

Yesser woke up feeling great because he had everything he could ever want, women, cars, houses and so much more

"Can some one tell me where we are heading tonight "sixtus yesser's best friend asked

"Are you done with the girl we saw you with the last time already? it hasn't been two weeks yet sixtus "

Leo said yesser's partner in crime asked.

"Of course she doesn't even do it like I want" sixtus said non chalantly.

"Can you both say something meaningful,  please it is so early in the morning  and i am already getting a stomach upset from all you are saying"

  In the eyes of everyone, he was a well to do model and part time actor but in reality he is filled with a void that no one could fill, he hasn't been able to get it off his chest ,not even to his closest friends and he felt kinda bad about it but that was all there was ,Would I be able to trust and love anyone again ? i feel like the whole world just wants me to make a single mistake, I guess that's what happens when I am  in the public eye, I can't even take a single step without everyone knowing where I have been . and also they are some clout chasers who would do anything just to trend even going to the extent of going to the same gym and even restaurant I go just so people will think we are together, I really don't want to embarrass those girls so I just laugh off at my interviews if such questions are brought up I guess me not clearing such rumors painted me as "the Playboy supermodel " but as long as long as it doesn't affect me more than that. he chuckled

"hey dude what is wrong? " Leo said nudging him on his shoulder with his shoulder

" nothing, just thinking about stuff that's all ,so where are we heading tonight ?" he asked with a grin but he really wasn't in the mood to party

"What do you have in the fridge? I'm starving "he shrugged practical Sixtus all he needs is food and sex to make him happy, that made him chuckle earning a stare from Leo .

" Are sure you're cool ??

"Yeah why wouldn't I be? I'm cool, just feeling kinda out of it today that's all" Yesser replied

"well, you know we are still gonna party right ?" Leo said.

we need to have alot of fun, this week has been quite straining on all of us , well, except sixtus I guess" they both chuckled.

Leo has always been the considerate friend, Sixtus just isn't used to showing his feelings at all and he was cool with it not like he was pressuring the boy .

But, he needed to slow down on all the partying he knew too well ,he won't listen to anyone's advice he only did things that are to his convenience, I might need to have a heart to heart conversation with him soon.

it is good to believe one of these days, he would come around when he meets the right person or not but right now ,Alot of things were going through his mind but Sixtus just says maybe because he hasn't gotten with an imaginary air quote  "any" in a long time. maybe the party could do  some good  or he could just go and warm the seats at the club because he probably wasn't ready to take any girl home .

just then, his phone chimed he grabbed it from the table to check ,it was his manager, Lee had wanted to remind him of the shoot he had the next day.

  all he knew was that, it was for an underwear brand and going through all this years in the industry he was quite familiar with those type of Ads, you would have to pose in only your underwear at times it can be with a female model but he mostly did the shoots alone.

Alot of times ,he was grateful for the model that didn't show up for his shoot because that was the reason he was here now

**10 years ago **

Feeling good he sat by the benches he was having such a good time aleast his parents were no where in sight he just wants the longest break he can get ,he loves his parents but they can be a bit too over bearning and he figured this vacation was a much needed one.The waitress comes with his order and smiles at him he smiles back politely. And grabbed his drink from the tray he turned towards his phone which had been put on airplane mode because he didn't really want anyone distracting his well

deserved vacation ,Deciding to go for a stroll on the beach he saw an older man shouting

"where the fuck did he go to ? I am a busy man does he feel he can ditch me anytime? my schedule is packed this Month"

and some colourful words followed after,  he felt bad for whoever this were allocated to but decides to continue walking he was enjoying the sea and the waves crashing by the shore causing water to splash him he closed his eyes and enjoyed the cold water on his feet not until he was stopped

" Sorry ,excuse me can I ask you for a favour? I'm really sorry but are you into modelling?" Yeser stared at the man confused but didn't really say much

"Not really but I have done photoshoots  does that make me a model ?"he said scratching the back of his head

"Well would you mind helping in this photoshoot the model didn't show up and basically I think this is the final straw for him so, do you mind please?" He said

"No problem it's all part of  my vacay anyways, so how does it work?". Yesser asked while they were both walking towards the photographer whom Yesser knew was a no nonsense man .

"well you have to..."

That was how he got here today finding out he actually met Calvin Klien and didn't recognize him was sort of a bummer considering he literally only wore his products ,the Ad came out and soon, he became a national treasure and here he is,  still going strong . he later got a few acting gigs here and there, deals were rolling in, every designer wanted to work with him. he was introduced to Lee by a mutual friend and since then Lee has been his manager and the man did a good job Everytime. he really didn't think him being Eygptian had it's advantages although some people literally ask if he is related to Pharoah how dumb right? really not everyone from Eygpt is a Phaoroah descent .although he was, he just didn't tell anyone. only Lee,Sixtus and Leo knew about it .

He moved to the kitchen in order to join the conversation he was really glad he had friends who cared ,that was his only comfort and also loving parents who have always stood by him in every decision he has ever made, but of course he had also decided for his parents to get a child because he really wants a younger sibling whom he could mentor because he was never lucky to get that older sibling figure when growing up ,that one they didn't agree on either way ,he loved them both dearly .

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