
When your mafia husband gets needy.


After doing all my work, I came out of the cafe.I started to walk towards my house.As i was walking my phone started to ring, so i saw the name.It was my mother. She is my step mother.My father married her after my mom died while giving me birth.I don't even see my biological mother's face. My step mom take care of me for 10 years.As i grow up she started to beat me and her daughter, my step sister she always make my fun infront of all school students.They treat me like slave.I try my beat to tell dad but they both come in between us.So can't even tell him how they treat me.

I pick up phone quickly,

'Yes mom' i say."Come home quickly" she said angrily.I know something bad is gonna happen.'Yea, mom i am coming' I said as I made my speed fast.

After reaching home, I opened the main door to  see my step mother and step sister sitting with someone.There were many guards around him as he is really rich."Come here daughter" she says sweetly and smirk secretly.I go there and sit beside her.That man who was sitting on the couch was seeing me up and down making me uncomfortable."Here sign this paper" he says while giving me some papers.I take that paper and read carefully. As I read the paper my eyes get teary, I stand up and say 'What the hell is this.I am not going to marry a person whom I don't know' "What are you saying honey, I am just doing this for your good future." my step mom said as she held my hand."Yes, unnie you are going to marry the billionaire, so what you need more." she said while hugging me. I pull her from the hug and go to that person.'See mister I am not interested in this wedding.I want to complete my graduation and please stop bothering us' I say in one breath.

After that he did something that made everyone shock.He slapped me in front of everyone. My eyes started to get teary.I have a habit of taking slaps but not in front of everyone.He holds my chin and makes me look into his eyes."You have to marry me right now or you will see your father dead body" he say making my heart stop for seconds.'He is going to kill my father if I not marry him.I don't have any other option.What I will do now.This all happen because of that two bit*hes.Dad I don't want you to leave this world.I will marry him' I thought for a while."Did you hear what I say?" he said as he squeezed my cheeks hard.'Y-yes.I am ready to marry you.' I say making him lose his hand.I take a glance at my step-mom and sister, they were seeing all things with a smirk on their face.'I really want to kill them' I think  then look back at the papers.

I take that papers and sign on it with my trembling hands.After signing paper I gave it to him."Good girl, now take your bags and follow me." he say in strict voice."Y/N your bags are ready" my step-mom say.'Ok mom' I forced smile towards her.She hug me and say "Your life is gonna be really good,wait until he will treat you as a maid." I take my bags and follow him.He open the car front door for me 'Wow, such a gentleman' I think and give small smile to him.I make myself comfortable.He also sit on driving sit and started the car.Our ride was silent no one say one word, so I think to break the                         silence.'U-um what's your name' I ask as he look towards me with his cold eyes."Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" he say making my eyes widen.'Means you are the biggest m-mafia' I mentally slapped myself for stuttering."What you think I am" he says, still eyes on the road.

We reached his home.He opened the door for me.I stepped out and looked at the house, no it's not a house it was a big mansion."Are you gonna stay here?" he asks as come to realise.'U-um no, actually your house is really big.' I say to make him chuckle.'He is really cute.Wait-what I am thinking.Y/N come out of imagination.'I think and smile at him.'Let's go.'

As we stepped in the house all maids bowed to us.I was still shocked how rich this man is.'Obviously Y/N he is mafia,he will be rich.' I think and mentally slapped myself."Alexa showed her her room." He said to one of his maid."Mrs.Y/N come with me" she says.I follow her."Mrs.Y/N this is your room.Make yourself comfortable and if you need anything tell me" she says while giving me a smile.

'No don't say to me mrs. it feels a little bit old' I say, making her smile fade."If I don't respect you,master will remove me from work"she says as I guess master means Taehyung.'Don't think about it just call me by name' I say and hug her."You are really sweet Y/N, please take care of master. He is really soft hearted."She says. I smile at her and say 'Don't think of it,I will take his proper care.'

After changing my clothes I heard a knock on the door.I open the door and see Taehyung"Come down for dinner" He says and goes down.'Hm, why are you so cold?' I say to myself while making pout and following him.We eat our dinner in silence.

*End of flashback.*

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