerely your favorite depressive author.

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